.IMG Quick View Program by W.D. Parks Tweaking and this little doc by Chet Walters This is ShareWare in case anyone wants to shake the dust off their wallets and send in a fiver or so. This is also Copyright 1989 W.D. Parks so don't call it your own. Upload this anywhere as long as this doc accompanies it. Also note that this doc file is named with a ".TXT" extension so that if you have QVIEW14.PRG by Darek and his pal installed as an application with the TXT as the doc type you can look it over fast (I wish more folks would follow this standard). Also note that though the .IMG Quick View name is close but not really a match to Darek's Quick utilities, these programs are unrelated as to author/time/date/place and whatever else you might suspect. So, what's it do? This program grew out of an experiment in assembly linkage (nothing to do with automobile transmissions mind you). At any rate, it proved to be just about the fastest loader of an .IMG file to come down the pike since the .IMG file came into existence. When combined with Universal Item Selector II, this little thing can be a very valuable and fast tool for use in sorting out your massive collection of .IMG files. There is no other program quite like this one on the market today. This is a quick and clean (as opposed to dirty as the adage goes) way to get a look at your .IMG files and decide where ya wanna put 'em or even if you want to keep 'em. Since it remembers the name of the last .IMG loaded, you can load an .IMG, look at it, and hit any letter key so the fileselector comes up with the name on the selection line. If you have UIS_II installed, just drag the name from the selection line to the MOVE, COPY or DELETE button (depending on how much you liked the .IMG you just saw) and put it where you like. Then (or), select another .IMG to view. Hit the CANCEL button of the FSEL and you're back at the desktop. Hit the ESC key while viewing for the same result. Hit some of the keys on the NUMERIC keypad for some surprises (or try the cursor arrow keys or Clr Home). Hit any letter key or space for a new .IMG. This is presently all this little ditty does, but it's extremely useful as it is. However, here's what we want. We want some response on this. If we get some, whether it be a donation or just a note, we will add proposed improvements. We will add color compatibility (it only works in mono now). We will optimize it so loads off a floppy are faster. We will add file compatibility (Degas, NEO, MAC, WAC, PCX, GIF, who knows, the sky's the limit). We will add a hands off scrolling slide show. We will add a file conversion routine. We will add perhaps a print routine. However, if response is nil, we will add just that -- nil. You have now more than you paid for. You paid nothing and got a useful item. As it now stands, the ST shareware market sucks, but we hope you can change all that. Let us know. Here's how. E-mail on GEnie to C.WALTERS1 Snail mail to POBox 45, Girard, OH 44420 ($$$$ welcome) E-mail on CHQ BBS 216-758-0284 to Dr. Bob or Cryptic Wizard A yodel down the mountainside (from experience, this is likely what we'll get). Let us know..... 'Sup to you........