In this folder you will have found the file "UVK_5_8D.PRG". This is a demo copy of the current version of Douglas Communications' "Ultimate Virus Killer" in the state of development it was at on the date mentioned at the end of this text file. A full copy of this program is available from Douglas Communications, P.O. Box 119, Stockport, Cheshire SK2 6HW, United Kingdom, at a mere œ9.99. Prices outside the UK may vary. At the moment, the "Ultimate Virus Killer" is the best rated virus killer on the ST that has more impressive statistics than any of its competition, commercial or not. This demo version is limited in the following aspects: * You can only DETECT viruses, not actually KILL them. * You can immunize ONE disk each time you start the program. * You can browse through the list of bootsectors that can be repaired (commercial games, demos, etc.), but you can not actually WRITE any of these. * No extensive system status screen for memory analysis. * You cannot repair any damaged BIOS PARAMETER BLOCKS. * You are not eligible to submit ANY material for analysis. * You cannot use it as a desk accessory. The full version, of course, does not know these limitations. Additionally, it features the following: * Extensive manual on disk. * Description of ALL known viruses and their symptoms. * The list of application names belonging to the numbers you get in the system status screen. * Full support. This includes heavily reduced prices for updates and the possibility to send in unknown material to have it analysed by the program author. * Built-in context-sensitive on-line help. * Additional CPX Extended Control Panel module that allows you to use the basic "Ultimate Virus Killer" options from within any GEM program. * Automatic recognition of viruses and other resident applications in memory by means of an extensive system status screen. * Some extra bells and whistles. This DEMO version, as well as other DEMO versions, are Public Domain and may be spread as much as you want provided this text file is left intact and is left accompanying the program. The official program is NOT Public Domain. There are multiple demo releases of the various "Ultimate Virus Killer" versions. Try to get the latest one! The last previous demo release was December 3rd 1992. Now for the legal bit: We make no warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to this piece of software, its quality, performance, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The entire risk as to its quality and performance is with the user. In no event will we be liable for direct, indirect or consequential damages resulting from any defect in the software. Utrecht, Netherlands, February 26th 1993