The general assembly of empires sat in absolute silence in the building which housed the League of United Planets, on the planet Terra. Suddenly, the silence was broken by the hideous, hissing voice of the Satharian ambassador. "FOOLSSSS!", it hissed. "You sssit talking. No action. The Ssssatharian Empire hereby WITHDRAWSSS itssself from the league!" It then turned and spat behind it's back. "You can't do that!" shouted an ambassador from the Galek-Nub empire. "This could mean war!" "Then war it isss," hissed the Satharian ambassador, slowly. The Satharian half-closed it's eyes, and viewed the Galek-Nubian through it's sinister, slitted eyes. The Galek-Nubian let part of his robe fall away, revealing the glint of a dagger. The dim lights of the general assembly's chamber glinted on it. "STOP!" yelled the Terran ambassador. "This assembly will not be tainted by blood!" "Sssso, you ssside with the Galek-Nubiansss," spoke the Satharian. "Ha! We shall side with no one, let alone the Terrans who use this assembly as little more than a place to spout there enormous ego!" yelled the Galek-Nubian. One by one, each empire severed ties with whatever other empire it knew. War was at hand. The question which was at hand was who should colonize what planets in the newly discovered Outer Rim. The Outer Rim was the only known place left in the galaxy with planets. The Terrans claimed they needed it because their race continually multiplies do to their short life spans, and they needed more space. The Satharians need more military bases. The Yllarians needed more planets to mine. Either one person wanted too much, or one empire wouldn't allow another to have what it wanted next to one of it's planets. One thing was certain - the planets they wanted would be gained through force, now. And the one who controlled the most planets in the outer rim would undoubtlably become the most powerful of all the races. * * * This is where you come in to play. You have been given a ship and some vessels; the most that your government could give you in this deep space area. You must, either by yourself, or with the help of others, controll at least 60% of the planets in the Outer Rim to win this war. By colonizing and fortifying planets, you'll be able to manufacture more goods and ships for yourself. You should expect aggression from other ships, and should not hesitate to attack others to reach your goal of 60% of the planets. Your entire race is at stake. Good luck. You'll need it.