SPECGIF4.PRG converts Spectrum .SPC or .SPU files to GIF files, 320x200x256 colors. When you start the program a dialog box comes up; it has 3 options: interlace, non-interlace and quit. You'll get exactly the same GIF picture whether you choose interlace or not; it only affects the order in which scan lines are stored (interlace allows you to view a picture online before it was completely transmitted). Next comes the load file selector. Choose you Spectrum picture. Conversion takes about 7-8 seconds and then you get the save file selector. You can simply click OK, since the program automatically changes the filename extension to .GIF . Note that if you change the pathname when saving, it's remembered separately from the load pathname. Makes it easy when you want to convert a lot of pictures, let's say from SPECTRUM folder to GIF folder. When the file is saved you return to the startup dialog box; you can choose to continue or quit.