:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: Volume 3 - Issue 2 ATARI EXPLORER ONLINE 6 February 1994 :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :: :: ATARI .............. News, reviews, & solutions ............ ATARI :: :: EXPLORER ............ for the online Atari .......... EXPLORER :: :: ONLINE ................. Community .............. ONLINE :: :: :: :: Published and Copyright 1993-1994 by Subspace Publishers :: :: """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" :: :: Publisher ........................... Michael Lindsay EXPLORER :: :: Editor .................................. Travis Guy AEO.MAG :: :: Assistant Editor GEnie................ Ron Robinson EXPLORER.1 :: :: Assistant Editor CompuServe.......... Albert Dayes AEO.1 :: :: Assistant Editor Delphi......... Andreas Barbiero AEO.2 :: :: Assistant Editor Internet........ Timothy Wilson AEO.8 :: :: Atari Asylum ................... Gregg Anderson AEO.7 :: :: Unabashed Atariophile ..... Michael R. Burkley AEO.4 :: :: Atari Artist ................... Peter Donoso EXPLORER.2 :: :: :: :: Telecommunicated to you via: :: :: """""""""""""""""""""""""""" :: :: GEnie: AEO.MAG :: :: CompuServe: 70007,3615 :: :: Delphi: AEO_MAG :: :: Fnet: AEO Conference, Node 319 :: :: AtariNet: AEO Conference, Node 51:1/10 :: :: Internet: aeo.mag@genie.geis.com :: :: :: :: Internet subscription service: stzmagazine-request@virginia.edu :: :: (Internet subscription requests ONLY!) :: :: :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Table of Contents * From the Editors ............................. The calm before the storm. * Dateline: Atari! ............ Home at last, Atari's Bob Brodie meets the Atari faithful in his latest GEnie RTC. * AEO's Jaguar Developer/Title List ......... Only one new title, but it's our job to keep you informed! * Andreas' Den .......................... Transitions - UK Falcon hardware. * Enhance Your ST .................. Ed Krimen goes over utility programs, hardware upgrades, and lots of other ways you can turn your ST into a more powerful and useful machine. * Atari Asylum ..................... Gregg shows how easy it is to build a mailing label database in Atari Works. * 3D Graphica ......................... Timothy Wilson explains the basics of 3D computer programming. * Frontier: Elite II ............ Andreas is lost in a universe inside his own TT. Will he be able to make that last hyperspace jump back to reality? * The Unabashed Atariophile .................... The best in the latest PD and Shareware files for _your_ Atari computer. * GEnie News ........................... New files & happenings on Atari's Official Online Resource. * Developing News ......................... Barefoot's All Shook Up Cybercube Status Missionware off to Lillehammer Photo CD Offer * Shutdown ............................ Around the world and up your block. --==--==--==--==-- ||| From the Editors ....... Atari Explorer Online: The Next Generation ||| Travis Guy / | \ GEnie: AEO.MAG Delphi: AEO_MAG Internet: aeo.mag@genie.geis.com ------------------------------------------------------------------- Let's talk about my weather for a moment. One of the benefits of living here in Northwest Florida is the typically short (at least not overly burdensome) winters we enjoy. During our winter "season," temperatures often oscillate rapidly as spring approaches. It's been this way for the past week, as lows early in the week in the upper teens (about -7 degrees Celsius), gave way to highs this weekend in the upper 70s (25 degrees Celsius). Sure, we may yet see another Arctic blast or two before Cold Weather finally relents for another year, but the manner in which warmth (glorious warmth!) has returned always seems magical. One day, cold - the next, it's BEACHTIME! It seems criminal somehow to have already started one's tan in the first days of February. But, living by the Gulf of Mexico has its benefits and drawbacks. By summertime, its waters will have been slowly heated - a process that is just starting - and the winds that will come off of the Gulf will act as a steamy, wet blanket, keeping our daily lows at a level that our daily highs reach now. By next October and November, that steamy, wet blanket will have turned into a warm comforter, keeping our temperatures moderate, while winter chills return to other places. Change. Steady, slow, almost unnoticeable... until it's already passed you by. That's what the weather around here is like. Change is also what's been going on at Atari for months, and the signs are just about to start showing.... There's been rumors and negative press recently about how dismal the sales figures have been for the Jaguar, and how Atari is scrambling to find a miracle cure. I don't think that's the case. While Atari didn't reach its hoped-for 50,000 sales in the last few weeks of 1993, sales were good. Atari has slowed down its planned push, but only to ensure that things are done properly. Expect to see a push in the "Top Ten" cities within two months, followed by an expansion that will, if fates are kind, lead to full mass marketing of the Jaguar by this Christmas. By then, no one will be complaining about "poor sales." It does seem like it's taking forever for the next batch of games to make it out, but when they do, you will see why it will have been worth the wait. The next title, Tempest 2000, should be available in a month's time. Alien Vs. Predator, T-H-E JAGUAR TITLE (the title Jaguar owners are waiting to play, and the title 3DO'ers fear), should be out in early April. Around that time, watch as the first of the third-party titles start to appear. Again, by Christmas 94, no one will be complaining about a "paucity of titles." Welcome to this issue of AEO, your window on the World Atari. This issue may look very different to some of our newer readers. In case you weren't aware, Atari makes computers, and AEO was born as an Atari computer magazine. For those of you who just want the latest and hottest Jaguar news, here it is: there WILL be a version of Star Raiders for the Jaguar, due this summer. That's it for hot Jaguar news. But, there's a lot more going on under the surface - remember, water comes to a boil in its own good time. Read Bob Brodie's RTC, and the Jaguar developer list that follows it. For those of you who compute by the light of the Fuji, this is an issue for you! What's in here? Ed Krimen takes you on a tour of enhancements for your ST, Andreas reviews Frontier: Elite II (a hot game I've got to get my hands on!), Michael tells us about the latest shareware/PD uploads, and Gregg builds an Atari Works mailing label database (sample files included in compressed versions of AEO_0302). For those who have great dreams about Jaguar games, and who expect marvels on a regular basis, I've included a short article from our resident Jaguar developer, Timothy Wilson. Tim goes over the basic principles behind 3-D object programming. (Alas, nothing Jaguar specific here - there's that pesky Atari NDA!) Give us some feedback on this type of article appearing in AEO rather than AEO-PJ. For those (yep, that's four in a row!) who are Jaguar developers, there's a group of fellow registered developers who have started the Independent Association of Jaguar Developers over on GEnie. The IAJD is a support group to promote game development, to develop standards, and as a general information sharing network for registered Jaguar developers. Got an idea about developing some hardware or software for the Jaguar? There's someone in the IAJD who can be of help. Want to establish a standard? Propose it amongst your peers. Want to talk about systolic matrix operations? They know it like the back of their hands. The IAJD is a private, registered developers only group that can help in all phases of Jaguar development. The IAJD is located on GEnie in (Private) Cat 64 of the Atari ST Round Table (m475;1). Registered Jaguar developers can apply for IAJD membership by sending EMail to . You can send inquiries and general correspondence to the IAJD at . Normally, I don't like to promote upcoming articles, because writers have been known to miss deadlines. (No names.... :) But there's a great article that's going through the edit process now, and, barring an Act of God, will be in the next issue of AEO. It's the Official History of the development of the Universal Item Selector (UIS). For those (I had to get that in once more) of you who aren't aware, UIS is one of the most indispensable programs ever written for the TOS series of Atari computers. As you can tell by the length of this prattle, I'm over my bout with that nasty whateveritwasthatkeptmesickforamonth. Thanks to those of you who sent me convalescent mail! On with the issue. See y'all in two. --==--==--==--==-- ||| Dateline: Atari! ||| With Bob Brodie / | \ File Courtesy of GEnie ------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================= (C) 1994 by Atari Corporation, GEnie, and the Atari Roundtables. May be reprinted only with this notice intact. The Atari Roundtables on GEnie are *official* information services of Atari Corporation. To sign up for GEnie service, call (with modem) 800-638-8369. Upon connection type HHH (RETURN after that). Wait for the U#= prompt.Type XTX99437,GENIE and press [RETURN]. The system will prompt you for your information. ========================================================================== Dateline Atari with Bob Brodie Friday, Feb. 4, 1994 Host - Lou Rocha <[HoST] ST.LOU> Before getting started, some business about how an RTC works. While the RTC room is in Listen-Only mode, you can only address our guest when I let you talk. To get my attention, just /RAIse your hand. Just enter this from your keyboard: /rai I'll acknowledge your raised hand as soon as I can, but please be patient. I will let you know when your turn is coming up. Some other RTC commands are: /hel - Lists all RTC commands. /sta - Status (list) of everyone in the RTC room. /exi - Exit the RTC, but you remain logged onto GEnie. /bye - Log off of GEnie directly from the RTC. /rai - Raise your hand. Lets me know you wish to address our guest. /nam - Lets you change your nickname. Please use the /RAI command only once....... ONCE! :-) I will acknowledge you with a /send as soon as I can. Welcome to the February edition of Dateline Atari with Bob Brodie. For the first time in a while, Bob will NOT be doing the RTC from a hotel road far from home. I expect that tonight's RTC will be relaxed and informative. road=room :-) This week has seen a number of excited posts regarding the re-appearance of TT computers in the Sunnyvale warehouse. This, of course, is what Bob told us would happen a while ago. Now we can only hope that those TT's move out to the dealers with speed and assurance. Other recent events in the bulletin board include a growing number of discussions about Jaguar games. It seems like they are starting to appear in quickly increasing numbers - much to the joy of those fortunate Jaguar owners. We have also seen captures of various reviews of the Jaguar games that have been released. Suffice it to say that most comments have been extremely favorable. Let's hope the groundswell of excitement will continue to sweep the nation. Finally, it is really nice to hear that Bob will soon be able to spend more time online with Atari owners here on GEnie. Bob's expertise has always been appreciated and we all know that Atari has never had a bigger supporter than Bob... well, maybe John King Tarpinian :-) Bob, nice to see you again. May we have your opening comments, please? Welcome to the February installment of Dateline: Atari! It's a pleasure to once again join you on our official online resource, GEnie. It's even more a pleasure to report that after conducting the last three editions of Dateline: Atari from various parts of the US, I'm finally back in California! Tonight, I'm logging on from Atari's headquarters in Sunnyvale, California. As you may recall, our last session came to you live from the '94 Winter Consumers Electronics Show in Las Vegas. As we were conducting CES, James Grunke was hard at work on our suite for the NAMM Show. In something of a turn around for Atari, we had a suite at NAMM rather than a booth, and took a booth at CES, rather than a suite. NAMM was overshadowed by the great earthquake that had struck southern California just days before the show was scheduled to begin. Some of our key partners, like Barefoot Software, Steinberg Software and JBL have had their businesses and their homes damaged beyond repair. Our friends at Die Hard Game Fan magazine sustained so much damage to their offices that the building was condemned. The home of publisher Dave Halvorsen was demolished in the quake as well. Jeff and Dana of Barefoot Software report that the quake occurred practically directly underneath their offices. They have sustained major damage to their building, but not their sense of humor. They report that "the mail service hasn't been affected, it's as intermittent as always. The mail is delivered during all four of our seasons; floods, drought, firestorms, and earthquakes." Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you in southern California. Despite all of the challenges that life has thrown at these people, they are bravely continuing on with their lives and businesses. The latest edition of Die Hard Game Fan arrived in my office yesterday, and looks fabulous. They have some terrific photos from CES, including a picture of one of our presidents (although he is not named in the photo), Sam Tramiel. The picture of Sam was taken of him in the booth, wearing a Jaguar T-Shirt. Barefoot Software wants everyone to know that their offices will be closed for approximately 15 days, and all of their products are available via the 17 Guitar Center locations. Let's talk about some of the new products that were shown at NAMM. Steinberg Software released a number of new products for their Atari line. They showcased Cubase Audio Falcon, which is the first integrated MIDI/Digital Audio Recording and Score printing program for the Atari Falcon030. The Falcon provides 8 Audio channels that can be freely assigned between Hard Disk Recording Tracks, RAM Tracks, and a number of voices for Sample Playback. Simultaneous playback of 8 Tracks of hard disk recording or 4 tracks and 4 voices of sample playback, all coming out of the Flacons integrated digital to analog converters: Digital Audio recording, Effects, MIDI Recording, and Score Printing, everything happening on a single computer with a single piece of software!! Also new from Steinberg is The Studio Module for Cubase. It helps you get your MIDI studio organized. A total recall function re-configures your whole setup at the press of a button. All memory data of your connected MIDI gear can be saved in one global file. The self-explanatory graphic user interfaces makes getting into the program fast and easy. Studio Module gives your four new windows from within Cubase: Studio Setup Window, where you define your setup; all MIDI connections, MIDI patchbays, etc. The memory manager window handles the memories of your MIDI gear. Here you control all of the load/save/send and receive operations - separately for each connected MIDI instrument. You can choose from different file formats, and add a comment to each file. The bank window enables you to view all memory contents of connected gear by name. Click on a name and the program change is sent automatically to the corresponding instrument - no need to worry about numbers, banks anymore. This Bank window is also available directly on Cubase's' arrange window - from now on you select all of your sounds by name. A general MIDI (GM) map is also included with the Studio Module. The Macro Edit Window you can macro edit a group of the most common synthesizers, FX-processors, etc. More than 80 drivers, most of them with an edit page, are included in the Studio Module as supplied. You can even created drivers of your own by using the device maker. The number of supported parameters varies from instrument to instrument. Cue Trax is another one of the new products that Steinberg showed at NAMM for Atari computers. Cuetrax is a tool for film and video scoring, matching music to visual cues or syncing Cubase to live music or tape. It will help you in restoring lost sync tracks to mix music and tempo based events. It also makes it possible to create music that contains many tempo changes, accelerandi or ritardandi. Steinberg also is discussing an upgrade for the Atari Falcon030 for Avalon, their program for sound genesis and transformation. Steinberg was also active on the hardware front. They showed their Adat Computer Interface (ACI), which give you total remote control of your Alesis ADAT Digital Tape Recorder. The ACI is a two-way interface which allows MMC commands to control one or more ADATs and at the same time send the ADAT's proprietary timing information, translated into MTC to the computer sequencer. All ADAT functions are controllable from within Cubase. You won't lose a track just to record SMPTE. With Steinberg's ACI hardware, adding 8, 16, or up to 128 Digital Tape Tracks to your Cubase becomes a matter of simply connecting some cables. The final product that Steinberg showed was the SMP-II, which is a professional computer controlled MIDI interface and SMPTE synchronizer for Falcon and Atari ST/TT computers. The 19"/1 unit rack module gives you two MIDI INS and four separate MIDI OUTS that can be patched freely. The SMP can read and generate all common SMPTE formats. But tonight, we also want to talk about more than just music. We've also been very busy on the Jaguar front. Following our terrific showing at Winter CES, we've been bombarded with requests from retailers wanting to carry the Atari Falcon030. We've begun our national roll out with two of our retail partners, Babbages and Electronic Boutique. Our national print advertising campaign is continuing to run, with full color two page advertisements in video game magazines for both the Jaguar and the Lynx. On the Jaguar front of things, current release date projections are as follows: Tempest 2000 late this month/early March, Club Drive in March, Checkered Flag II in April, Alien vs Predator in April, Kasumi Ninja, Tiny Toon Adventures, and Star Raiders 2000 all available in June. Beginning in March we expect to see some of the first third party titles for the Jaguar become available. We've also begun expanding our company from within. We're starting to add more staff to some key areas of our company. We've expanded our support staff in customer service, and we're adding on in other spots throughout out the company, including the game test areas, finance, art department, and administration. This is very good news, as we have been running very lean for quite some time now. I've put in requests with GEnie for additional accounts for some of our staff to get some of the software test group online here to help beef up our online presence on GEnie. With that... I'll conclude my opening remarks, and let's take some questions Lou!! <[HoST] ST.LOU> Thanks, Bob. I have almost finished reading my capture :-) First in line we have Charles Smeton of NewSTar... developers of the FANtastic program... STraight FAX! <[Charles] C.S.SMETON> I have had a difficult time locating any stores with Jaguars. I have called Games&Gadgets/EB, Babbages, Toad Computers and others all have been without Jaguars for several weeks and some have only one or two extra games. Has there been any problems in Jaguar production/distribution? ga Charles, we're just in the early stages of shipping the product out to our partners for the National Roll out. The demand has been exceptional. You should be able to find the product in Maryland at Babbages and Electronic Boutique, as well as Toad. I'm sure any delays in getting the product there will be overcome soon. <[HoST] ST.LOU> Charles, a followup? Please bear in mind that as we begin shipping in "National" style quantities, that the shipments are sent to only one or two warehouses. From there, the stores are responsible for getting them out to their specific locations, not Atari. For example, Toys R Us only has two warehouses that we deal with at present, one in LA, and one in New Jersey. ga <[Charles] C.S.SMETON> G&G/EB and Toad did have Jaguars before Christmas, but when I called G&G/EB and Babbages neither knew when another shipment was expected. ga Right, but none of them (except for Toad) were _SUPPOSED_ to have Jaguars before Christmas. They aren't in the NY/SF area. And just as our product allocation was diluted in NY/SF by people shipping outside of those areas, the same thing is happening now. ga <[HoST] ST.LOU> Ken Stevens is next <[Ken] K.STEVENS1> Hi Bob, can you give us some current production numbers on the Jag and the number of units sold thus far. Oh, by the way, I want Kasumi Ninja.....Yesterday!! :-) GA I don't have any other production numbers other than the ones that we announced at CES, which was 20,000 units sold in two months. Typically, Atari doesn't release those numbers at all. ga <[HoST] ST.LOU> Thanks Ken. Brian Harvey is next up. First I would like you to pass onto the "powers than be" my vote of thanks for Pradip for working on the BPS (Black Page Syndrome). I know he will have it working soon. Second I know you and the rest of the crew is doing a great job and thanks! Finally the question {grin}: Is the ATARI computer dead except for music? I read the opening remarks and I know people with Falcons but daily I know of friends who no longer can get enough out of their ATARIs. NOT ME! No sir, not YET. However, can we expect a realistic schedule for future general purpose ATARI computers? GA. oops, that's expect not except {grin}. I should mention that members of the Nova Scotia ATARI Computer User Group asked me this question. Brian, I feel strongly that the answer to that is "no". I didn't include information in my opening remarks about some of the things that were shown at NAMM that James saw privately in our suite. For instance, there is a 040 board that looks like it will be available in April, as well as high rez video digitizer. <[HoST] ST.LOU> SCOOP! The video product will be available in the same time frame. With products like these, we should be able to shore up the other major concern about the Falcon, which has been the 16 Mhz 030. We have a good inventory of the Falcons, and continue to build the product, albeit more of the no HD models. ga <[HoST] ST.LOU> Brian, anything else? Any chance this year of a separate computer and keyboard running at 040 built in? GA I'm not prepared to announced any new computer products tonight, Brian. Sorry! <[HoST] ST.LOU> On to Ed Baiz. <[Ed] E.BAIZ> Hi. Let me say that I am glad you cleared things up about that false rumor about the Jaguar production being stopped because of a defect. Is Atari still making TT's and Falcons? And is there any info on the Jaguar computer that I read about in ST Format? ga Hi Ed, yes were are still making TTs and Falcons. Check Lou's opening remarks about TTs, and my last statement about Falcons. Re the ST Format article, I haven't seen it. It's been pretty common speculation, but right now we're only building Jaguars as a home entertainment unit. ga <[HoST] ST.LOU> Next we have Greg. Go Ahead Greg. <[Greg] G.K.