{1} Macro Keys ---------- With Transcendence you may define macro keys. The number of keys you may define, and their length is decided by your Sysop. A macro key simply replaces a long string of text with a couple keystrokes. A good example of using this is for users who like to put their name/handle at the end of each message, instead of typing it each time you can define a macro as your name, and call that macro each time. To define a macro, go into the macro editor from the main menu. Type the number of the macro you want to change. Simply type in whatever you want. To put a "Return" character in your macro, place "@C" in it. To put an "@" symbol, put two @'s in a row (ie. "@@"). You may use Escape codes in your macros also. To call up the macros, hit ^A (Control-A). Then press a number 1 to 0. 0 would be macro key #10. If you have more than 10 macro's to use, call number 11-20 by pressing A-P on your keyboard, 'A' would be macro #11, and 'P' would be macro #20. It takes a little getting used to, but it is a big time saver after you get used to it. {47}