Welcome to the world of QWK mailing CURRENT CONTROL MESSAGES Send control messages addressed to HOLOQWK, with the command word on the subject line, with any extra fields immediatly after it, the body of the message is ignored and discarded. Commands : ADD (no extra field data) This instructs HoloQWK to add a conference into your profile, the added conference is the one in which the message was written. DROP (no extra field data) This instructs HoloQWK to remove a conference from your profile, as with the previous command, the conference is the one in which the message was written. SETMAX (no extra field data) Causes HoloQWK to set up your mail pointers as though you had read all the messages in a selected conference. RESCAN (no extra field data) Causes HoloQWK to reset your mail pointers to the begining of the selected conference. MAXPACK n (Where 0<=n<=32767)(Effective during batch pack only) During midnight (or batch) packing HoloQWK will check the size of the already packed mail, if you have MAXPACK set at some value other than zero, if your waiting packet exceeds the MAXPACK value, your midnight pack option will be disabled until you manually reenable it, your mail packet will remain on hold MAXMSGS n (where 0<=n<=32767) Limits the number of messages that will be packed for you each time packing is started, either online or during a batch pack session. CITY 'city' Changes your address as held on the BBS - Minimum 3 characters PASSWORD 'password' Changes your Password to get onto the BBS - Use with care - Minimum 3 Characters BPHONE 'nnnn etc' Changes your Business Phone number record (data telephone number) HPHONE 'nnnn etc' Changes your Home Phone number record ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ New commands and options coming soon - watch this space !