> The recent InfoWorld had some comments about the Jaguar II, including the "fact" that it will use a PowerPC chip. Any comments? Also, I wanted to know when we could expect to see Jaguar advertising nationwide. Hi Greg, if you look at the article in InfoWorld carefully, you'll see where Cringely says "Here's another fantasy..." Which the rest of the article is, especially the part about Atari having a resounding lack of success so far in selling the Jaguar. There is simply no truth to that at all. We have no plans to add a Power PC, and frankly, I don't know how we would maintain our price point with that chip on board. The article also descibes the proposed machine could attach a SCSI hard disk and use it as an Oracle server...I've personally never seen an Oracle server that just a 17 key game controller rather than a keyboard, but what do I know??? :) Re your last question regarding advertising, the national print ads are running now in the video game mags. The TV ads will begin during the first quarter in the top 10 markets. ga <[HoST] ST.LOU> Pat Forister is next and 7 people are in line <[pat] P.FORISTER> My Jaguar has a weird power up problem. Sometimes when I switch between games the new game does not load. Right after the Jaguar cube appears it will just lock up. I have to leave the unit off for several minutes to correct the problem. I have also had Raiden crash on me several times. I am not alone, several of my friends experience power up problems with their Jags as well. It is embarrassing and irritating when I showcase my Jag to people that have never seen one before. GA... Pat, I apologize for the problems that you have encountered. Unfortunately, with any piece of hardware, these problems can occur. This is part of what we hoped to learn about the Jaguar during the test market that we did. Have you contacted your dealer to try to obtain a replacement unit from him? If not, I suggest you do so. In the event that your dealer will not exchange the unit, then please follow the instructions in your manual for returning the unit to us. We'll be happy to exchange it for you. ga <[HoST] ST.LOU> Good advice. Next we have James Vogh. <[James] J.VOGH> Can you describe Star Raiders 2000 for the Jag? Does it have a classic mode for us 800 owners? Does it have texture mapping? ga I haven't seen that one yet, James. I'm addicted to Tempus at the moment. :) Sorry! ga <[James] J.VOGH> Can you describe Tempus 200 then? opps, 2000? ga Tempest 2000 has four versions of the game Tempest, Tempest Traditional, Tempest Plus, Tempest 2000, and Tempest Dual. In Tempest Traditonal you learn how to move on the web that forms the Tempest playing ground, and how to target your enemies. Tempest Plus is a combination of traditional Tempest and 2000. You have the option of playing alone, with another computer controlled helper known as the AI Droid, or with the help of another player in cooperative mode. Tempest 2000 has power up, new enemies, and cool bonus warp worlds. And Tempest Dual is a head to head player match up for one on one competition. ga <[HoST] ST.LOU> John K. from NJ is next. Welcome, John <[john] J.KANTARJIAN> When will a couple of third party games hit the shelf? ga Hi John, we're expecting to see some of the third party titles start to hit next month, and more in April. ga <[HoST] ST.LOU> We look forward to that list. Next is Rob Quezada <[Rob] R.QUEZADA> When is the RGB cable for Jaguar coming out? Can I get it through the Atari dealer near me, or do I have to order it direct from Atari? The Composite video gets a good picture, but I would love to see how good the Jaguar would look on my SC1224. :) GA. You can order the RGB cable NOW from Redmond Cable. Call them at 206-882-2009. There are also drawings online here on GEnie that are accurate with the pin outs in them. ga <[HoST] ST.LOU> Thanks. Randy Perry, come on down! Is Atari considering, or will it consider, writing networking software so us Mega STe, TT, and Falcon owners can take advatage of the localtalk port on our machines. There were several developers working on this but they all dropped out because they thought they would never get back their investment. I'd love to print to my Laserjet 4M using appletalk. ga We asked for a proposal from a developer of a network software. He felt that it wouldn't be a horribly big task for them to do. However, the proposal never came in from them. :-( At this point, I suggest that you use PowerDOS from View Touch Systems. It works with most setups. ga <[HoST] ST.LOU> On to D.Engel, aka Thunderbird! <[Thunderbird] D.ENGEL> Welcome, Bob. Thanks for coming... I'd love to know when more of the 'secret' developers are going to be announced (so I can brag about them), and please tell us that "Tempest 2000" supports a paddle (I checked, the code would be trivial). go Ahead! Well Dave, we will announce more of the developers when we have their ink on the contract. :) We're trying to do a better job with PR by ensuring that we don't say too much too soon about any of these guys. I hope you can understand that. Re Tempest...actually, there are some moves in Tempest that are better done with the current controller, rather than the paddle. I'm sure you will be pleased! I felt the same way you do "Gimme a paddle you guyz!" but became comfy with the controller fairly quickly. ga <[HoST] ST.LOU> T-bird? <[Thunderbird] D.ENGEL> Okay... I can understand the importance of secrecy. I just think you could get a lot of respect if the names I've seen are "inked". Can you give release dates for any games yet? (P.S. Call me "Doug")... ga! All of the names that we have released are indeed inked. I can't give dates tonight, but I'll try to get that information by sometime next week and post it here. ga <[HoST] ST.LOU> Thanks. Now Dave Shorr is ready <[Dave] D.SHORR> Some of the Sega Genesis displays can switch between cartridge ports; does the Jaguar kiosk have this capability? GA. Dave, what we did with the kiosk is make it a "real" Jaguar, and then have a locked sliding plexiglass cover over the game unit. It's easy for the store to just unlock the plexiglass, and then reach in to change the game. ga <[Dave] D.SHORR> When can we expect to see the kiosks in the stores? GA. Some of them are already out there, one of our distributors in New York called me Wed. to tell me how happy he was with it! ga <[HoST] ST.LOU> Good stuff! Fruitman is next. <[Fruitman] G.GEORGE3> Hi Bob! I was at the Software Etc. in Lakeland FL last week and I was being my usual nosy Atarian self asking about (what else) the Jaguar. And they said that they wouldn't carry the Jag unless Atari kept their promise (on contract I think) to continue Lynx softs. Is this true? ga We are not planning on selling the Jaguar to Software Etc at this point. It has nothing to do with Lynx software. There is another business issue with Software Etc. that stands between us selling the Jaguar to them. At this point, I can only suggest that you check with Electronic Boutique, Babbages, and Toys R Us for the system. ga <[HoST] ST.LOU> Next we have Pat Forister <[pat] P.FORISTER> Care to comment on the top 10 TV ad markets? Who are they, what are they, where do they come from???? :-> Please PLEASE say San Antonio GA.. We're not prepared to release those names tonight, Pat. :) The numbers (as in top ten) are the same ones that most of the TV stations use in determining the size of the market. I could be wrong, but I don't think San Antonio is on that list. Houston, yes. San Antonio, no. ga <[HoST] ST.LOU> Here's Davey from Florida. Welcome Davey. <[davey] D.HAUPERT> 'sssupp BOB it's happenin' Davey <[davey] D.HAUPERT> I have a few questions, the first being when is the CD ROM gonna be out? the second being when is the VR Helmet gonna be started? The CD ROM will be available in the summertime: somewhere between June and September. I haven't seen a release date on the VR Helmet, but I know that we're already working on it!! ga <[HoST] ST.LOU> On to Ken Stevens <[Ken] K.STEVENS1> Bob, on the 040 board for the Falcon.....is that an Atari product or third party? Does it act as a cache accelerator or does it take full control of the computer, providing it's own 32 bit memory etc? By the way, rumour is that the low power 603 (Power PC chip) will go for less than 100 dollars, possibly keeping the Jag close to its price point, if Atari decides to use it. GA It's a third party product, James wouldn't have had to have it shown to him in the suite if it was ours! :) He'd be showing it!! :) At this point you know about as much as I do. We'll be sure to share more info as it becomes available, though Ken. Thanks for your interest! ga <[HoST] ST.LOU> Next we have La Mesa, CA..... GA P.BLAGAY Hi Bob, hows it going? I was hoping you could give me more info on Iguana software, doing Mortal Kombat for the Jag. It would be a great way to draw new users to the Jag. Also, any news on maybe an NBA Jam convert. Saw, the SNES version by Iguana and it's great. Thanks. Actually, the stuff about Mortal Kombat is something that we'd rather not comment on at this point. You're correct that Iguana is a terrific development house, and we've had a number of discussions with them. Sorry, wish I could say more on it. ga <[HoST] ST.LOU> Thanks :-) Darrell, your turn. <[darrell] D.SWEETLAND> Can you please give more detail on how to move around on Tempest... please Darrell, that would take a lot of time to do tonight, since I don't have a prepared text file on that. I'll tell you what, I'll be sure to get a text file next week and forward that on to the gang at Atari Explorer Online Magazine. We'll let them print the story. :) ga <[Andre] A.FOSTER7> Will Akklaim develop software for the Jag,I would love to see NBA JAM.,and will their ever be a Jag computer,or add on accessories to convert it to a computer? ga. Actually if you take a look at what Akklaim has done over the last few years, they really haven't done any original stuff. They've done ports of the Williams arcade titles that have done well. :) We are talking to them, but they haven't signed up yet. Re: the Jaguar computer, again... I'm not prepared to make any new product announcements tonight, but it would seem to be a reasonable thing to do at some point in time. ga <[HoST] ST.LOU> On to Tim at AEO GA Tim... <[InternetTim] AEO.8> OKeydokey... I want a joy STICK, not a 'pad', any word on one? I'm gonna wire my own if one isn't available. Not from us, Tim. We have had some discussions with third party people that are interested in making such a device, and we're happy to work with them. Most of the developers really like our controller, because it offers them so much flexibility! ga <[HoST] ST.LOU> N. Kaplan from Dallas... Bob, what's the latest on Capcom titles for the Jag? ga We have had some very serious discussions with Capcom. They are very, very interested in the Jaguar at this point in time. But so far, they haven't signed. It might be that they are just waiting for us to hit a certain installed base before they sign on to develop. However, we'd welcome you writing them a letter encouraging them to write for the Jaguar. ga <[HoST] ST.LOU> Dan Iacovelli is next, Bob <[Dan I.] D.IACOVELLI1> Hi, Bob is chi town (Chicago,IL) in the top ten market? please say yes .ga Yes ga <[Dan I.] D.IACOVELLI1> Thank you Bob. <[HoST] ST.LOU> Dan, you happy? <[Dan I.] D.IACOVELLI1> Very happy. <[HoST] ST.LOU> Let's move on to Davey again <[davey] D.HAUPERT> Hello, I just wanted to thank you for the screen shots and take this time to beg for some more. They really are _great_ free advertisements ya know! :@) Hi Davey, glad you like them! We'll try to get some more up soon. ga <[HoST] ST.LOU> Travis Guy, Mr. AEO! <[Travis] AEO.MAG> Hi Bob! Now that CES is a month behind us, can you expand on how well the Jaguar was received? Have any new relations started with other retailers? If so, care to name names? ;) ga Hi Travis!! The Jaguar was wonderfully received at CES. We met with virtually every big name retailer you can imagine at CES! (REALLY!!) With some of these companies, this was just the beginning of the relationship... they wanted to come and see the unit firsthand to check out the Jaguar for themselves. Many of them are continuing to discuss terms of sale, etc with us. Some of them have asked for a test in a set number of their stores! Like... welllll... maybe I better not mention names after all... sorry! <[HoST] ST.LOU> Tease! It would be too off the Wal <[HoST] ST.LOU> I can already envision Travis' next editorial... :-0 ga <[HoST] ST.LOU> Doug is back... <[Thunderbird] D.ENGEL> How are you making out with EGM? Their recent issue praised the jaguar in one section, and flamed it in another. They couldn't review their way out of a paper bag. What are your feelings about them, considering 1/2 of their readers want a Jaguar (Heh heh heh) ga. Hey, you noticed that, too??? :) They're pretty inconsistent. One month, Ed Semerad says Cybermorph is one of his favorite games. In the same issue, they say they can't cover the Jaguar cause they don't have one. The next issue, they give one of Ed's favorite games a 40 something. We're still working at the relationship. They're due in here later this month to take a look at the stuff we're working on. I met a lot of their staff at CES, and was amazed at how very young everyone other than Ed was. ga <[HoST] ST.LOU> GA Travis <[Travis] AEO.MAG> Bob, when could we expect to see the Jaguar go MASS market? Not just national. XMas 94? ga Travis, certainly by there. Part of that will depend on how the discussions with some of the retailers go. We have already been meeting with mass market retailers. ga <[HoST] ST.LOU> Our last question of the night comes from Sir Fransis.... <[Sir Fransis] K.DRAKE> I've been discussing multi-player games recently and was wondering if Atari's working on any special licensing agreements or hardware that would allow multi-play w/one game cart. ga <[HoST] ST.LOU> Ooops, missed Kent, Bob. Right after Sir Fransis. Hi Kenneth, yes! We are very excited about doing multi- player things with the Jaguar. In fact, one of the things that we are very careful to point out to developers when we sign them on is the multi-player capabilities of the Jaguar. I don't have a specific title to refer to at this point in time, though. ga <[HoST] ST.LOU> Back to Kent.... <[Kent] K.CAVAGHAN2> Bob, bear with me if this has been raised before.. As a former disk vendor in the ST market, I'm very concerned about the present market and computer support. What can you tell me about future plans for improved and realistically priced computers?? ga Hi Kent. Nice to see you tonight. We began our time tonight reviewing some of the new music applications that came out for our systems at NAMM, and we've got TTs in stock again. We're very much committed to the Falcon. We were shown an 040 board at NAMM by another developer. We have plans to make it more attractive to sell our products by dealers, which the dealers will learn of very soon. ga <[HoST] ST.LOU> Well Bob... I am sure you are happy to be home for THIS conference. I won't keep you any longer. Thanks for coming. Have a safe drive home from the office and see you online! GA Thanks, Lou! Our gatherings here on GEnie, our official online resource have come to be one of the events that I really look forward to. I truly enjoy them. It's even nicer when they can be done from Calif. --==--==--==--==-- ||| AEO's Jaguar Developer / Game List 1.3 ||| Compiled by: AEO / | \ GEnie: AEO.MAG Delphi: AEO_MAG Internet:aeo.mag@genie.geis.com ----------------------------------------------------------------- The following developers and game titles have been confirmed to the best of AEO's ability as of February 1, 1993. While no dates are tied to any of the games, they are hoped to be out by the end of 1994. The "S" flag reflects any "e"rrors, "u"pdates, "n"ew games, or new "d"evelopers since the last list. Titles in brackets (e.g., [Cybermorph]) have been completed and are available in the US. Bear in mind that the titles on this list have gone through a confirmation process - there are a dozen or more titles that are going through the rumor mill, and when confirmed, will appear here. Conversely, there are a few developers (one is a "rock" from Atari's past!) who have confirmed they are joining up, but wish to make their own announcement - and AEO respects their wishes. S Developer Titles under development " """"""""" """""""""""""""""""""""" 21st Century Software - Pinball Fantasies 3D Games Accolade - Al Michaels Announces Hardball Brett Hull Hockey Busby in Clawed Encounters of the Furried Kind Charles Barkley Basketball Jack Nicholas Golf Activision - Return to Zork CD-ROM All Systems Go - Hosenose and Booger Jukebox Anco Software Ltd. - Kick Off World Cup Argonaut Software - UNKNOWN CD-ROM Atari Corp. - Battlezone 2000 [Crescent Galaxy] Club Drive MPEG 1 and 2 carts n Star Raiders 2000 Tiny Toons Adventures VR Helmet Atari Games Corp. Attention to Detail - Battlemorph: Cybermorph 2 Blue Lightning (For Atari Corp.) [Cybermorph] Brainstorm - [x86 Jaguar Development System] Beyond Games Inc. - Battlewheels Ultra Vortex Dimension Technologies DTMC Eurosoft Gremlin Graphics Ltd. - Zool 2 - MORE Hand Made Software - (For Atari Corp.) Kasumi Ninja High Voltage Software id Software - Doom: Evil Unleashed Imagitec Design Inc. - [Evolution Dino-Dudes] [Raiden] Interplay - BattleChess CD-ROM (MORE?) Krisalis Software Ltd. - Soccer Kid LlamaSoft - (For Atari Corp.) Tempest 2000 Loricel S.A. Maxis Software Microids - Evidence Commando Microprose - 3D Gunship 2000 - MORE SIMULATIONS Midnite Software Inc. - Car Wars Dungeon Depths Millenium Interactive Ltd. Ocean Software Ltd. Park Place Productions - UNKNOWN TITLE (American Football) Phalanx - Phong 2000 (Space?) Rebellion Software Ltd. - (For Atari Corp.) Alien vs. Predator Checkered Flag II Dungeon Silmarils - Robinson's Requiem Telegames - Brutal Sports Football Casino Royale European Soccer Challenge Ultimate Brain Games - MORE? Tiertex Ltd. Titus Tradewest - Double Dragon 4 - MORE Trimark Interactive U.S. Gold Ltd. - Flashback UBI Soft International - Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis - MORE V-Real Productions - Arena Football Horrorscope Virgin Interactive Entertainment Ltd. - UNKNOWN ("Movie title") Virtual Experience - Indiana Jags Zozziorx (MORE?) --==--==--==--==-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --==--==-- Delphi Sign-Up Information --==--==-- -- -- -- -- To enroll as a Delphi subscriber, modem call 1-800-365-4636. Press -- -- [Return] until you see "Password:", then type IP26 [Return]. -- -- -- -- Answer all of the questions, and you'll be cleared for Delphi -- -- access in a few days. If you have questions about Delphi services, -- -- give a voice call to Delphi Member Services at 1-800-544-4005. -- -- -- -- --==--==-- Delphi Sign-Up Information --==--==-- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --==--==--==--==-- ||| Andreas' Den ||| By: Andreas Barbiero / | \ GEnie: AEO.2 Delphi: ABARBIERO --------------------------------------------------------------- A new time, a new place. In this transitory phase for Atari, the movement between the ST line, and the beginning of the DSP era, communication has lagged. The old time glossy magazines in the USA have faded, but the quality information that they carried is still out there, and still needs to be communicated. The arrival of the of on-line services and the Internet has given rise to a successor to the glossy magazines. Atari Explorer Online is heir to this. The Atari Falcon030 was the start of a new line of computers, which of course met with praise and complaint. Some wanted it to be the successor to the TT030 and the Silicon Graphics Indigo, others wanted it to be a "Super ST" - it became something in the middle. So, here in 1994, in the shadow of the Jaguar game system, Atari computers are more alive than ever - although this would not be evident from the information out there, and the distance between some Atari users. Services like GEnie, which is the official place for Atari support, and other wellsprings of Atari-dom like Delphi, have done wonders for the dissemination of information and the happiness of Atari users. //// The Brit Invasion! Over in the UK and Germany, Atari has lost ground, but is still strong. The recent price drop for STfm computers in the UK and the arrival of the Falcon030 in Germany has resulted in all sorts of neat items, stuff which American users are dying to get ahold of. Titan Designs Ltd. for 1994 has not slacked off of product design for the Atari at all. Information reaches me from all sorts of people, this time an old friend from California called me one night to talk about the catalog he received from the UK. I asked him to send me a copy and he promptly sent one out to me. In it I found reference to items I had not heard about before, specifically, some items referred to as the Graffiti and Fresco video genlocks, and the Expose Digitizer. These products, as much as possible reflect their commitment to "the entire Atari range of products, especially as we ensure compatibility of all our products with the existing Atari ST computers wherever possible." This is good news, especially for existing ST owners, who like me, have held on to their older machines because they did not have any income to spend on new ones, or they were waiting to see what would follow on to the Falcon030. For those of us who can't wait for a "possible" new Atari computer in the volatile '94 computer market, there are some decent Falcon030 enhancements that really put it past the TT030, namely the Eagle Sonic, and Mighty Eagle Sonic cards. These cards are available in the UK, (also through Titan) and may soon be available in the USA from dealers like STeve's Software and the other great guys out there. Some people have claimed that there is only about a 143% increase in speed with these cards, but this may be due to the benchmarks being run in STRAM, and with fast RAM, like on a TT030, even larger speedups should be forthcoming. I won't quote this as being gospel as I cannot verify any figures. Fast RAM and a 32MHz clock rate should really do wonders with a stock Falcon030. I am awaiting more info on the digitizers and and genlocks, but for now I do have the price of the Graffiti genlock device which runs about 153.15 UKP. (1 UKP = 1.50 US make it cost about $225.25.) Not bad. This one is designed to work with the ST/STe line, and as SOON as I get the info I will write up a press release for you all. Titan also carries the Reflex graphics cards, which are now at lower prices, ~$250. These cards allow an ST/STe to use full page monitors, and overscan on existing Atari monitors. These cards have been for sale for quite some time, and I won't bore you with the specs, but they are definitely worth the price. OK, here is the Titan address so you can get more info, or if you are a dealer you can call them on product availability. TITAN Designs Ltd. 6 Witherford Way, Selly Oak Birmingham 829 4AX UK Tel:021-414-1630 Contact them! Software is still coming along for the ST line, and alot of it is shareware. Recently I downloaded a Monochrome only game, Shocker 2. Monochrome? Doesn't matter, this game is good. The game is similar to Oxyd where you navigate a ball around series of screens and figure out some really fiendish puzzles. This one is for all of you who DON'T LIKE GAMES, really! Would I lie to you? In conclusion, I would like to ask you all a question. There seems to be a group of people who are really uninterested in entertainment software. I want to ask people who read AEO if they would rather I not write game reviews to tell me... your input is important to me and I want to help you make AEO into the magazine that you want to read, always! I am waiting to hear from you! --==--==--==--==-- ||| ST Enhancements ||| By: Ed Krimen / | \ GEnie: AEO.5 ---------------------------------------------------------------- With the new Falcon out, some of you may be wondering how you can soup up your existing ST with performance similar to a brand-new Falcon. Well, I can tell you at this point that in order to get the features that exist in a Falcon, you're going to need to buy a Falcon. But some people may want to simply upgrade their current machine instead of buying the latest and greatest, and that's what this article is going to help you do. Software and hardware upgrades are the two basic types of enhancements that one can make to his existing computer. Software is usually the least expensive of the two, yet it can still offer stunning performance increases. Hardware enhancements are usually more expensive of course, and depending upon the type of component that is purchased, they too can offer a dramatic incrase in productivity. The first task that must be made when upgrading your computer is to analyze your current system and diagnose where its shortcomings are. For example, it makes no sense to run a blazingly-quick 9-millisecond, 500-megabyte hard drive with the obsolete and ancient TOS 1.0 or 1.02. To obtain the best performance possible from that drive, you should at least upgrade to TOS 1.04 or higher, which has improved code for interfacing with hard drives. TOS 1.04, which costs under $60, can make a world of difference with that $500 hard drive. If you're into graphics applications, like desktop publishing, computer-aided design, or 3D animation, you might want to investigate the purchase of a processor accelerator which will decrease the time it takes to make those time-consuming, complex calculations. Software really is the heart of the computer. In the past, people thought that the central processor or the amount of the computer's storage space determined how powerful or useful a computer would be. But as the graphical user interface has demonstrated in the past few years, software is what gives a computer its power and makes it productive for its user. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Interface =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The interface that a computer program uses to allow the user to control the computer is perhaps the most significant element. Only with recent developments in graphical user interface (GUI, pronounced "gooey") technology has this factor become evident. Studies and personal experience have shown that the majority of people can be most productive using a software program with an easy-to-use and well-designed GUI. The ST was developed with this thought in mind. As you know, the Desktop is much easier and usually faster to use than a command line interface, which requires the user to type in commands to operate the computer. However, the Desktop on the ST, with its floppy drive, hard drive, and trash can icons, was only the start. Clever and creative software developers knew that the mouse and keyboard could be even more powerful than just what the Desktop offered. //// NeoDesk After three generations, with a fourth on the way, NeoDesk takes the desktop metaphor a giant leap forward. Its features are too plentiful to list, but they include items not even found in Atari's latest Desktop model, NewDesk. NeoDesk sports features such as desktop macros, split windows, the ability to view icons and text in separate windows simultaneously, different font sizes for text display, notes on the desktop, intelligent disk-to-disk copying, built-in printer queue, sophisticated icon editor, advanced text file display, and much more. NeoDesk enables the user to get much more out of his desktop. NeoDesk enhances the way you would work, introducing new features, simplifying some functions, as well as making others much more flexible than even NewDesk. With so many features, you may think that NeoDesk will become much more difficult to learn. But this is absolutely not the case at all. "Scribbling" or entering a small note on the desktop is as easy as double-clicking on any area. You should see my desktop background; there are notes everywhere, reminding me of things to do, places to go, and people to call. Other functions, such as displaying icons and text in separate windows, is quite natural, and yet Atari's NewDesk won't let you do it; all its windows must be displaying either text or icons, and you can't have one with text and another with icons. Another example is that NeoDesk lets you change the size of the font when displaying files as text. This feature lets you display more items in the window at once; NewDesk doesn't let you do this. //// Hotwire The other type of desktop replacement is called Hotwire and it's from Codehead Software. One could describe it as a cross between a command line interface and a GUI, but that would be short-sighted. At the heart of Hotwire is a list of all the programs you use most often. Hotwire's display contains four columns each with twelve programs that can be displayed in each column, with the ability to load other sets of program listings on the fly. Hotwire streamlines the execution of your application and utilities. Instead of searching through folder after folder for the program you want to run, hit a pre-defined hot-key or click on the program's name, and Hotwire will run that program. When you're finished and you quit the program, you return to the Hotwire menu. Configuring Hotwire to tell it where to find your programs is an easy, one-time process; selecting the Hotwire slot which you want to represent your program will bring up the item selector, which you use to find your program in your directories. //// Maxifile Hotwire is only half of what Codehead Technologies offers as its desktop replacement. The other half is called Maxifile, and it's responsible for all of the file maintenance duties, such as copying and moving files, viewing and printing files, and a myriad more assorted tasks. It basically enables complete control over the status of files. What's especially convenient with Hotwire and Maxifile is that they're seemlessly integrated. Hotwire has a button on the bottom of its screen that allows the user to quickly call up Maxifile to perform any file maintenance operations. In addition, Maxifile can be installed as either a desk accessory or an application, and when it's installed as a desk accessory, you can call Maxifile from within Little Green Selector, which is a shareware replacement file selector from Codehead Charles F. Johnson. Say you're in your favorite desktop publishing program and you're just about to load a file. At that moment, you spot a file that you want to move to another directory. If you have LGS and Maxifile installed, you can bring up LGS, select the Maxifile button, and move it. /// UIS III LGS and Maxifile is a good combination, but my favorite utility for this type of operation is Universal Item Selector, which has been at version 3.32 for over two years. It's essentially a combination between Little Green Selector and Maxifile, that doesn't take up as much memory and is less expensive. It may not have as many features as Maxifile, but it has all the basics, such as file moving, copying, renaming, deleting, showing and printing. You can create new folders, format disks, and search for files, all while you're inside an application. //// Multidesk Deluxe Another indispensible Codehead utility, called MultiDesk Deluxe, can also be seemlessly integrated with Hotwire, similar to the way that Maxifile can, via a button at the bottom of the screen. In this manner, Hotwire provides the ability to execute desk accessories the same way you would execute programs from within Hotwire - with the click of a mouse button or the press of a hot-key. Even without the integration that it has with Hotwire, MultiDesk Deluxe can also be very useful without it. MultiDesk Deluxe enables the user to install more than six desk accessories in his system. MDD will install itself into one of the six regular slots in your system, and then from that one slot, you have access to dozens upon dozens of desk accessories. And if several dozen desk accessories isn't enough for you, MultiDesk can be installed inside itself to gain access to even more. Furthermore, MDD allows you to install desk accessories two ways: resident and non-resident. A resident desk accessory is one that remains in memory all the time, similar to a desk accessory that you would normally install in one of the desktop's original six slots. Desk accessories, such as screen savers, that must have access to critical system vectors in order to operate, are usually those that are required to be installed as resident desk accessories. A non-resident desk accessory is one that doesn't consume memory until it's needed. This type represents the majority of desk accessories in my system. Calculators, calendars, small games, and configuration desk accessories for programs like Data Diet and Data Rescue, are examples of my non-resident desk accessories. I have a total of 64 desk accessories in MultiDesk Deluxe, only three of which are resident. //// PopIt! One desk accessory that never gets any lime-light is one that I can rarely do without. It's called PopIt! and is half of the PopIt! and LookIt! package from Codehead Technologies; LookIt! is a sophisticated file viewer. Similar to the way Hotwire lets you execute programs with a hotkey, PopIt! lets you execute desk accessories with a hotkey from the desktop or any GEM program with a menu bar. Pressing Alternate-Left Shift-U brings up the Universal Item Selector on my system. Control-1, Control-2, and Control-3 bring up STalker, STeno, and Cardfile respectively. Alternate-Left Shift-C executes an excellent calendar desk accessory called Calendar 6.3 from Bill Aycock. Alternate-Left Shift-D will display the configuration desk accessory for Data Diet. Alternate-Left Shift-R displays the Control Panel. PopIt! allows the user to custom configure any combination of Alternate, Left Shift, Right Shift, or Control key for use with any regular key to make desk accessories pop up. PopIt! also works with MultiDesk Deluxe, so you can select both resident and non-resident desk accessories with a keypress, and you don't have to wade through a long list to find the one you want. //// XBoot If you have a tendency like I do to collect a lot of AUTO folder programs and desk accessories (you should see my C: drive!), the need often arises to disable some of them. Since these utilities must be activated or deactivated before the desktop appears, programs or "boot managers" as they are sometimes called, that enable the user to select which AUTO folder programs and desk accessories will load, must run at the beginning of the load sequence in the AUTO folder. Without question, my favorite of these boot managers is called XBoot from Gribnif Software. At version 3.0, it's simply magnificent. Unlike other boot managers, it has a very easy-to-use and well-thought out GEM-like interface, so you can use your mouse to hit buttons, move slidebars, and other GUI objects to select the items you want to load. For configurations that you use most often, you can configure "SETs" that, with the click of a mouse button, configure you system the way you want it. An item selector is even featured in XBoot, so you can move, copy, delete, and rename files /before/ you get to the desktop. Finally, XBoot has a well-done (although slow) reorder mode, with which you can change the load order of desk accessories, AUTO folder programs, and even Control Panel eXtensions (CPXs). //// Our facination with utilities All of the aforementioned utilities possess easy-to-use interfaces and features that enable the user to operate his computer more efficiently, which in turn, produces greater performance and productivity. In one example, if the user wanted to copy, move, or delete some files from one directory to another while inside an application and he didn't have LGS and Maxifile or Universal Item Selector, he would be required to quit the program, drop back down to the desktop, and perform the functions there. Once that was completed, he would have to reload his program and continue his work. With large applications and large data files that take a good amount of time to load even from fast hard drives, quitting a program simply to do some file maintenance is an inefficient use of time and money. In addition, if you must free up some disk space to save your file, you really can't exit back to the desktop to make room because quitting the program means losing your work! In this case, LGS and Maxifile or Universal Item Selector become absolutely necessary! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Picky, picky =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ST owners are a very picky bunch. They demand the best performance possible from their computers. Performance doesn't mean a super-fast processor or tons of RAM to play with. You can have fantastic performance with a stock 68000 running at 8Mhz with one megabyte of RAM. In this case, performance means getting the most out of what you have, and the good ST developers know how to do this from software. //// Warp 9 The first item on our list is and always has been a definite must-have for ST users. In one form or another, screen accelerators have always appeared to boost the computer's performance from the lowly, sluggish crawl that you get right out of the box. In the past, we've had Turbo ST and Quick ST, and NVDI is popular in Europe. When Darek Mihocka, author of Quick ST, wanted to move onto other projects, he sold his product to the Codeheads, who have renamed the program to Warp 9 and taken it to astronomical heights. Quick ST had an unfortunate reputation for being incompatible with some programs. Warp 9 takes it 180-degrees and makes it quite compatible with virtually everything, even automatically disabling itself for specific problematic programs. Codehead Technologies also added a whole slew of exciting features. The first one to be added was a fantastic mouse accelerator. You have your choice of four pre-defined settings, with each being completely reconfigurable for each different resolution that you boot in; you can have four separate default settings for low resolution, four for medium resolution, four for high, and so on. Each setting can be customized by the user, who indicates how many pixels the mouse pointer on the screen travels for every unit the mouse on the pad travels. For instance, I have Warp 9 set so that when I move the mouse one unit, the mouse pointer on the screen moves one pixel. However, when the mouse moves nine units, the pointer moves 99; the ST defaults at nine which means that if you want to move the mouse pointer on the screen large distances, you're going to need to move the mouse even larger distances. Warp 9 adds others features to enhance your control of the mouse. There's an option to make the mouse wrap from one edge of the screen to the opposite edge when the pointer is moved off the screen. There's an option to prevent the mouse from entering the menu bar unless the right mouse button is pressed, and there's also an option to "jump" the mouse pointer into the menu bar from anywhere on the screen when the right mouse button is pressed. Warp 9 has one more feature that's worthy of mentioning. Many of you must be familiar with After Dark, a popular screen saver for the Macintosh and Windows environments. Warp 9 has a feature called Extend-O-Save which allows user to have a modular screen saver, much like After Dark. You can load different types of screen savers depending upon your preference. Codehead has also released documentation so you can program you own modules. As you can see, in addition to speeding up your display, Warp 9 also includes a good number of extra, useful features. Few users who have witnessed Warp 9 will ever remove it from their system. //// ICD Never is a discussion about hard drives for the ST complete without the name "ICD" being mentioned at least once. ICD has been synonymous not only with durable hard drive hard drive hardware, but also with quality hard drive software. The difference between ICD's software from Atari's or Supra's is immediately apparent when you boot the programs. A well-engineered, handsome interface greets you with an abundance of features. ICD offers a variety of utilities for use with their hardware; some of these utilities, such as DESKTOP which enables you to swap hard drive partitions, are unavailable from Atari or Supra. ICD's formatting software provides complete control when formatting your storage device; you can specify the size of partitions simply by kilobyte, or right down to the sector. There are also cache and verify settings which enable you to additionally increase the performance of your hard drive system. In the past, ICD has required that you use their software only with ICD host adapters. Their software wouldn't work without ICD hardware in your system. Now that Atari is releasing computers that have standard SCSI and IDE interfaces that don't require host adapters, ICD is releasing their "Professional" series of utilities which enables Stacy, Mega STE, TT030, ST Book, and Falcon030 users the ability to use ICD software without the added expense and bulk of a host adapter. //// Geneva Gribnif has recently introduced a revolutionary product for Atari computers called Geneva. While most of its magic is contained under the hood, its interface provides easy-to-use multitasking for existing applications, in addition to enabling the use of the keyboard for accessing menus and buttons. Real multitasking is something that's been longed for on the Atari platform for sometime, and while other applications have somewhat succeeded in delivering this dream, Geneva offers a complete solution: efficient AES multitasking with an intuitive interface. Every Atari computer owner should get Geneva - the ultimate enhancement. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Significant Bits =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= One little-known feature of programs that run on machines with TOS versions 1.04 and later is that if you enable the fastload bit on those programs, they will load much faster. The fastload bit tells the computer not to clear the remaining amount of memory before the program loads. Without the fastload bit set, the computer will try to clear the RAM that isn't currently used. On a four-megabyte machine, programs can seem to take forever, especially those loaded from the AUTO folder; on a one-meg machine, the slowdown may not be as apparent because there isn't that much RAM to clear. Desk accessories also have their fastload bits set; however, it's recommended that they not be set for various software compatibility reasons. Pinhead is a shareware utility from Charles F. Johnson that runs from the AUTO folder and replaces the fastload function. It's also built-in to Warp 9, so you don't need to run the Pinhead program separately. It's recommended that Pinhead be used instead of the fastload bit for compatibility reasons with some programs. (Details can be found in the Pinhead documentation.) For TT030 users, there are a couple of program bits that can also be set to increase performance. Like the fastload bit, there are "load in TT RAM" and "run in TT RAM" bits. If you have TT RAM, programs can be made aware of it by setting those bits, so you get an extra performance boost. One program that I am aware of that doesn't like its bits fiddled with is Calamus SL, a desktop publishing program that has a built-in virus protection feature. If you change its bits, it will think the program has a virus. For SL, just leave its bits alone, and it will still use ST RAM and TT RAM appropriately. There are a number of programs, desk accessories, and CPXs that will enable you to change the status of the fastload and TT RAM bits. Atari's PRGFLAGS uses a decent, Mac-like interface to change the bits; it's available on many networks and BBSs and is freely distributable. Codehead's Maxifile will also let you change the programs bits. Finally, FILEINFO, a shareware CPX from Dieter Fiebelkron, will change the programs bits, as well as perform other file functions, such as moving, copying, and deleting individual files. =-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Upgrades =-=-=-=-=-=-= One last item to remember about software performance is upgrades. Developers who deliver quality products and support are always upgrading their software. An upgrade can consist of anything from new features to bug fixes. If you're using an out-dated piece of software, you might want to contact the company who published it; they may have an improved version that offer substantial performance over your existing copy. You should take this step especially if you buy a new computer or upgrade your TOS, because old software may not work well or at all with new versions of TOS. The updated software will likely have support for new features in the new TOS version as well. When you think about increasing your computer's performance and your productivity, you dream of super-fast accelerators, quick hard drives, removable storage devices, large-screen color monitors, megabytes of RAM, high-speed faxmodems, high-resolution printers, and new wave mousepads. Some of these items are rather generic and can be used on any computer system, whether it is a DOS/Windows machine, Mac, ST, Amiga, or Unix box. Certainly, a mousepad can be used on any system, and printers can usually be made to work if you have the correct drivers for the software you're using. The same goes for FAXmodems, which require special software to take advantage of their FAX capabilities. RAM, monitors, and SCSI devices can be used on an ST-compatible system usually without much additional hardware or software. Processor accelerators must be made specifically for the ST, just like any other system, because each computer has certain hardware-level idiosyncracies. For this reason, you can't simply purchase a Mac accelerator and pop it into an ST. Jim Allen and Fast Technologies started out with the Turbo-16 16Mhz 68000 accelerator for the ST. There were a few other accelerators available at that time, but they didn't offer the performance that the Turbo-16 did. The other accelerators simply offered an adapter of sorts to connect a 16Mhz 68000 to the motherboard. Jim Allen introduced his accelerator with a 16K cache, a chunk of high-speed RAM that stores the data most recently used by the CPU. Therefore, instead of grabbing instructions from the slow, standard RAM in the computer, the accelerator would take it from the much faster cache. This development even led ICD to introduce their AdSpeed accelerator and Atari to introduce the MegaSTE, both of which use a similar method to increase speed. Other restrictions involved with speeding up the computer include a few critical components, such as video and RAM, which must be tied to a 8Mhz clock rate. Simply replacing the CPU with a faster chip isn't going to speed up the computer much; if you do replace the CPU with a faster chip without considering the other components in the system, the computer won't function. Therefore, system performance is highly contingent on the cache. Without a cache integrated with the processor, you'll see only a ten percent increase in speed. With a cache, it will jump near 50 or 60 percent with a 16Mhz 68000. Since the success of the T-16, Jim Allen has introduced 20Mhz and 25Mhz versions. These models include a similar design to the T-16, but instead of a 68000 running at 16Mhz, he uses chips running at 20- and 25Mhz respectively. ICD also has processor accelerators available; they're somewhat based on Fast Technology's 16Mhz accelerator, encorporating a cache to improve speed. Recently, Jim has developed processor upgrades that encorporate the more-sophisticated and much faster 68030 series of CPUs. The low-end version is called the TinyTurbo030 and it uses a design similar to his 68000 accelerators, implementing a cache along with the 68030. His other 68030 accelerator, called the Turbo030, comes with either 4- or 8-megabytes of 32-bit RAM, in addition to the features found in the TinyTurbo. Two accelerators were developed to target different ends of the market. Since the TinyTurbo is smaller and less expensive than the Turbo030, owners of 520 and 1040 machines (including the STE) can benefit from the speed of a 68030. The Turbo030 was made specifically for the Mega ST computers (not including the MegaSTE) because they have enough room for the basic accelerator and the extra RAM. MegaSTE users can only upgrade with the TinyTurbo because there isn't enough room inside their cases for the full-blown Turbo030. Gadgets by Small, the company that develops the Spectre GCR Macintosh Emulator for the ST, has also created a 68030 upgrade, called the SST. This accelerator, designed by George Richardson of the Merlin Group, is only available for the Mega computers (not including the MegaSTE) because of space considerations; there isn't enough room for the entire board in a 520/1040 or MegaSTE machine. Additionally, the SST was designed so that users can upgrade the processor and increase the RAM when they want and can afford to. It's available from Gadgets in several configurations including the board, CPU, and RAM, or you can buy only the board from them and purchase your own CPU and RAM. //// Hard drives Everybody loves a fast processor, but there are still other variables that can affect the overall performance of your system. One thing to keep in mind is the hard drive. Like fast processors, a fast hard drive is also a good thing to have. It's terrible when you have to wait for something to load, save, copy, or move. The first thing I would suggest if you have a hard drive or are planning to purchase one is to upgrade to at least TOS 1.04. If you upgrade to TOS 2.06, then that's even better because then you can take advantage of the new desktop and other enhacements that it offers. TOS 1.04 implements better coding to handle disk drives; 1.00 and 1.02 were okay, but 1.04 is highly recommended. I understand that TOS 2.06 has even better coding than 1.04 does, but 1.04 is sufficient. Once your TOS is upgraded, a fast hard disk is the next choice you make. Many if not all of the drives manufactured today are fast. They have fast transfer rates and access times of 20ms or lower. (A lower access time means a faster drive.) Many older drives have access times up near the 65ms mark. When shopping for a drive, look for a SCSI unit. Quantum and Maxtor make highly recommended hard drive mechanisms. If you don't roll your own hard drive system, be sure that the store or person putting it together for you is assembling it with a fast SCSI drive. The general rule when deciding what size drive to get is to take the expected size requirements and double it. If you think you need only a 50 meg drive, get a drive that can handle 100 or more megs. Like RAM, you can never have too much hard disk space. I have 210megs of hard disk storage on my system, and I'm always deleting stuff to make room. You'll probably have to maintain your system in a similar fashion. The last thing you need to know about hard drives is how to interface them with your ST. I always recommend ICD because their products are absolutely superb. If you're buying a hard drive for your existing system, definitely look into The Link. It's a doohicky that conveniently connects to your SCSI hard drive case and intercepts and translates the SCSI signals so that your ST can understand them. Your ST's DMA port understands ACSI, Atari's own propietary version of SCSI, so the SCSI commands must be translated. The Link is a better solution than the conventional host adapter because your hard drive doesn't need extra room to mount it. With The Link, you can simply go down to your neighborhood Mac dealer, pick up a SCSI drive in an external case, and connect it to your ST. If you're thinking about buying a new Atari computer, seriously look at Atari's computers that have built-in hard drives. These machines include the MegaSTE, TT030, and the new Falcon030. They ship with Atari's Hard Drive Utilities, but I would still recommend getting ICD's. In the past, ICD required you to use one of their host adapters with their utilities, but with their new SCSI Professional software, any ST can use them. Sure, Atari's hard drive software will work adequately, but it doesn't have the friendliness or features that ICD's software has. Backing up your hard drive, or making duplicate copies of the data that's stored on it, cannot be stressed enough. If your drive is small enough, you can use Oregon Research's Diamond Back, which is an excellent utility for backing up hard drives onto floppies or hard drive partitions. If your needs demand a larger hard drive, you might want to look into tape backup devices. Instead of floppy disks, these systems spool your hard disk's data onto fast tape cartridges. Beckemeyer Development Systems is the only company at this time that has software for controlling tape drives, although Oregon Research should be releasing Diamond Back III, which will support tape backup devices. Another alternative to tape backup devices is removable storage media, such as Syquest or magneto-optical drives. Syquest drives have a good initial return on their investment, while magneto-optical have the best cost/storage ratio, but the initial cost of magneto-optical drives is high - around $1000. Each rewritable 128meg disk is around $40. Syquest drives compare at $300 for the drive and $60 for each 44meg cartridge. Computer systems and the users that use them aren't perfect, so problems arise from time to time that require the user to do a little maintenance. Diamond Edge, from Oregon Research, is another excellent product that's great for fixing hard drive problems. It has a slew of utilities that can fix errors and defragment the data that resides on your hard drive. //// Monitors As you know, the ST is limited to three resolutions: low, medium, and high. The TT isn't much better with three more resolutions. By today's standards, these resolutions aren't really what you'd call desirable, although they do get the basic work done. They also require more than one Atari-brand monitor, unless you go with a third-party monitor solution. Unfortunately, because of the one-piece style STs' (520 and 1040) limited expansion capability, it's very difficult to get extended resolutions from these computers. The Mega ST, Mega STE, TT030, and Falcon030 are a whole different story, however. A long, long time ago in the computer industry, monitors were developed that could lock their frequencies at various resolutions to accommodate the different graphics cards that were available. Similar to the situation on the ST with the different monochrome and color monitors, PC users would have had to switch monitors to use each of the different resolutions that were available to them if they didn't have multifrequency monitors. A few years ago, a couple of vendors developed interface switchboxes that enabled ST users to use these multifrequency monitors, instead of having to use both Atari monochrome and color monitors. In monochrome mode, these switch boxes would fake the ST into thinking that it was connected to an Atari monochrome monitor. In color mode, it would pretend to be a color monitor. These multifrequency monitors, such as the NEC 3D, are a good addition and investment for the ST user. The NEC 3D is still available from NEC and USA*FLEX, a mail order outlet. Other monitors such as the Sony CPD-1302AW and Princeton Ultra 1400 will work with the ST, but the NEC 3D is the best. Additionally, if or when you decide to get another computer, you have the option to use your NEC 3D with it. //// Graphics cards If you have a MegaST, MegaSTE, or TT030, then there are many more display options available to you. Instead of being limited to only ST low, ST medium, and ST high, with TT low, TT medium, and TT high on the TT030, you have expansion ports that can open up a whole range of graphics possibilities. Starting from the low end is the $299 ISAC card for the MegaST and the VME-version AlberTT for the MegaSTE and TT. Available from Dover Research, these cards are the most compatible cards out there because they emulate 16-color ST low, but give you a resolution of 1024x768. You'll also need a monitor capable of handling 1024x768. Any 15-inch monitor should suffice. Next up are the range of Nova cards available from Lexicor in the US. These cards will fit inside a MegaST, or for the MegaSTE and TT030, they connect to the VME port with a ribbon cable and are housed in an external box. These cards will give you at least the standard 640x480 with 16 million colors, and 32,000 colors at 800x600, with 256 colors at 1024x768. Starting around $500, this capability is found in the low-end of the true-color cards. There are other Nova cards that go up to around $1000 and feature more speed, resolution flexibility, and more colors at higher resolutions. Next up is Crazy Dots II available from Gribnif in the US for around $800. This card will give you everything the low-end Nova will, but it fits inside the VME port of the MegaSTE and TT030. Unlike the Nova cards which are PC cards adapted for the Atari line, the Crazy Dots II card is specially designed for the VME port on the MegaSTE and TT030. Finally, the best and most expensive one of the bunch is the Cyrel Sunrise board, available from Cybercube Research in Canada. This $1000 32-bit board does everything. It has the most features, the most expandability, and the best support. If you have the money, get this board. You'll be glad you did. No question about it. //// Enhance the Old I have illustrated that there are many ways to upgrade your existing ST and TT030 computers. Some of these enhancements will improve the hardware capabilities of the machines, while even software alone can improve performance. Expensive hardware isn't always required; even a $50 software package can rejuvenate your computing experience. --==--==--==--==-- ||| Atari Asylum ||| By: Gregg Anderson / | \ GEnie: AEO.7 ---------------------------------------------------------------- The Number-One Meeting place for that Tightly Knit, but Loosely Wrapped, Community of Lunatics known World-Wide as: Dedicated Atari Owners. Greetings, Oh warped ones, and welcome once again to the Atari Asylum. So tell me, how was your Christmas? Mine was especially good this year. It was the first Christmas I've been able to enjoy with my family in over six years. We even had a "White Christmas" with six inches of the white stuff on the ground and light flurries throughout most of the day. Cash may be tight this year but having your family with you makes up for that and much more besides. OK, enough family stuff. We're here to talk about ATARI COMPUTERS so let's get to it. //// Alice Through the Database Remember in the last installment I commented on my total ignorance of Databases? Well, I thought I'd do a little experimentation to see if I could build a simple Mail Label database and actually get it to print on my aging SLM-804. Guess what? IT WORKS!!! Which either means I'm a certified genius or Atari Works is even easier to use then I thought (any bets on which one is correct ?) Since it does work, and I've not seen anything similar to it on GEnie yet, I thought I'd use this issue of Asylum for a brief overview of putting it together. I'm also including the database and word processor templates I used. That way you can use them "as is" or experiment to your heart's content. Just so you don't think I'm being totally altruistic here (we residents of the asylum pick up a lot of fancy words from the Day Nurse) I've got to be honest and admit that I had another reason for doing this. My dot matrix printer got smashed during my move from Japan (thank you U.S.A.F.) and I can't replace it right now. Besides, dot matrix labels look so old fashioned . For me it was spend a little time or a lot of $$$$ on a new printer. Since I'm a typical Atari owner (read: about as cheap as they come) I decided to risk building the database file on my own. Then, after I was committed, I priced Laser Labels. GREAT STARS AND LITTLE FISHES! And I wanted to SAVE money? Ah well... more on that later. //// Wow, that water's cold! Well, let's get started. Head into Atari Works' Database and start a "NEW" DB file. The supplied sample is called MAILING.STD if you don't want to roll your own. Assuming you're starting a new file the first thing you'll see is a box asking you to name the Field. This is where you'll want to list the various fields for your mailing list. For mine I picked the usual; First Name, Last Name, Street Address, City, State, and Zip Code. You'll need these files in any mailing list anyway so you may as well create them now. I also added in other fields to make sorting the files easier. These include; Kids' Names, Family, Friend, Atari, Work, XMAS, Birth Day, and a Miscellaneous section. Why? Because by placing a Y (yes) or N (no) in the various fields you can do a "sort" that will let you print mailing labels limited to your friends in the Atari market, Family members, Friends, folks with Birthdays on a specific date or month, etc.... All in all it's a handy feature and you can add just about anything you want and "sort" with it. OK, let's assume we've entered all of the above field names and have hit "done." That will take us to the FORM display which shows the various fields you've labeled. Now you can place them in whatever format you feel comfortable with (horizontal like mine or a vertical single column). You do this by clicking & holding in the "field title" portion (left box) of each listing. You'll also want to enlarge the "data" portion of the field to whatever you think it will need to be. This is done by clicking and holding on the RIGHT END of the data field box and dragging it to the right. Don't worry too much about making it too large or small as you can resize the field at any time, a handy feature not usually found in old-style databases. You may also want to specify the type of data to be entered in each field. Most of this database will be TEXT based, though the Zip Code field can be NUMERIC (kill the decimal points if you use a numeric field) for simple five digit zip codes or TEXT for the more accurate Nine digit codes (12345-6789) and foreign codes that mix numbers and letters (such as Canada's L3R W5). You'll also want to make the "Birthday" field a Date and not just a Numeric. How do you do all this? Easy, you can either double click on the data field itself or click once to highlight it and call the "Field Attributes" from the Format menu in the Database. A dialog box will open allowing you to select exactly what type of data you want to allow into that field, how it should look, and what type of format it will have. The choice is yours. OK, we've got our data fields arranged to our taste, we've picked what type of field they need to be (text, numeric, date, etc.), and sized each one just right. Now we need to enter our data. First you need to click INSIDE the data field you want to start with. For this example we'll use the first box (First Names). You'll notice that the data box will "black out." You can then either click in the data window between the arrows at the top of the document (to move your cursor there) or just start typing the name(s) you want to enter (doing this automatically moves your text into the "data window"). When you're done with that entry just hit "Return" to store your entry into that data field and move on to the next data field. As with the first field you can either just start typing or manually move up to the data entry window. In any event the data entry is done the same for ALL fields. OK, we've now entered ALL the information desired on our friend, family member, or whatever. So what do we do next? Do we need to create more Database entries for our next entry? Not so, oh fellow worrier. AW automatically recreates the format for EVERY DIFFERENT ENTRY! So all you need to do is hit "Return" on the last data box of the previous entry to be moved to the first data box of the next. Just keep on making your entries until you run out of people to enter. Gee, wasn't that easy? Now then, suppose you want to have a quick look-see of your entire database, what do you do? Do you have to scroll through all your entries with the cursor arrows? By the way, Left & Right arrows go a single field at a time, Up and Down jump entries. Nope, just go to the Format menu and select "Show List." The display will then change to a standard horizontal layout where you can scroll from left to right and read ALL your entries with minimal effort. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. When building a mailing database, I strongly suggest you select the smallest font you can comfortably read. For me it was eight-point Dutch or Swiss, for you it may have to be a 10 point font. Why? Because larger fonts take up a LOT of space on your database's display and printout. This isn't a real problem when entering your data but it can be a major pain when you try to view it on screen or print it out as a listing. In any event you'll want to do any raw data printouts in LANDSCAPE mode. You'll have to do a fair amount of scrolling left to right when viewing the list, unless you've only got two or three entries or are working with a 1024 X 768 or larger display (for you lucky folks with a TT030 or Falcon/ScreenBlaster combo). By the way, when you do print your database listing be prepared to not see any entry past what the printer can print. The data isn't lost but it won't be printed (another reason to use small fonts) unless you're printing out on something larger than the standard 8.5" X 11" paper. Be sure to tell AW just what type of paper you're using if it's not standard US Letter size. By the way, you can also resize the "Show List" columns by clicking and holding on the right margin of the selected column and moving it left or right. You can also relocate a selected column by clicking and holding inside the field name and dragging it to where you want it. All of this is mentioned in the Owner's Manual of course, but a lot of it can be discovered by experimentation, which is more fun anyway . Next Suggestion: SAVE YOUR FILE OFTEN!!!!! There's nothing more annoying than losing your data after spending hours putting it together. Nothing? OK, so maybe an IRS Audit or a Root Canal come close, but only close. //// You mean there's more? OK, we've created our mailing database, now how do we make a mailing label out of it? First make sure that the database that you want to use for your labels is loaded into Atari Works. It MUST be in RAM or it won't work. Now, without closing that window, open a "New" WP file (or just load the sample MAIL.STW). Did you load the sample file? Then there's not much left for you to do since it contains most of the formatting you'll need. You'll still need to align the file with your particular label sheet though and you may want to alter or delete the "Merry Christmas" text I used. In any event I suggest everyone read through the next section. Assuming you didn't load the sample file then welcome to a blank page. Don't worry though because it won't be blank for long. We're in a Word Processor document with a database window sitting under it, right? If so then the next step is to go to the FILE menu and click on "Page SetUp." Once in the "Page SetUp" display we want to make sure we're in the standard "Portrait" layout & the correct page size (usually US Letter at 8.5" by 11"). Don't mess with the margins yet, you'll get plenty of practice with that later. Now let's look at the bottom of the box and click inside the "Label SetUp" box. This takes us to where we can custom tune our display for the type of label we want to use. Once there we need to click INSIDE the "Enable Label Printing" box near the top of the Label SetUp box. Once this small box is highlighted we will be able to print labels, after we finish building them that is. Next we tell AW just what type of label sheet we're going to use. This is done by filling in the Number of Rows and Number of Columns boxes. (i.e., if your label sheet is 3 columns wide and 10 rows deep then that's what you type in the Rows and Columns boxes.) I suggest you make "Show Label Numbers" active as it helps you keep track of your layout. You may or may not want to make the "Print Grids" active. It's handy when doing a test print on standard paper but not always desirable on the label itself. OK, now let's look at the page. If we've done everything right there should be a grid of label shapes on the screen. Only the upper left label will be in white though, the rest will be numbered but "grayed out." You'll also notice that only the first 10-15 labels are shown, don't worry about it as that's normal in this situation. OK, this is where you can customize your labels if desired. Since your cursor is already sitting in the upper left corner of the first label you can easily type in a line or two of text. In my example I used a "Merry Christmas" heading but you can change it to anything you want or just delete it. Remember you have a limited number of lines on your label so try to limit your custom entries to one or two lines. Again, anything you enter here will appear on ALL your labels so look at it as sort of a "Master Page" if you like. Do NOT attempt to use AW's "Center" command to center the text on your label. It won't work and will mess your printout rather badly. The only way to center the text is to do it by padding with spaces or tabs. In any event, make sure your cursor is sitting where you want the first data line to appear. Usually this is the top left of the label, next to a graphic image, under a special text header, or a combination of all three as in my sample file. //// Oh, so that's how it's done Now comes the fun part, creating the mailing labels themselves. First we need to go to the EDIT menu and select the "Begin Merge" function. Now we get a new window showing all database files in RAM (with the active one highlighted) and, to the right, a listing of the various "Fields" available in that database. Using the mouse select the first field you want to be printed on your label and click on it. The program will take you back to your word processor window and paste that "field title" where the cursor was sitting. Congratulations, you've just entered your first data field to your label! You may notice that some of your text extends FAR beyond the edge of your label. Don't worry about it yet. The field name you see on the display is NOT printed out. But, if you want to be sure, just select the "Show Data" function in the Edit menu. That will strip the database field name and list only the actual data for the FIRST label. Assuming everything on that display fits then you've no problem. If it doesn't fit then you'll need to resize the text or change the format of your label. Be warned that no matter how many actual entries you've got you'll only see the first label's information when you ask for it to "show data." This is normal in Atari Works. By the way, I suggest that you take a moment here and add two or three spaces with the space bar BEFORE you add another data field or anything else. Since you're adding semi-invisible DATA boxes, rather than simple text, you'll find your printed fields tend to print out much closer to each other than expected. Adding a space or three between them makes for easier to read labels (and happier Post Office mail sorters). OK, we've entered our first data field and padded it with a space or so. Now let's go back to "begin merge" to pick the rest of our fields. For this sample I used the standard "First Name, Last Name" for the first line, "Street Address" for the second, and "City, State, and Zip" for the third line. As in a word processing file, you just hit "Return" at the end of each line to create/start the next one where you can either enter text or a database field. Graphics? Yes, you CAN import a .GEM and .IMG picture onto your mailing label. First you'll need to tab (Block/highlight the text you want to move in label #1 and drag a new TAB under the ruler to where you think your graphic will end. Then, using the Edit menu, use "Import Picture" and install your graphics. You can then use the "Select Picture" to resize and locate the graphic to where and how you want it. This way you can have both text and graphics with no overlap (unless you want overlap). Now we're ready to try PRINTING. Yea! Be sure to select the "Print Label" instead of the 'Print' command. With Print Label you'll get your label mailing list printed out in what we hope will the correct format. If the format does NOT match your label sheet then the next paragraph should help. //// The devil's in the details Margins: Now we get to have some fun. Remember my comment at the beginning about the cost of Laser Labels? Well, it was justified. I just spent $20 for a 100 sheet box of 30 labels/sheet, Avery's 6231 labels in fact. That's 3,000 labels for $20, or about 0.7 cents per label. Dot Matrix labels sell at 5,000 for $10, or about 0.2 cents per label. As a result you can't afford to make the same number of mistakes or test runs on laser labels that you can with the old style labels. This is where doing test runs on standard paper is so important. Before you try to print your first laser label make several printouts on regular paper and match them against the positioning of the labels on your laser label sheet. If they match then GREAT! Odds are that they won't though. This is where use of the "Margins" setting in the "Page SetUp" becomes vital. Look at your printout carefully. If your printed labels are to the right of the labels left edge then make the left margin smaller. If to the left then increase the left margin. Use the RIGHT margin setting to fit the far right column onto the form's labels and to align the center column. Assuming everything works right, then you should be able to match almost ANY label database to ANY laser label sheet. Use the same technique to align the upper and lower margins. Don't worry about having to repeat this every time you print a new mailing list. All you need to do is, after finding the correct settings, save it as a "Save Format/Style" in the "File" menu. For my particular setup I ended up with the settings of Left Margin: 0.35, Right Margin: 0.10, Top Margin: 0.60, and Bottom Margin: 0.45. The printouts are not EXACTLY lined up with the Avery labels, but they're close enough to be very workable. You can try this setting (it's what the template is set to) but be warned, "your mileage may vary." Hmm, all that's really great but suppose you want to make a bunch of return address labels? You know the type, with just your own name and address on it? Ah yes, there IS a way! First make sure that YOUR NAME/ADDRESS is the first entry your database (or just create a separate database with only your name/address in it). Go ahead and set everything up like you did the last time but use that database with your name as the first (or only) entry. Build your table like you did before, matching the entries to the size of your labels. Now, instead of selecting "Print Labels" you want to select "Print!" This will print out a full page of ONLY the first entry in your database. And there you have it, a six page tutorial with sample templates. I admit this thing's larger than it needed to be, but I used to get paid by the word and some habits die hard . Please feel free to experiment with this and let me know how it works for you. If you have any suggestions then feel free to pass them on and we'll share them with the rest of the Asylum. So ends another exciting day at the AtariWorks Factory... or does it? Well, yes as a matter of fact. I've been using AW for close to a month now and am starting to get used to it. My opinion hasn't changed yet, it's still a very capable and flexible package. What it may lack in World-Class raw power it more than makes up for in ease of use and interchangability. Interwhat? The ease of opening any of the three functions of AW at any time, moving between them to work on files, and then share data between them. For the first time I'm starting to get an appreciation of what an "Integrated Package" really means. And to think, all this AND Speedo for under $100. Ok, so not much under $100, but every penny counts. BTW: Has anyone else seen Atari Works' have a problem with text running together between a BOLD word and the next word? On my system the next word looks as though there were NO spaces between the two words, whether that next word was BOLD or normal. I've had to go in and manually add two or three spaces before the printout looks normal. It looks OK on the screen but not on my SLM-804. I must have made an error somewhere. Who me? . //// Falcon Compatibility Once again we visit the hallowed halls of GEnie to see what's been discovered in the hidden Falcon Compatibility Testing Labratories around the world. ------------ Category 30, Topic 4 Message 1 Mon Dec 13, 1993 B.SUGGS1 at 03:35 EST Just got a new Falcon 030,4meg,etc. I've scanned the list of software that is known to work and am having problems. I can't get F19 to work at all - I've used backwards. I have alot of Hybrid Arts software, Edit Tracks Gold, among others that will load using backwards but won't read from the hard drive and gives an error saying data on floppy a is damaged (but it isn't). Any suggestions or help on these two matters would be appreciated. ------------ Category 30, Topic 4 Message 2 Mon Dec 13, 1993 PG.MUSIC [PG-Kevin] at 08:05 EST B.SUGGS1, Upgrade to the latest version of the Hybrid seq. Call Barefoot software or bop over to the MidiRT page 290 or (type M290;1) and look for the Barefoot software category & topic. --Kevin ------------ Category 30, Topic 4 Message 3 Mon Dec 13, 1993 T.HEBEL [Spud Boy] at 19:54 EST B. Suggs1 Their is a new version of Edit Track (Platinum). It works on the Falcon. The new company name is Barefoot software. Give them a call for the upgrade. Platinum also adds some cool new features. ------------ Category 30, Topic 4 Message 5 Wed Dec 15, 1993 B.SUGGS1 at 01:18 EST Again, thanks for your help. Now I have another one. I can't get F-19 to boot. Like before I think I've tried everything. There is a software list I got here that indicated that F-19 would run using the backward rogram. So far all I get is a blank screen when it boots from the floppy. Anyone know how to make it work or if there 'san upgrade for it? ------------ Category 30, Topic 4 Message 7 Tue Dec 21, 1993 S.WINICK at 20:49 EST Just wanted to let y'all know that DynaCADD-2D has finally been re-released and is now completely Falcon compatible. Even the cross-hatching bug has been corrected. I tested it out personally on one of our Falcons; works great! Sheldon (Computer STudio - Asheville, NC) ------------ Category 30, Topic 4 Message 8 Wed Dec 22, 1993 J.YEGERLEHNE at 18:49 EST Sheldon- Is regular (3d) DynaCADD available for the Falcon? Do you have it in stock? Jim Y ------------ Category 30, Topic 4 Message 9 Wed Dec 22, 1993 S.WINICK at 21:47 EST Jim Y, Yes, I have DynaCADD-3D in stock, but NO, it does not work on the Falcon030. Sorry. I also have the new version of DynaCADD-2D in stock, and it DOES work perfectly on the Falcon. It also cost one heck of a lot less than the 3D version. ;-] Drop me E-mail if you need pricing or additional information. Sheldon (Computer STudio - Asheville, NC) ------------ Category 30, Topic 4 Message 10 Wed Dec 22, 1993 AEO.7 [Gregg] at 21:49 EST Also working on the Falcon, in ST-Low compatible mode anyway, the original ST BOINK and FUJI BOINK!!!! Two of the oldest ST demo programs ever written and they work on the Falcon..... cudos to the authors of Boink and Xanth, father of Fuji Boink (both of which run a tad faster on the Falcon). Gregg ------------ Category 30, Topic 4 Message 12 Thu Dec 23, 1993 S.WINICK at 05:51 EST CBARRON, DynaCADD-2D is identical in function to DynaCADD-3D except for the 3D wireframe functions. DynaCADD-2D also does not require that damn joystick port protection key that is most irritating on the 3D version (go figure!). And best of all, 2D is only about 1/4 the price of 3D! Both versions will benefit incredibly from a math coprocessor (FPU) which is highly recommended. Installing an FPU in the Falcon is a real easy task (but should be done by an authorized Atari service center if your computer is still under warranty so as not to void the warranty). However, installing IC's is NOT something that should be done by the typical end user who isn't properly trained in how to handle sensitive electronic components. At the present time, DynaCADD-3D does NOT run on the Falcon, either with or without an FPU present. If you need DynaCADD to run on your Falcon, get the 2D version for now, and plan on upgrading to 3D as soon as Ditek produces a revised version that will be Falcon compatible. Sheldon (Computer STudio - Asheville, NC) ------------ Category 30, Topic 4 Message 18 Wed Dec 29, 1993 B.KANTOR [Bruce] at 00:21 EST Sheldon, What type of FPU is recommended for use with DynaCadd 2D on the Falcon? Do you have installation instructions or know where I can get some? Do you have FPU's for sale? Regards, Bruce ------------ Category 30, Topic 4 Message 19 Wed Dec 29, 1993 S.WINICK at 06:52 EST Bruce, Yes, we keep FPU's in stock for the Falcon. The Falcon uses the Motorola 68882. We generally do the installation and testing for our customers, as end-user installation will VOID Atari's 1-year warranty on the computer. Drop me E-mail if you need additional information or pricing. Sheldon (Computer STudio - Asheville, NC) ------------ Well, time to put another issue of the Asylum to bed. I hope you find the Mail Label database useful, it was fun putting it together. Let me know if you have any problems or questions about it. OK? Gregg Anderson, Head Keeper and First Lunitic of: The Atari Asylum --==--==--==--==-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --==--==-- CompuServe Sign-Up Information --==--==-- -- -- -- -- To sign up for CompuServe service, call (voice call) (800) 848-8199. -- -- Ask for operator #198. You will be sent a $15.00 value CIS membership -- -- kit for free. -- -- -- -- --==--==-- CompuServe Sign-Up Information --==--==-- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --==--==--==--==-- ||| A simple guide to 3D graphics principles. ||| By: Timothy Wilson / | \ GEnie: AEO.8 Internet: wilsont@rahul.net ----------------------------------------------------------------- Well, with all of this talk about 3D gaming experiences,(On the Jaguar that is) here's a little article to tell you about what goes on getting a 3D point onto a 2D computer screen. I'll try to stay away from heavy duty math, and I'll present only psuedo code in the examples. (it'll look mostly like C however) The only case I will deal with in this introductory article is one eye, looking at one point. Its quite an easy step moving to objects (groups of points). Just apply the transformation to each and every point you have in a scene. I'll start with some simplistic definitions. Such as... a 3 dimensional point. A 3D point has three "coordinates." These coordinates (x,y,z) define its location, relative to the three main "axes." The X axis runs left and right across your computer screen, Y is up and down, and Z is "in and out." However, the point 0,0,0, is at the center of your screen, not the upper left corner as you may be used to if you've messed around with computer graphics at all. 5,0,0 would be a point slightly to the right. 0,0,5 would be a point floating in front of your monitor. (Or stuck into the computer's "eye.") A 2D point only has X and Y, and a 2D point is what we want in the end. The next concept is relativity. No, not special Einsteinian relativity - relativity in that each point can be referenced by another point, without changing its position. As a real world example, if you look out of your car window to the side as you pass another car (going the same direction), how fast are you moving... if you only looked at the other car? Forget about the ground, just consider the other car. You aren't moving all that fast *relative* to that other car. And to the driver of that other car, he or she might as well be backing up just as slow, if they had only your car to consider. Same thing goes for your facing. Look at your monitor, then look over your shoulder. Now to play a weird mind game, if you didn't send signals to your neck to turn your head, how would you know if the world moved, or your head moved? (Don't be picky with the answer! You should get my drift.) Inside the computer, thr programmer actually turns the world around your head! Your alter-ego's eye always faces "forward" into the monitor, and never moves. (Well sorta, we'll get to that later.) Just as your head can be looking up, tilted to the right, and turned to the left, the computer needs to know what the orientation is. Thankfully, those wonderful math guys came up with just the thing for us 3D programmers: the Matrix. A matrix, such as one that defines an eye looking forward into the world looks like this: 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 This is called an "Identity matrix" The eye also has coordinates: 0,0,0 We can take this matrix, and multiply it against any 3D point we have and the point will 'arrive' with eye relative coordinates. Coded, it kind of looks like this: new.x= point.x - eye.x new.y= point.y - eye.y new.z= point.z - eye.z result= rotate_point_by_matrix(new, matrix) The x, y and z elements of "result" will hold the rotated point. Given the identity matrix above, the points won't be changed at all. Why? Because that's a special neutral matrix. rotate_point_by_matrix looks like this: Point3 rotate_point_by_matrix( Point3 in, Matrix work) { Point3 out out.x= in.x*work.m[0][0] + in.y*work.m[1][0] + in.z*work.m[2][0] out.y= in.x*work.m[0][1] + in.y*work.m[1][1] + in.z*work.m[2][1] out.z= in.x*work.m[0][2] + in.y*work.m[1][2] + in.z*work.m[2][2] return (out) } "Point3" is a data structure that holds x,y, and a z. "Matrix" is a 3x3 data matrix, most languages support these data structures already. Use a floating point type for the matrix, as the values within are usually between -1 and 1. I use integers, but shifted 15 places. So (1) is equal to 32767, and (-1) is equal to -32767. (.5) would be 16384, and so on, just to speed things up. (The math that is) Stick with the floating point type for now though, because using integers gets tricky. Now, in order to make the "eye" look left and right, or up and down, or bank, we operate on its matrix. We do this by multiplying two matrices together. I hope this code is easily understandible, each bracket set defines a loop's "effect zone." Matrix Matrix_multiply(Matrix a, Matrix b) { Matrix c for (i=0;i<3;i++) /* outermost loop*/ { for (j=0;j<3;j++) /* middlish loop */ { c.m[i][j]=0 for (k=0;k<3;k++) /* the inner most loop */ c.m[i][j]+=a.m[i][k] * b.m[k][j] } } return (c); } "Well?? What's this other matrix?!" you may ask. This next code snippet should explain a bit. Matrix rotate_matrix(Matrix m, float degx,float degy,float degz) { Matrix xmat,ymat,zmat Matrix mat1,mat2 idmat(xmat) /* sets up rotation Matrices as the Identity */ idmat(ymat) idmat(zmat) xmat.m[1][1]=cos(degx) /* this cosine accepts degrees, not radians */ xmat.m[1][2]=sin(degx) /* and returns the fractional result */ xmat.m[2][1]=-sin(degx) xmat.m[2][2]=cos(degx) mat1=matmul4(xmat,m) /* rotate the eye matrix by multiplication */ /* around the X axis */ ymat.m[0][0]=cos(degy) ymat.m[0][2]=-sin(degy) ymat.m[2][0]=sin(degy) ymat.m[2][2]=cos(degy) mat2=matmul4(ymat,mat1) /* ...around the Y axis */ zmat.m[0][0]=cos(degz) zmat.m[0][1]=sin(degz) zmat.m[1][0]=-sin(degz) zmat.m[1][1]=cos(degz) m=matmul4(zmat,mat2,m) /* around the Z axis */ return(m) /* pass result back */ } The idea behind all this is to create matrices that will rotate around each axis, and then moosh them altogether using multiplies. Then, at the end, multiply this final rotation matrix against the current eye matrix, and poof, magically, the next time you run points through your new eye matrix, they will be in their new eye relative positions. As an example of use: idmat(oldeye) /* old eye is now an identity matrix, see above */ neweye=rotmat(oldeye,0,10,0) Any point ran through "neweye" would be rotated 10 degrees around the eye. On the screen, would move over to the left. Why? because we gave zero degrees of change for the X and Z axes. rotating *around* the X axis could be called "pitch" (looking up and down), rotating around the Z axis is "roll," and the Y axis, the "10" is the changing heading, say 10 degrees to the east, or rotation around the Y axis. The only step we are missing is the 3D to 2D step. That's accomplished with the following: Point2 make_screen_point(Point3 in) { tempx = in.x * 128 tempx = tempx / in.z tempy = in.y * 128 tempy = tempy / in.z res.x=centerx+tempx; res.y=centery+tempy; return(res) } Those "128's" define the perspective. Fiddle with this number to get your desired perspective effect. (I used 128 because it looked good enough, and can be faked with a binary shift.) centerx and centery are the computer screen relative center. ST Low would be 160 and 100, TT Medium would be 320 and 240. res.x and res.y give the final result... the great quest is over! //// Summing up the matrix So we need the following: o An eye point, and its associated matrix. o All Matricies must be intialized to: 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 o Set up your points with x y and z coordinates. o Run each point through the rotate_point_by_matrix subroutine. o Convert the new point to the screen with make_screen_point. What to do with the points? Well, draw lines between them (VDI v_pline) or polygons (VDI v_fillarea). In games, I use objects. Objects are group of points, but all relative to the object center. Each object also has its own matrix. So if the object needs to change facing, its a simple matter of using rotate_matrix to rotate it, then run all of the object relative points through the objects matrix. It's also very easy to change the object relative points to "world" relative. Just add the object center to each of the object's points. Also I have to keep track of various lists of points: o Object relative Original: the original object relative points o Object relative current: the objects points after rotation Every time the objects matrix is changed, recreate this list from the original. o World relative: points relative to the global 0,0,0 o Eye relative: points relative to the eye, and rotated by the eye matrix o Screen: points all ready to go onto the screen. That ought to do it. You can of course mail me at wilsont@rahul.net at any time if you need help. --==--==--==--==-- ||| Review: FRONTIER - Elite II ||| By: Andreas Barbiero / | \ GEnie: AEO.2 Delphi: ABARBIERO ------------------------------------------------------------------ She ain't the Millennium Falcon Chewie, but she'll have to do for now! I sat in front of the instruments, the starfield slowly whirling before my eyes as tiny bursts from maneuvering jets pushed my Imperial Courier out of the orbital trading post. Shifting the view-screen to the aft view, I saw that my ship was still rotating in sync with the space station. The command function icons shifted, indicating that my ship and I were ready for hyperspace. Checking my fuel state, I hit it. The hyperspace cloud formed up in front of me, and we leapt forward a week and twelve light years. I just hoped the five renegade Federation spies drinking Achenar ale in their cabins were going to be worth the 8000 credits they were paying me to escape to the frontier worlds. I had a bad feeling that there was going to be some interceptors waiting for me at Altair.... Your grandfather just died, you didn't know him very well, but he remembered you, as well as all the rest of his grandchildren. After his death you received your share of his will. You shrug, expecting a few hundred credits that might make your existence in the "well," the gravity hole, the surface of any planet, far from the freedom of space, a little more bearable. A miracle occurs, your grandfather bequeathed his grandchildren the gift of freedom... a spaceship! OK, she's small, and you only have a few credits of cash, but it's a START! Thanks Grampa. You are the proud new owner of an Eagle Long Range Fighter with all the basics, a small hyperdrive, a 1 megawatt pulse laser (the manual states that veteran fighters only consider it worth tattooing indentification numbers on slaves,) two missiles, atmospheric shielding, and a scanner. There are no overall guiding missions or mandatory paths you have to travel, this is a real role playing game. YOU decide the role you want to play, and then LIVE it. Do you want to play the devil-may-care trader, doing odd jobs for pay for whomever will pay, or the ruthless cutthroat, selling slaves and playing the hitman? Its up to you, but you will have to live with your decisions. If you devote yourself to a life of crime, the authorities will take notice. Having a 1000 credit price on your head WILL get you attention from prospective bounty hunters. This is not to say that you have to be a total pirate to get attacked, honest merchants can make for some tasty targets, and be attacked they will. You aren't limited to very many things in this game, not only are there thousands of planets to visit, the modes of transportation for sale range from the tiny 16 ton Falcon fighter to the 1500 ton Boa transport. There are no miracle ships, the Boa can only accelerate at 8 Earth standard gravities, while the Falcon can move out at a snappy 30 gravities. Smaller ships may be better for combat and bounty hunting, but ~1200 tons of cargo space can really make some money on a good trade route, and trading IS safer! By paying attention to what is in demand in each system, profits of up to 1000 credits a ton can be reliably counted upon. Every spaceport has the same facilities. In addition to spaceship maintenance and upgrade services, you can buy a new ship or trade on the local markets. You have a real-time bulletin board that can connect you with potential customers which may be willing to buy high demand products at up to three times the current price, come aboard as a passenger ("we would like to avoid Imperial entanglements..."), or have you perform tasks for the government. If there are no interesting offers on the 'board, you can go to the stock market and buy goods by the standard one ton units to take with you. As I said before, there are not set missions, but you can select to do missions for the three respective governments, and the more missions that you successfully complete, the more complicated and interesting the missions get. Eventually as you gain their confidence you can get missions like destroying spacestations and doing assassinations! James Bond kinda stuff. From the lowly "harmless" to the ultra-deadly ELITE rating these classifications are probably the best definition of how well you are able to take care of yourself, and how well respected you are in many systems. As of this writing I have achieved a rating of "Competent." It may not sound cool, but it wasn't easy to reach! Next rating is "Dangerous" - watch out pirates! All operations are conducted easily through the interfaces provided. Ship functions are controlled through a set of icons along the bottom of the screen. Display icons are on your left, and function icons are on the right. The center of the console is reserved for displays, your weapons status, scanner, and all comms are displayed here. Things like your fuel state, laser temperature (let your laser get too hot and it will not work anymore), and hull temperature. Above the display icons there are a series of controls that allow you to speed up the passage of time from 10 to 10000 times. Simply stated, space is a big place, and to make the long transit times pass faster, you can select one of these settings. Inter-system travel must be made with your interplanetary drive and these distances can take days of real-time travel to cross. A nice touch is that after you approach your destination or if you were to be attacked somewhere along the line, you will automatically cut back to real-time, and if you wish you can select music to play only during docking/landing sequences or as hostiles approach to attract your attention. Integral to the operation of your planetary voyages is the autopilot. This is included with your first ship and takes the frustration out of getting started tearing up the universe. The biggest negative comment about the original Elite was the trouble people had with the manual spaceflight learning curve. I managed to plow my spaceship into a spacestation or fifty before I got it down right, and the same frustration led a few players to give up on the game. Elite II provides an easy way around the old navigational nightmare, and allows you to concentrate on the important aspects of the game without getting bogged down with repetition. In the course of battle, or if you neglect to regularly service your equipment, you could lose the autopilot and be forced to navigate manually, so spending a bit of time in manual flight would be to your benefit. Galactic navigation is just as easy as getting around from planet to planet. The galactic map is accessed via an icon on the control panel or by pressing F2, then you can use the arrow keys to scroll around in two dimensions, with the system at the center of the screen being highlighted and a short description of the system appearing at the bottom of the screen. The whole of the galactic map can be spun in three dimensions by using the mouse, allowing you to get an idea of the 3D spacing of systems. There is a red circle surrounding the system where you are located, its size is representative of how far you can jump with the class of hyperdrive you own as well as how much fuel you have on board. With bigger drives more fuel is needed, and depending on the type of drive you have installed, a max distance jump can take 30-40 tons of fuel. I won't bore you with a description of all the other icons and what they do, it is all very self explanatory. In the appendix to the manual there is a complete step by step tutorial that will get you started with trading and warping around the system. After following this short lesson you will have no problems using the mechanics of the game to your best benefit. There is nothing better I can say about a complicated game than that it is easy to learn, and fun to master. So now you have made some money trading in the Core Systems around Sol, maybe you have traveled into Imperial space, changed ships and traded in robotics and agricultural products till you are sick, now what do you do? Well boys and girls the rest of the game is still ahead of you. Tired of trading? Try Mining! It may not seem to be really exciting right off the bat, but it is a good excuse to explore some of the lesser known systems, make some real money, and maybe discover things that the computer databases don't know about. You don't have to land at starports, and you can buy a fuel scoop to steal fuel from gas giant planets, in other words you can go wherever you darn well please! The manual hints at exotic weapons and equipment that might be available out there somewhere, and you are only going to find them by exploring. You can work up to doing interesting missions for the government, as well as take on bounty hunter contracts. You might not get popular this way, but you can keep your bank balance in the black. My Viper sat on the ground, planetbound, waiting just outside main starport on Exool. I could see the whole ground complex a few kilometers in front of me, and the starport pads where my "contract" would be taking off shortly. A new ID appeared on my screen. YB-533. That's it, a Puma freighter with the president of MegaCorp onboard. Someone was going to pay me 11000 credits to make sure he never saw his destination. It took off and climbed rapidly into the sky, I set my autopilot on him and started my engines, following him out of the atmosphere. Immediately outside the atmosphere, about 12000 kilometers straight up, he jumped to hyperspace. I activated my hyperspace cloud analyzer. The distortion field of his passing left a tell-tale signature, informing of his destination and the exact time he would arrive there. It would take him 7 days, but it would take me only 5! I set the waypoint and jumped into hyperspace, where I would be waiting for him on the other side with missiles and a 40 megawatt beam laser. I could smell the money already. Graphically the game is more than satisfactory. Considering that it runs in ST Low, even without 256 color graphics, the 3D renderings and planetary scenes are well presented. With all of the math intensive graphics in the game, the program still runs well on an ST. I have run it on my MSTe at 8 and 16MHz, and the speed was more than adequate. On a TT030 the program just flies. You had better invest in a decent mouse, as the combat takes place with the mouse as you track targets around the screen, the standard ST mouse is a bit too coarse for my tastes, especially on an unaccelerated 68000. The program will run off of floppies or a harddrive, taking up only a meager 750K or so of space. The game will run on a 1 meg system, and when run on a 4 meg machine, there is almost NO disk access after the inital loading. The music is a bit disappointing. The title theme to the game is nice enough, it is just that with all the 50kHz MOD files I have listened to on my STe computers the game music seems a bit trite. I for one would have put up with an extra 50-100K of disk space in order to get some sampled audio clips as well as more in depth music. There are some classical pieces that the computer can play, and you can select which pieces and when the music will play, or get rid of it all. The option screen lets you set up the game to play to your wishes. You can even deselect some of the graphic complexity in case things are moving too slowly on your ST. The game has been in design for quite a few years, and it shows it. BUT, there are some bugs. Once in a while you are "attacked" by a ship that never appears, you can hear him but not see him. What is annoying about this is that you cannot set the time controls, and being stuck in real-time for a 2 day trip is not fun. The only other bugs I have found is that on some spaceports the bulletin board is scrambled when you select it. Whether or not it was just a slow day with nobody around to post an ad, the scrambled data that is left behind is disconcerting. There is a quick cure for this though, just speed the time up, and at midnight the bulletin board updates. There are a few other visual bugs in the game, but they only manifest themselves on my TT030, and are extremely minor redraw problems that are purely cosmetic. On all the computers I tried Elite on there is still a problem with cities and targets disappearing when you return to the system view. In order to successfully attack and scan an enemy ship, you need to select it. This removes the original target you had set into your autopilot. After you defeat the attacker, you go back to the system viewer and re-select the destination for your autopilot, but the destination is GONE! Simply clicking on the screen or resizing the view can bring it back from wherever it has gone. This is purely a redraw problem, but annoying none the less. Some people have found loopholes that enable them to get places faster, but I have not gotten them to work effectively, but these are not bugs that negatively affect gameplay. If you play the game off of a hard drive, you need to run a clean system, I leave the CPX control panel loaded, and on the TT030 I have to run it off out of ST Low or it will lock up. There are a few rough spots in the game, things which are annoying, but not detrimental to the game. When you are attacked and suffer hull damage the repair lot is available to fix it, but only 1/4 ton at a time, so if you have 100 tons of damage, you need to click the mouse or press a key 400 times to fix it! With a larger ship you can easily accrue 300 to 400 tons of damage at a time, and get a hand cramp while fixing it all! A simple button repeat function would alleviate it all. Elite II, with its non standard mission structure, and innovative graphics design is really ahead of the competition. If they included a TT030 specific version in TT Low, this game could beat out anything on the PC platform. I know the installed TT030 base is small, but with TT res support on the Falcon030 it could be worth their while. This is a game which you do not just play, but experience. You get the feeling that you have been somewhere as you travel around the galaxy, and feel a bit of pride in your achievements. I can honestly recommend this game to anyone who likes a game that is more than a rote chase of mission completions, and like the freedom to play a character role in the blackness of space. Frontier: Elite II GAMETEK/KONAMI ST/STe/MSTe/TT030 HD Installable, Joystick optional $59.95 SRP --==--==--==--==-- ||| The Unabashed Atariophile ||| By: Michael R. Burkley / | \ Delphi: MRBURKLEY GEnie: AEO.4 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Folks, it's been a busy two weeks. And while I have until tomorrow to finish my article to meet Travis' deadline, tomorrow is going to be even busier. Since it's 2 a.m. now, and I have to be up by 8:00 a.m. tomorrow, I'm going to quit trying to write any more descriptions of the 100+ files I've downloaded in the past two weeks, and just go to bed. And while that will mean that this issue's Unabashed Atariophile will be shorter than most, it also means that next issue's article will be even bigger! I do wish to thank the two people who wrote me notes about how to send InterNet mail through both Delphi and GEnie. I appreciate your help! On another note: a Falcon owner (lucky guy!) posted a note about the SUPER formatter which I reviewed last time (see corrected review below). Apparently this is NOT Falcon compatible. If you have a Falcon trash this file before it trashes your hard drive! SUPER is Superformat v.2.0 by Francois Guilleme (dated Dec. 8, 1988). This formatter will allow you to set the format to up to 11 tracks and 99 sectors per track! Now I don't think any drive will do this, but you can certainly max out your format with this formatter! Remember, if you format anything over 82 tracks you risk not being able to pass your disks on to anyone else (or even read them yourself after awhile). This is in French, but there's no trouble in that. It's easy to use. TOS 1.0-1.62 compatible ***BUT NOT FALCON COMPATIBLE*** (it trashed one Falcon owner's C partition!!) Let's get on with the show! AV375 is Ascii-View, v.3.75 by David M. Seberg. Ascii-View is simply an ASCII text viewing program that was developed to replace the boring, plain, dull, monotonous, inflexible [Show]-[Print]-[Cancel] feature of the standard ST Desktop. It does this by allowing the user to easily view an Ascii text file with a myriad of features not available from the standard ST desktop or from the multitude of text viewers currently available in the ST market place (according to the author). It can be run from the desktop, as an installed application, from DC Desktop or NeoDesk. Blazingly fast scrolling, 100% keyboard equivalents, use of accessories from within program, memory of last ten files accessed with instant recall allowed, mark blocks to print, delete or save, set and move to markers, and more. All this makes a wonderful text viewing program. Color or mono. 15 pages of docs included (but you really don't need them - the program is easy to use!) SHAREWARE. BAT100 is BatSoftware's 80 column VT100 emulator v.1.01 (dated 1994). It is written in MC68000 assembly language and is very fast. A real-time clock and timer are available onscreen. You can easily select screen colors or use the pre-set screen colors (hint: use the arrow keys to make selections). No double width or length characters are supported. The emulator supports serial port rates of up to 19,200 baud, and can almost keep up at 9600 baud making it the fastest one available (or so I've been told). An expanded version is available through BatSoftware. I found this on the Toad Hall BBS. BLRMID11 is a set of 60 original MIDI files created by Bud Rasmussen, v. 11 (dated January 12, 1994). Created on a 386/40 (!) using Music Printer Plus, a Sound Blaster Pro card, and a Casio CT-700 keyboard/ synthesizer, these files are briefly described in an accompanying text file. Several files added from the previous version. Well done. 163K uncompressed. I found this on the CodeHead BBS (a lot of other files are there, too). BOOTSIE is Bootsie, the Bootsector Generator by Stefan Krey (dated 1993). This handy little utility will allow you to write information to the boot sector of a floppy disk that will display a short message at bootup, make several different simple beeps at bootup, turn off your 68020/30 cache, wait a determined amount of seconds for your hard drive to get to speed before continuing the boot process. The upload description mentions the ability to run an external program (if I remember correctly). That's not quite it, but I don't know what this part of the program does. It seems to allow you to load bootsector data into the program if you have a file with the info on it. But where do you get that file? I don't know! The program was designed to work in mono, but it will run in ST. med. res. as well. It's in German, but there is no need for docs, the program is that simple. STE compatible (but not TT compatible). CALSHW63B is Calshow 6.3b by Bill Aycock (dated Dec. 26, 1993). This version of CalShow (to be used with the author's Calendar program, "Cal" currently at version 6.3a) is a minor upgrade that fixes a problem with date calculations in certain specific situations. Requires Cal v.6.3a (CAL63A - see below for description) to be of use. I found this file on Toad Hall BBS. DIG_201 is the Digital Tracker v.2.01 by Emmanuel Jaccard (dated Jan. 5, 1993). This program is a SoundTracker/NoiseTracker/ Fasttracker and octalyser module compatible MOD editor/ player for the Falcon030. It will play and edit four, six, or eight voice MODs (and play 16 bits). An .ACC player is included which will allow you to play MODs in the background. It contains tools to manipulate blocks, tracks, and patterns of notes, and will search and replace notes as well. The docs are almost all in French and since I don't have a Falcon.... This archive contains three MOD files (ESSAI_18, PRECIOUS <"Precious Music" and the only one of these .MODs which is a SoundTracker/NoiseTracker MOD>, and YO11). SHAREWARE. I've been told that a previous version puts out fantastic sound, and so I assume that trend continues here. Here are some hints on working this demo. (I am not so sure if they work with this version since they are based on a previous version of this program, but they might be better than nothing.) It begins with an impressive start-up screen which asks you to indicate which disk drive your .MOD file is on. When you indicate the drive and click on OK a dialog will appear which says that the disk drive isn't responding. The "radio" button says "Cancel" or "Retry." You must click on Cancel to load the file. If you click on Retry it won't work! Also you might find that you need to load a .MOD file several times before it will actually load and play. Finally, after you load your .MOD file you must choose all the options you wish to use before you click on the play button. Otherwise the program will bomb out on you. You need to do this quickly! There is a scroll bar at the top that decreases in size. You must do all your selections before this bar disappears. This also BLASTS out the sound so be prepared to use your control panel to reduce the volume. E_GEM130 is the EnhancedGEM-Library v.1.30 by Christian Grunenberg (dated Nov.26, 1993). This is a freeware Dialog-Library which includes source code in C and Assembler, and is fully compatible with MultiTOS, Mag!X 2.0, and Winx 2.x (I assume Geneva, too). Some of the Capabilities of this Enhanced GEM-Dialog-Library are: - all Capabilities from LET 'EM FLY, the program that lets you create "Flying Dialog Boxes," the XFormDo-Lib, and more. - Bi-pass the GEM limit or 4 windows open at once. - Background processing when MultiTOS is available. - Clipboard accessability - Cookie/SCRAP/Rsrc Environment-Library - many dilated Object such as...Radio-Buttons...Check-Buttons...Cycle-Buttons for Popups - HELP-Button - Text with Attributes - VDI/GDOS-Driver - Size of the System-Fonts ...and much, much more. Unfortunately, all of this is in German, but I imagine that if you know programming, that won't matter as much... perhaps! FLX_LEXI is really two files containing a beta version of a FLI/C/X Player from Lexicor Software (dated Nov. 10, 1993), an FLI player from France, and an FLI 320x200x256 color animation (which uncompresses to 846K!). The player programs can play any FLI/C/X animation file in any resolution (providing your system allows it). They have been tested both on a NOVA card and the Falcon. The docs from Lexicor say this file is part of a commercial package and should not be distributed, but since Lexicor uploaded it!... FSER09B is Fast Serial v.0.96beta by Roman Hodek (dated Aug. 8, 1993, through the docs are for v.1.0 date Jan. 8, 1994!). Fast Serial is a program/CPX that will allow your Mega STE through Falcon computer to use the higher baud rates (38.4K, 57.6K, 115.2K, etc) that are available on the SCC driven serial ports these machines have. It also fixes the standard Flow Control bugs TOS seems to have. Docs in German. HSMODA02 is the most recent version of HSMODEM by Harun Scheutzow (English translation on Jan. 1, 1994). This package of utilities (several different utilities are included for your specific machine) is a serial fix/serial port accelerator for all ST(e)/Mega ST(e)/ TT/Falcon machines/MultiTOS/MagX!/Geneva. Put this program in your AUTO folder and you will find that you no longer have a problem your serial-port speed limitations on Modem Port 1. The author claims a reliable speed increase to 38 kbps on an 8-mHz ST and much more on a Mega STe and TT. ZOOM! The docs are in German, but the author has included his rough English translation. HTU is the Highscore Terminal Utility v.1.0 (dated Aug. 23, 1993) by Richard Karsmakers, the author of Ultimate Virus Killer. This GEM based utility is for all of you game fanatics out there. It is an easy-to-use database which will allow you to store all of your high scores from any game be it on a computer, Lynx, Jaguar, or... even a non-Atari game machine. Not only can you store high scores, but you can edit your lists, comment on the game, print out your lists, and more. ST--Falcon, MultiTOS and Geneva compatible. It will even work on a 1/2 meg machine. Color or mono. Docs included. Shareware. INIT_MDM is a freeware Modem Initializer by Jrgen Meyer. This program will allow you to configure your modem (a wide variety of features are supported) when connected to your ST--TT (either modem 1 or modem 2 port). I really can't say much about this because it is all in German (both program and docs). The program does look easy to use. Color or mono. JAG_3DO is the Jaguar vs. 3DO FAP (Frequently Argued Points) version 1 by Bob Rusbasan (dated October 13, 1993). I heartily recommend this text file to you all. I looks at a lot of the loaded questions and comparisons between the Jaguar and the 3DO and deals with them in a level-headed manner. The author has a nice writing style as well. If you want to get the facts about both of these fine machines read this file. Period. I found this on the TOAD Hall BBS. JUNO106 is the Juno-106 Manager v.1.0 by Charles J. Savoie (dated April 3, 1992). This is a complete Juno-106 specific Patch Librarian, with remote transmit feature, mouse support, temporary buffers and more. The interface uses a full graphic front panel view, to show parameters of internal Juno-106 patches as well as sounds in the library. The knobs and lights on the panel on screen respond dynamically with movements and patch changes on the keyboard. This program also allows you to give your Juno-106 patches names up to 24 characters (the program comes with a file containing 128 custom patches!). Docs included. Shareware. When you register you get even more patches and a grateful author! STE compatible (at least). I found this on the Toad Hall BBS. LYNXBEST is Rob's 1993 Lynx Awards by Robert Jung (dated Jan. 1,1994). As the intro says, "Once again, we'll look back at the 1993 game releases for the Atari Lynx handheld video game system, along with related happenings from Atari Corp. itself. Along the way, we'll salute the best and the brightest, razz the worst and the dumbest, and maybe work in a few cheap jokes along the way. Once again - because nobody else wanted the job - I'll play judge, jury, and executioner. Relax, sit back, and enjoy the show." Excellent reading! I found this on the Toad Hall BBS. MAGGIE10 is the MAGGIE Disk Magazine Issue 1.0: The magazine on disk from The Lost Boys! This is a full standard formatted DS disk full of demos, reviews, editorials, demo descriptions, programs and utilities, GFA Programming helps, and much more. Good fun mixed with some superb coding. You must have a Magic Shadow compatible archiver to extract (I recommend the Chaos Disk Compactor v.2.20 (CDC220fc in the FORMTCPY category) or the Magic Shadow Archiver II v.2.3+ (MSA_2_32fc in the same). According to Dan Panke, the owner of ST Plug, the official Budgie UK distributor in North America, this used to be a Budgie UK disk, but it is now PD. TOS 1.0--1.62 compatible (at least). Color. MAXSCSI is a series of ASCII files taken from the Maxtor BBS that details the specifications of most of their SCSI drives. Some out of production drives have been dropped from this list. MCS_V101 is the Mouse Construction Set, v.1.01 by Scott Sanders of Software Development Systems (dated early in 1994). This program will allow you to create and edit mouse shapes on any TOS 1.0--4.04 (ST-Falcon) machine. MultiTOS and Geneva compatible. It will allow you to create and save your mouse shapes as .CUR files and then export them to a C file which you can insert into your C source code. Nine sample .CUR files and docs are included. This version fixes a problem the program had with some TOS versions. MDIAL103 is MultiDialog (GEM-Dialogs in Windows), the English version, by Helmut Neukirchen (dated Dec. 21, 1993). MultiDialog is an AUTO folder, .ACC, or standard program that puts nearly any GEM dialog box into a GEM Window (and much more such as deciding where dialog boxes will appear on-screen and keyboard shortcuts when used in conjunction with Let-em-Fly). The result is that you can access the menu-bar or other applications while a dialog is running. This means that you can leave MultiDesk, Maxifile, or hundreds of other dialog based programs and accessories in their own windows and continue to access other files! This is especially VERY useful for multitasking TOS-releases (such as Multi-TOS and Geneva) in that it allows some non-MultiTOS compatible programs to work in a multitasking environment! It allows you to configure the program for maximum compatiblity with your system. Though MultiDialog was designed to work with Atari's MultiTOS it runs with all other TOS versions, too (i.e., TOS 1.0--4.xx and multitasking enhancements like Geneva, MultiGEM (but no longer MagiX!). This version now comes with both English and German versions and with English and German docs. To configure this (the docs tell how, in detail) you need Atari's XCONTROL to run the .CPX configuration module. Color or mono. I recommend this. MIKNET13 is MikeNet v.1.3b, a networking utility from Italy by Mike De Petris (dated Sept. 9, 1992 - my 37th birthday!). This will allow you to link two ST--Falcon computers together (they don't have to be the same type) via MIDI cables. You can access files on another computer, both to write and read (no more dragging floppies from computer to computer!). You can even run programs stored on another computer! All work is done at the sector level. That means that disk utilities like Cleanup work fine. The program also allows you to re-direct any drive to any other local or remote partition. This is particularly helpful with those programs that require they be run from drive A or C. Just use this program and any drive can be seen as A or C for that program! It works with ICD's BGM partitions which is very nice. You don't need to have two computers networked together to use the drive re-direction portion of this program (but you do need two computers to network them together!). Docs included. ST--Falcon compatible (MiNT and Geneva compatible, too). The only extra hardware you need is two MIDI cables. Shareware. MYSTICMR is Mystic Mirror by Jim Todd. This is a 3D adventure game for one or two players on the order of Dungeon Master. Fight the evil wizard and save the world from destruction. Docs included. Joystick and keyboard controlled. Color. SHAREWARE (limited to five levels and no save/load functions, but otherwise very playable). It's nice to see a two player game like this (see TOWERS for a more expansive and newer version of a two player dungeon game). ST--STE compatible (at least). I found this on the CodeHead BBS. NO_CLEAR by Jon Emery is a short BackTalk Script for STalker that will allow STalker to keep its virtual screen (a type of text buffer) even when it receives a clear screen command via modem. This script only works when you are in VT-52 or PC-Ansi mode (and I always am). Set up this script using Function Key Setting under STalker's Setting menu, save your configuration, and you're set. That problem won't happen again! ONE_FILE is a STalker 3.x .BTS script by Bob Morrow that allows you pick a GEnie RoundTable and file number, call that number, download the file, and hang up. This is a one file, GEnie only utility (of course, someone could modify it for Delphi or another online service - the author welcomes your changes). Be careful not to pick a file that isn't there because this script doesn't know what to do then (it won't hang up). Docs included. PEARL_93 is the 10 level "demo" of Super Dark Pearl by Dave Munsie and Majic Soft. This excellent program is a greatly expanded version of Dark Pearl which was uploaded last year (see DARKPERL). This game requires you to guide your bouncing ball (as seen from above) over a grid of squares and collect various objects (jewels, et. al.) and points along the way (there are 70 screens for you to cover in all!). Watch out if you miss that landing - it's a LONG way down! If you don't collect all of the jewels you get sent back to the beginning of the level to try again. Joystick controlled. This runs and exits nicely from a hard drive or floppy. Color only. Requires at least one meg of RAM. TOS 1.0--3.06 compatible (at least). Docs (and online help) included. This game was written in GFA Basic 3.5e with the M.A.G.E. (Magic Arcade Game Machine) (formerly the GP_GRAPHICS ENGINE) also by Dave Munsie. The upload docs say to disable screen accelerators, but I haven't had any trouble with Warp 9 and this program (or at least none that I see). Recommended. The commercial version of this game (how could it get better?), and nine other arcade hits are coming soon! PFXPAK30 is a preliminary version of Thomas Quester's PFX Pack v.3.0. This program will compress your programs, accessories, and files (and uncompress them, too) so that you may run your programs and accessories transparently and yet in the compressed form (like Squish). You will need his AFX, automatic file uncompression utility (al la Data Diet) to transparently use compressed files. This can save you piles of room since the program compresses your files down to same size that an LZH utility could. This program is now multitasking compatible (MultiTOS, MagX!, and Geneva compatible), and has piles of options (like setting the FastBit, checking the file compression %, and more). I've only checked a few files with this and found some problems with compatibility on my system (STE, T-25 accelerator, 4 meg RAM, TOS 1.62). It would allow me to compress and run some programs, but not others. I tried STZIP v.2.4 and STeno 2.0, both of which wouldn't work. Some other programs worked fine. You'll have to check out the programs you particularly wish to use. Shareware. PMJ_ENG2 is Premium Mah Jongg II (the English version) by Jens Schulz & Thomas Grube (dated Oct. 10, 1993). Mah Jongg is an old chinese board game in which you seek to remove pairs of tiles from a set of 144 tiles stacked in a five level pyramid. The game itself might be old, but Premium Mah Jongg II is anything but old. It is full of features, has excellent game play and graphics, and is unfortunately quite addictive! It will run in all ST and TT res, and up to 256 colors on Falcons and graphic cards. I can't begin to list all the features (but I'll try anyway): First of all, there are excellent English Docs which explain all the rules of Mah Jongg II and all the features of the game. Next, the program will tell you all the free tiles available if you wish (only in the solitaire, non-tournament mode). It will even check, in real-time if you have reached a dead end in your play (if it doesn't tell you you're finished then there is a matching tile SOMEWHERE!). It will repeat your game for you and allow you to replay your game from any point. If you don't like the color of the tiles or background you can change them! This game has a solitaire practice mode, a tournament mode, and a "happening" mode. The happening mode is where the game produces multiple copies of the exact same set of games for as many players as desired. These players then each play the games and the times are compared. The fastest player wins (and as a prize gets taken out to dinner by the other players!). This game is shareware, but you only need to pay if you get so good that you can beat the highest tourney level (or participate in a "happening"). Recommended. Floppy or hard drive installable. On a personal note I was surprised to see my name listed in the docs! Joseph M. Turner (ATARIPOWER7 on Delphi) and I were thanked for the help we've give Jens (Joseph has done much more than me!). Also mentioned was the fact that Mah Jongg II cannot be distributed by any Commercial PD company except Suzy B's Software. 707K uncompressed. R24ARROW is a module for GEM-View 3.xx which will allow you to load and view images created using the Arrow 24 Renderer. GEM-View now supports external modules like this which greatly expands the potential uses of GEM-View. An Arrow 24 image (entitled "Lego") is included. RR_TRACK by K. Fanning is a .3d2 file which was created using CAD-3D 2.02 and DCyber Control using a HO scale train track for a model. Is there any way for me to view this file, and others like it, without CAD-3D? Please let me know if there is! The author has also included a list of all his uploads to GEnie in this archive. 167K uncompressed. SELECT11 is Selectric v.1.10 by Stefan Radermacher (dated Nov., 1993). Selectric is a SHAREWARE replacement File Selector... and more! Fully keyboard and/or mouse controlled, you just place this program in your AUTO folder (or run it from the desktop) and you're set. Anytime a program calls the Atari Item Selector, Selectric will appear instead. A full list of features would be impossible to list here. I just recommend that you get this and check it out! Have you ever had a long list of folders visible and then opened a folder, exited it and found yourself back at the top of the list? Frustrating, isn't it? That won't happen with this program. Close a folder and you're still over that folder! Wouldn't it be nice to be able to scroll up and down a list of files using the arrow keys? You guessed it! You can do that, too. File searches, key letter file selections (just type "SE" to find the file SELECTRIC.TXT), dynamic memory management (the only limit to files you can show in one folder is the limit of your RAM), MultiTOS compatible, and much, much more! A utility (FRACTAL) is included which allows you to grab some memory away from programs that want to hog it all for themselves. This allows you to run Selectric when you otherwise wouldn't be able to do so (it's useful in other areas, too). ST--TT compatible in all resolutions (and with all graphic cards, too). I expect that it's Falcon compatable, too, but I'm not sure. Previous versions of Selectric has looked interesting, but they've all been in German. Now with this version, the program is in English and full English documentation (written by a native English speaker) is available (on GEnie a version of the program recently appeared that was unofficially translated into English, but the docs were still in German. On Toad Hall BBS the full author-endorsed English version is available). SLEUTH_R is Sleuth, by MajicSoft. Written using the M.A.G.E. (Majic Arcade Graphics Engine) which allows you to create excellent games with GFA Basic in just a short time, this game places you in the future in the role of a cybernetic sleuth whose job it is is to see that the cybernetic organisms humanity has developed remain under human control (the game is similar to the old Atari 8-bit game of "Shamus"). Unfortunately, that isn't very easy, since there is an evil scientist (Dr. Spirit by name) forming a private army of cyberdroids to advance his evil plans. Your job is to stop him! Armed only with a hand gun that fires small armor piercing projectiles, you must infiltrate the cyberdroid factory and destroy the Cyberdroids, the factory, and Dr. Spirit himself. The factory is a four level fortified maze through which you must work (making a map helps). Pick up whatever you find, and beware! Things are not always as they look! Good luck! Color only. The upload docs said to disable screen accelerators to use this, but I didn't have any problem running this with Warp 9 installed (or at least I didn't see any problem!). ST--Falcon? compatible. Joystick controlled. Are you interested in PD/Shareware/Demo Software? Of course you are! The fastest and most up-to-date way to get it is online (I use the commercial services GEnie and Delphi and Toad Hall and the CodeHead BBS to get all of my files), but there are other ways to get those programs and files as well. There are a number of PD distribution companies in the Atari world. Now you can download the special Delphi On-Line edition of the February, 1994 issue of the Suzy B's Software catalog. This catalog contains detailed descriptions of over 8,700 unique files (it uncompresses to over three megabytes of ASCII text running over 1,000 pages). With Suzy B's Software you individually customize the files on each disk. That way you can have a game, a utility, an animation, a telecommunications program, and a database program (or more) all on one disk. They call it "a honey of a deal." TELGLOSS is a glossary of terms commonly used by telecommunications enthusiasts, as well as words specific to offline mail reading and Bulletin Board Systems. This is a very useful source of information! TTERM21 is Teddy-TERM v.2.10 by M.J.Matts (dated late 1993). Teddy-TERM v1.x originally started life as a simple shell program to allow you to use external protocols such as XYZ.TTP and Jekyll easily from within Vanterm, but since then it has grown and developed into a fully functional (no crippling) VT110/VT52 Shareware communications terminal program. It now supports ANSI is all resolutions (mono, too!). It is simple enough that first time modem users can navigate their way through it, and yet adaptable enough for the power-user as well. Mouse and/or keyboard controlled (both for all functions). Contains a nice capture buffer, features auto logon features (with a feature that allows T-Term to learn your own logon information and use it in the future), uses loadable fonts, supports 9600 baud, runs external programs, access installed .ACC, keyboard and/or mouse control and much more. This version introduces PILES of new features. I recommend this to you. Requires XYZ201 (by Alan Hamilton) and Jekyll for transfers using those protocals. Extensive docs included. Color or mono (extended res. cards, too). ST--Falcon and Geneva compatible. I found this on the Toad Hall BBS. VID_SAMP is a series of ten Degas .PC1 (mono) pictures captured by R. Zalischuk using VideoMaster (dated Jan. 22, 1994). I'd say that these are the best video captures I've seen, especially since they haven't been retouched at all, but they aren't that wonderful. They are a bit "blocky" thought that is likely more an artifact of how the pictures were saved than a reflection on the program. I have a question (send me EMail please!). How are those excellent PhotoChrome 3 (originally GIF pictures, I assume) and some Spectrum pictures that show natural scenes and people taken from photographs or video ported over to computer data? ZONEBLIT is a ASCII text containing a correction to the M.A.G.E. (Majic Arcade Graphics Engine from Majic Soft) manual. It focusses on the Front End interface that is built right into M.A.G.E.. These Zones (of where there are 255) are described and information is given on how then may be used within M.A.G.E.. Requires M.A.G.E. to be of use. All of these files can be found on one or more of the following on-line services: GEnie (M.BURKLEY1 or AEO.4), Delphi (MRBURKLEY), The CodeHead BBS (213-461-2095), and at Toad Hall, now the official BBS of the Boston Computer Society (617-567-8642) (Michael R. Burkley). Drop me a line! Michael lives in Niagara Falls, NY. He is a former Polyurethane Research Chemist and is presently the pastor of the Niagara Presbyterian Church. --==--==--==--==-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --==--==-- GEnie Sign-Up Information --==--==-- -- -- -- -- 1. Set your communications software for half duplex (local echo) -- -- at 300, 1200, or 2400 baud. -- -- -- -- 2. Dial toll free: 1-800-638-8369 (or in Canada, 1-800-387-8330). -- -- Upon connection, enter HHH. -- -- -- -- 3. At the U# prompt, enter XTX99436,GENIE then press . -- -- -- -- 4. Have a major credit card ready. In the U.S., you may also use -- -- your checking account number. -- -- -- -- For more information in the United States or Canada, call 1-800- -- -- 638-9636 or write: GEnie, c/o GE Information Services, P.O. Box -- -- 6403, Rockville, MD 20850-1785. -- -- -- -- --==--==-- Atari's Official Online Resource! --==--==-- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --==--==--==--==-- ||| Atari ST RT News ||| By: John G. Hartman / | \ GEnie: J.G.H. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Atari RT Weekly News 2.1 = REALTIME CONFERENCE = Dateline Atari! RTC with Bob Brodie is on the first Friday of the month at 10:00 pm EST in the RTC at page 475;2. Programming RTC with Mike Allen is on the first and third Thursday of the month at 10:00 pm EST in the RTC at page 475;2. Desktop Publishing RTC is held weekly on Monday nights at 10:00 pm EST in the RTC at page 475;2. General Atari RTC is held weekly on Wednesday nights at 10:00 pm EST in the RTC at page 475;2. = FROM THE BANNER = The Independent Association of Jaguar Developers (IAJD) has been formed as a support group to promote game development, to develop standards, and as a general information sharing network for registered Jaguar developers. The IAJD is located on GEnie in Cat 64 of the Atari ST Round Table (m475;1). Registered developers can apply for IAJD membership by sending GEnie EMAIL to ENTRY$. = ATARI RT LIBRARY = = RTC TRANSCRIPTS = ------------------------------------------------------ 31796 CD_ROM.ARC X ST.LOU 940129 12928 219 13 Desc: Latest Developments for Atari CD ROM 31725 PRGRTC05.ARC X MIKE-ALLEN 940123 7936 35 13 Desc: Programming RTC transcript 20Jan94 31570 BRODIE17.ARC X ST.LOU 940109 16512 568 13 Desc: Jaguar Wins CES Awards! 31565 PRGRTC04.ARC X MIKE-ALLEN 940108 10496 54 13 Desc: Programming RTC 6Jan94 ------------------------------------------------------ = LAST MONTH'S PRESS RELEASES = ----------------------------------------------------- 31820 LPSAMP.TXT X J.P.C. 940131 4096 30 14 Desc: ASCII file describing LABEL PLATES 31781 TOADWIN.ZIP X TOAD-SERV. 940128 42752 10 14 Desc: TOAD JAGUAR RAFFLE WINNERS! PICTURE! 31774 EXTENDOS.TXT X R.BURROWS1 940128 1536 153 14 Desc: Info on ExtenDOS (CD-ROM support) 31706 ORACLE_S.ZIP X J.PERRY13 940122 2816 52 14 Desc: Press Release: Oracle System GEM BBS 31699 GLMPR346.LZH X R.FAULKNER4 940121 64512 90 14 Desc: GEnieLamp Press Release #3.46 31697 GEMCDROM.ZIP X R.MORROW10 940121 79488 98 14 Desc: CD-ROM with Atari S/W. 31676 RS_USED.ZIP X D.HODSON 940118 13056 235 14 Desc: Rising Star's Used List, Jan 18,94! 31650 TOAD105.ZIP X TOAD-SERV. 940116 65408 88 14 Desc: NEW!! Pricing & Picture of Toad 105! 31640 GEM302PR.TXT X BRASOFT 940115 4992 121 14 Desc: Gemulator 3.02 upgrade announcement 31617 TOADCD.TXT X TOAD-SERV. 940114 5760 236 14 Desc: Info on new TOAD CD ROM Pricing!! 31587 TOAD0194.ZIP X TOAD-SERV. 940111 13696 298 14 Desc: Toad Specials & TOP TEN! Jan. '94! 31578 MUSICSM.ARC X B.STONE 940110 15616 12 14 Desc: SUCCESS STORIES FROM MUSIC SEMINAR 31564 GEMINI.ZIP X GREG 940108 332160 27 14 Desc: Directory of FILES folder on Gemini 31563 CD_OFFER.ZIP X GREG 940108 3840 130 14 Desc: Gemini Atari CD Bundles from IAR 31540 TRACKCMB.TXT X NEVIN-S 940107 2560 75 14 Desc: 2-for-1 special on Tracker/ST! 31538 GLMPR344.LZH X R.FAULKNER4 940107 70528 97 14 Desc: GEnieLamp Press Release #3.44 31516 REG_DEAL.TXT X E.MONACO 940104 5120 107 14 Desc: ShareWare Registration deal!!! ----------------------------------------------------- = LAST MONTH'S DEMO RELEASES = ------------------------------------------------------ 31742 HAYAIDEM.LZH X AEO.5 940125 24576 21 10 Desc: Demo of HD backup program. 31668 CONN244E.LZH X R.ANISKO 940118 386944 61 10 Desc: CoNnect 2.44 term emulator 31661 TFRAKPRO.ZIP X A.FASOLDT 940117 665344 27 10 Desc: Topaz fractal app for '030 Ataris. 31562 RECIPE43.LZH X A.WATSON6 940108 94848 116 10 Desc: The Recipe Box (4.3) 31561 M_QWK120.LZH X A.WATSON6 940108 81408 57 10 Desc: Mountain QWK Offline Reader (1.20) ------------------------------------------------------ = LAST TWO WEEK'S TOP 10 DOWNLOADED PROGRAMS = ------------------------------------------------------ 31653 GENSECRT.ZIP X A.FASOLDT 940116 19072 244 21 Desc: Secrets of Geneva, Part 1. 31689 JAGCHEAT.TXT X M.LYDA 940119 8320 199 21 Desc: Latest cheats for Jaguar games 31656 BLACKHOL.ZIP X D.SNOW4 940117 871168 165 8 Desc: Falcon030 arcade game - freeware 31631 2COLUMNS.LZH X JWC-OEO 940115 79360 154 2 Desc: Prints text files in 2 columns 31646 SPECKLES.ZIP X DMJ 940116 26752 144 16 Desc: New Warp 9 EOS from dmj! 31767 LZH_299.LZH X GRMEYER 940126 175872 143 40 Desc: LHARC 2.99 with shell 31691 LETEMFLY.ZIP X B.BRESNIK 940119 46848 124 2 Desc: improve GEM dialog-boxes 31672 CALTIM31.ZIP X MYECK.WATERS 940118 11008 119 2 Desc: With permission from the author. 31782 GBNCH330.ZIP X GRMEYER 940129 97024 111 2 Desc: GEMBench v3.30 benchmark program 31770 SURPRISE.LZH X MUSE 940127 13440 111 16 Desc: The Elephant of Surprise EOS module ------------------------------------------------------ = LAST MONTH'S TOP 10 DOWNLOADED PROGRAMS = ------------------------------------------------------ 31557 STZP24.TOS X W.PIKE 940108 135168 507 40 Desc: version 2.4 STZIP 31589 SYSINFO.ZIP X TOAD-SERV. 940111 42496 247 2 Desc: Tests Modem & Gives System Info! 31653 GENSECRT.ZIP X A.FASOLDT 940116 19072 244 21 Desc: Secrets of Geneva, Part 1. 31314 GNVA_003.LZH X GRIBNIF 931231 222976 225 21 Desc: Patch Geneva rel 002 (1.01) -> 003 31615 HSMODA02.LZH X E.JOLLEY 940114 84992 206 2 Desc: A Must For High Speed Modem Owners 31386 QVFIX1.PRG X A.FASOLDT 940101 384 166 7 Desc: Auto folder patch for use w/Stalker. 31348 KNUTSOFT.LZH X AEO.5 931231 10240 166 2 Desc: Like Blitz copier. 31656 BLACKHOL.ZIP X D.SNOW4 940117 871168 165 8 Desc: Falcon030 arcade game - freeware 31631 2COLUMNS.LZH X JWC-OEO 940115 79360 154 2 Desc: Prints text files in 2 columns 31774 EXTENDOS.TXT X R.BURROWS1 940128 1536 153 14 Desc: Info on ExtenDOS (CD-ROM support) ------------------------------------------------------ = LAST MONTH'S INTERNET ARCHIVES = ------------------------------------------------------ 31808 INET89.ARC X DARLAH 940130 53248 25 48 Desc: Internet January 30, 1994 31751 INET88.ARC X DARLAH 940125 160512 23 48 Desc: Interner January 25th, 1994 31750 INET87.ARC X DARLAH 940125 148224 15 48 Desc: Internet Archive January 21sr 31576 INET86.ARC X DARLAH 940110 129280 21 48 Desc: Internet January 10, 1994 31558 INET85.ARC X DARLAH 940108 80384 32 48 Desc: Internet Archive Jan 7th, 1994 ------------------------------------------------------ --==--==--==--==-- ||| Developing news! ||| Items of interest from TOS platform developers and supporters / | \ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Barefoot's Quake Status =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Notice to All Barefoot Software Customers Due to the Earthquake, which happened practically directly underneath the offices of Barefoot Software, Inc., the company will be closed for approximately 15 days from the date of this notice. The telephone lines into the offices have been damaged, therefore while it sounds like the phones are ringing, there aren't any ringing through to the business, could be because the actual phones and the main box were crunched beyond recognition. Anybody want to buy a semi cordless phone? The mail service has not been affected however, it's as intermittent as always, so write us. The mail is delivered during all four of our seasons; floods, drought, firestorms and earthquakes. (Wanna move here?) We will be relocating (Fiji perhaps?) very soon, until such time our address will remain: 19865 Covello, Canoga Park, CA. 91306, we will of course have all of our mail forwarded to the next address. MidiWorld will be shut down in approximately 7 days, if it lasts that long, it's not real sea worthy and the decks are still shaking. After we relocate we will set up a referral number for the new, and improved, roller model BBS. The current MidiWorld number is (818) 996-7659. The current location is somewhere in a garage in Van Nuys, (we hope) so the BBS should be used for information exchange between users only. We are unable to respond to your inquiries at this time, because we can't get in the garage. You can buy our products, at incredible savings, through any of the 17 Guitar Center locations. We understand they are all freeway close, but remember to wear your safety belt, carry a flash light, 3 - five gallon containers of uncontaminated water, and always keep your sneakers in the front seat with you. (Don't forget the extra batteries). But seriously folks. We realize this is an inconvenience for you - but think of it this way: at least you got water. We would very much like to thank you for your patience, we'll be up and running as soon as possible. Our thoughts and prayers are with those of you also affected by those 45 seconds that changed all our lives. Keep smiling and hang on. Sincerely - Jeff and Dana - Barefoot Software, Inc. (Hey Jeff -------Did you feel thattttttttttttttttttttttttttt tt????????) ttttttttttt ttttt tttt P.S. If you need to get an urgent message to Dana or Jeff just E-mail me and I'll get it to them next time I see them. Rick(Bondservant) GEnie: K.RICHARD2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Cybercube Status =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= It has been brought to my attention that some confusing and sometimes conflicting information has been posted publicly on various services to which we do not have access. Some would even say that false information was deliberately being spread about our products by those with not so hidden motives and agendas. In the following paragraphs, I will provide a general outline of our activities here at Cybercube that have taken place during 1993, and what the future will hold for 1994. In this way, you can all read the current status of our products and company from the source, us. //// GEM-View File and Image Viewer, Release 3 We are particularly pleased that Dieter Fiebelkorn's GEM-View File and Image Viewer has enjoyed an ever increasing popularity since we've started representing it here in North America. GEM-View is a very fine example of a high quality SHAREWARE product, and judging from the many letters and customer responses, GEM-View user's fully share this view. GEM-View has gone through its most dramatic upgrade yet. The very structure of GEM-View has been changed to accomodate the growing demands and to add even more flexibility. These changes represent the sum of numerous suggestions and ideas put forward by GEM-View's large installed user base. Please allow me to take this excellent opportunity to extend our thanks to all registered users for their continued commitment and support. Your feedback has helped to define and shape GEM-View into one of the most flexible and extensible tools available on this platform. GEM-View 3.xx is now modular. GEM-View comes complete with modules for loading, processing, converting, saving, and printing a wide variety of file and image formats. You can add or remove any number of modules, thus customize GEM-View to your own requirements. At the same time, this flexible modular concept allows third party developers to design new GEM-View modules. This will lead to a further expansion of the number of available modules and bring a whole new array of file and image processing capabilities to GEM-View. The new modules are more efficient and have been upgraded to provide better performance. Loading of GIF files is now up to 500% faster, JPEG processing times have been reduced by 30%. We are also the ONLY authorized North American representative to handle all registration aspects. GEM-View offers a 14 DAYS UNRESTRICTED TRIAL PERIOD. This provides everyone with the unique ability to fully evaluate and test the program at their own leisure. Should you find it useful yourself, and decide to register GEM-View, we've made the registration a very easy and simple process. There is no need to send in disks, CRI's or remitting money overseas. Just send a cheque or money order for US $30 or Cdn $42 to: Cybercube Research Ltd, 126 Grenadier Cres., Thornhill, ONT L4J 7V7, Canada, and we will send you a customized copy of GEM-View with your own personal key. Please mark your payment clearly and make cheques payable to Cybercube. //// InShape 3D Modeler & Shader We at Cybercube are very pleased to bring you another hiqh quality application for the Atari platform. Cybercube has been appointed the exclusive North American distributor for the InShape 3D Modeler & Shader. InShape is a feature-packed, fully integrated 3D modeling, rendering and animation system that introduces a new level of flexibility, user-friendliness and professionalism. It handles three dimensional objects, images and animations with extraordinary ease and elegance. The built-in editors streamline the whole creative process and facilitate the design of even complex models. But one of InShape's most characteristic features is the abundance of photorealistic surface definitions, bump maps, animated waves, wrinkles, textures and image mapping features. InShape is a sophisticated yet easy-to-use program with a modern 3D-style user interface. Presently, we offer two versions, one specifically designed for the Falcon030, the InShape INTRO (1.00) and the TT030 version, called InShape 1.02. InShape retails for much less than you would expect from such a poweful package. It has been priced very aggressively and it's different versions cover a wide range of applications. The INTRO version let's you explore the power and versatility at an incredible low entry-level price. InShape 1.02 provides you with increased speed, power and bigger image sizes. But there is even more to come. Shortly, we will introduce InShape Release 2.00. With it, InShape will run on any VDI compatible graphics card, utilize True Color displays, fully support multi-tasking environments such as Multi-TOS, GENEVA or MAG!X, import and export an increased number of file formats, provide improved editors and many additional features. Creating even the most demanding objects will become as easy as doodling on your scratch pad. For more information, about InShape INTRO, 1.02 or the new Release 2, please refer also to our InShape related press releases available on many fine BBS systems and information networks. Our decision to bring this truly amazing package to all Atari users here in North America was based on the apparent lack of a professional solution for those particular applications and repeated requests from our CyReL SUNRISE M16-1280 True Color High Resolution Graphics Cards customers. We at Cybercube are in a unique position to offer a complete solution, ranging from the right hardware components, like our highly acclaimed CyReL SUNRISE M16-1280 graphics cards and the CyReL VidiMix16 Desktop Video Modules, to the necessary software services. Cooperation with several other leading vendors of high quality software for your Atari system will guarantee the best possible compatibility of the existing product line with coming attractions. In the coming weeks we will also introduce the CyReL ACCUframe utility and thus add professional single frame recording capabilities to the InShape package. A fast and feature-rich animation player is scheduled to debut as well and will allow you to view your (InShape, Vivid, Animator, MPEG) animations right on your desktop. InShape Release 1.00 and 1.02 is available now. We have had some delivery problems over the holiday season due to a higher than expected demand, but we have since made all the necessary arrangements to avoid any future delays. We would also like to invite all interested users to take a test drive and experience the power of InShape for themselves. We are convinced that the quality and scope of the program speaks for itself. A demo version complete with tutorials and instructions can be found on all major BBS systems and networks. And following the old motto that a picture says more than a thousand words, have a look at some of the 24-bit InShape images on-line. Once you made yourself familiar with InShape, you might also want to take advantage of the 'InShape User to User' program. This new program has been designed to provide a forum for InShape users to share their knowledge and experience. Now you and your fellow InShape users will benefit if you know about a special tip or trick. And while sharing your insight, you can accumulate some valuable credits or points, which can earn you a FREE GEnie On-Line Time Bonus. For more details, please refer to the InShape User to User press release. //// CyReL SUNRISE M16-1280 True Color High Resolution Graphics Cards We have added a lot of value to our highly acclaimed graphics cards during 1993. Not only has the standard software package grown to over 4 megabytes, but we've also been able to reduce the prices of our CyReL SUNRISE M16-1280 cards to a new and very attractive level. The CyReL SUNRISE M16-1280 combines a sophisticated graphics controller with 2 MB of fast video RAM and a top of the line video DAC (digital to analogue converter) to form a very flexible graphics system. By employing the latest technologies, custom designed components and more than 70 video clock frequencies up to 128 MHz, the CyReL SUNRISE M16-1280 cards achieve a new level of performance and integration. The CyReL SUNRISE M16-1280 offers a wide range of operating modes from economic Monochrome displays to dazzling True Color imaging capabilities. The CyReL SUNRISE M16-1280 can be operated with any industry standard analog monitor, ranging from small 12" analog greyscale to 17" VGA monitors and even to high end multi-sync monitors up to 37". Due to the versatile video timing generator, resolutions up to 3400 (horizontal) and 2048 (vertical) can be programmed. Every M16-1280 card supports multiple frame buffers in 32/24bit (True Color), 8bit (256 colors), 4bit (16 colors), 2bit (4 colors) and 1bit/pixel (monochrome) modes, allowing up to 262 frame buffers simultaneously. On-board hardware assisted blit and drawing functions accelerate the graphics output and screen updates. The built-in expansion connectors provide further opportunities for enhancements and represent a flexible way for future upgrades. Multi-media applications can take advantage of the new and exciting CyReL VidiMix16 Desktop Video expansion module. It allows every SUNRISE card to record live video clips, instantly resize and capture True Color video images in real-time. The VidiMix16 encodes computer generated pictures, animations and images in 12 different international TV standards while providing a host of special effects. All colors can be selected from a range of 16,777,216 shades. Pseudo Color and True Color modes (with gamma correction) are available. The True Color modes support an 8-bit alpha channel and, in conjunction with the VIDIMIX16 module, assists professional real-time superimposing of live video images, graphics and templates. Smooth scrolling and panning allows virtual screen sizes beyond the normal monitor resolution. Interlaced or non-interlaced modes with various refresh rates up to 260 Hz are programmable. The boards feature a separate 2MB Video RAM frame buffer to maximize the use of the internal Atari RAM and thus eliminating the necessity to expand the ST/TT RAM in order to operate the cards. The reason why we used the more expensive video RAMs instead of normal DRAMS is rather obvious. Conventional DRAMs only allow either the CPU or the video logic to access the memory. Since the user certainly wants a flicker-free and stable picture, the video logic has a higher priority over the CPU. This results in sometimes large bus bandwidth losses easily exceeding 50%. The CPU is being put 'on-hold' every time the video logic reads the memory. Since this is a constant process, there are only small portions of time in which the CPU can do something useful. On the other hand, VRAM update cycles on the M16-1280 take a maximum of 5% bus bandwidth depending on the selected resolution, mode and controller settings. Most of the time it is even less. This results in a very high bus bandwidth for CPU cycles and blit speeds of 60 million pixels per second can be achieved. Up to four CyReL M16-1280 cards can be present in a single Atari TT030 system. This allows multiple-monitor operation (e.g. for video walls, large presentations or show attractions). In the Mega STE, only one CyReL M16-1280 card can be installed. This is due to the fact that only 4 MB of address space are reserved for the VME bus as opposed to the 16 MB in the TT030. The Mega STE is based on the 68ooo CPU and can only address a maximum of 16 MB of memory. Considering this, the VME bus already utilizes an astonishing 25% of that address space. Our boards also comes complete with their own custom 256 Color and True Color VDI drivers, offering compatibility with almost all GEM applications available. A number of system accessories increase the comfort and ease of configuring the various features of the cards. We have just shipped the latest release of our custom CyReL VDI drivers, and once again, they show a considerable increase of speed and flexibility. The drivers are updated on almost a monthly basis and each customer receives a one-year FREE update service. The CyReL SUNRISE M16-1280 graphic cards now retail for only US $995. We think that this package represents an outstanding value. And many of our customers agree. They found this CyReL product to be an excellent addition to their system. We in turn would like to thank all our users for their support and we wish all of them all the best with their future projects and endeavors. Have a prosperous 1994. Best Regards, CYBERCUBE RESEARCH LTD. Ralf Doewich Contact Addresses: If you have any questions regarding any of our products, please do not hesitate to contact us at: Cybercube Research Limited 126 Grenadier Crescent Thornhill L4J 7V7 Ontario Canada Tel.: (905) 882 0294, Mon-Fri, 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM, EST Fax : (905) 886 3261 BBS : (905) 882 5895, 300 to 14,400 baud GEnie: CYBERCUBE CRS-Online: Cybercube.Research InterNet: cybercube.research@camrem.com or cybercube@genie.geis.com Further, we would like to invite all interested users to join us in any of our GEnie topics, whether you are interested in GEM-View (Category 7, Topic 33), InShape (Category 7, Topic 41) or any other CyReL product (Category 16, Topic 12), simply drop-by and say hello. Don't be afraid to ask. We are here to help. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Missionware Head Off to Olympics =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= As most of you know, most Atari developers can't afford to live off of their Atari sales. In order to feed themselves and their families, they need a Real Job! You can include me in that category. For those of you that don't know, my Real Job is with CBS TV. I've been an engineer in broadcasting for 20 years, the last 10 of which have been with CBS in Chicago (WBBM-TV, an Owned and Operated station). Although I'd like to make Missionware Software my "full time gig", right now I can't. Therefore, the Real Job must come first. In this case, CBS offered me a once-in-a-lifetime deal - to work the Winter Olympic Games in Lillehammer, Norway. I've been given the job of "TX Supervisor" (TX = Transmission) which I'll be doing in Lillehammer the entire month of February. I'm departing for Norway this coming Saturday, January 29th. I'll be returning February 28th. Because of the job I'll be doing and the hours I'll be working, I won't be able to get online at all during the month. From what I understand, access to the major online systems is limited *and expensive* in Norway anyway. Therefore, I'll be traveling sans computer (although I'll be operating lots of them in TX). Missionware Software will not be shutting down during my absence, however. Things will slow down a bit though, and support may also take a bit longer than you've come to expect. My wife Kathy will be handling the phones at Missionware in my absence and will do the best job she can in answering your telephone calls. Be patient though - she's not a computer (or telecom) expert. She will be taking in orders and handling other day-to-day tasks. Online support will also continue. Here's the breakdown as it now stands: BIX: We've never had any official Missionware Support on BIX. I do publish an Internet email address that ends up in my BIX mailbox. That mail will (hopefully) be forwarded to my partner-in-crime, John "Hutch" Hutchinson. CompuServe: Bob Carpenter, a neighbor and long-time beta tester, will be handling my official support account, 71333,1003, on CIS. Bob knows some of the intricacies of our VT emulations better than I do. He'll do a great job handling your questions there. Delphi: Dana Jacobson will handle as many online questions as he can. He'll also be getting email forwarded to his mailbox. Dana's been a big supporter of Flash II and I know he'll do an excellent job for me there. GEnie: GEnie has our biggest support area. I'm trying real hard to make sure that support on GEnie continues to be what you've all come to expect from us. Therefore, we've got an entire lineup of folks to help out. Al Fasoldt, Flash II user extraordinare and DO script expert, will handle many of your Flash II questions here. Bob Carpenter, who also frequents GEnie, will be helping out here as well as CIS. Our main Fair Dinkum guy, Hutch, will continue to handle support for his old product line of educational programs like Crossword Creator II. As my business partner, Hutch will also be handling new product shipments while I'm gone. The orders should continue to come directly to Missionware Software, either by telephone or mail. Kathy will pass these orders on to Hutch for shipment. We'll continue to process your orders as quickly as we can, but please excuse us if things take a bit longer than you've become accustomed to. If any problems arise while I'm gone, I'll make sure to take care of them first thing when I return in March. Between Kathy and Hutch handling the business end of things, and Al, Bob and Dana handling the online support, Missionware Software will be in good hands during February. I'll continue to be online and available all this week through Saturday morning. I then pull the modem plug for a month. If you've got any questions that you've been putting off, ask them now! :-) I thank you for your support these past couple of years and continue to look forward to doing business with you for many more years to come. Enjoy your February! I know I'll be enjoying mine. And make sure to watch the Winter Olympics on your local CBS TV station. Many of the pictures you'll be watching and the sounds you'll be hearing will be because of my duties in TX at the IBC (International Broadcast Center). Naturally, any mistakes that happen will be someone else's fault! John Trautschold Missionware Software 354 N. Winston Drive Palatine, IL 60067 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Photo CD Offer =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PCD Sampler Volume I contains 20 professional images in Kodak Photo CD format. The images are ready for use with Photo Show Pro, Studio Photo, Gem View, True Paint and any other Atari application that supports the Kodak Photo CD imaging system. Our "PCD Sampler - Volume I" has a retail of $29.99 and we are allowing a $10.00 discount from now through February 14 to registered users of any of our Kodak Photo CD products including Photo Show, Photo Show Pro, and View_PCD for the Falcon. ======================================================================== After my last "FALCON ONLY" special and the complaints from ST/STe users, we will extend our offer to registered users of View II. ======================================================================== Send your check for $19.99 to: Randall Kopchak, 2233 Keeven Lane, Florissant MO 63031. All orders are shipped postpaid. The "PCD Sampler - Volume I" can also be used on the PC, Mac, and CD-I machines with appropriate software. Photography was done by Louis Back, Berlin. The disc was pressed by totronic, Germany, publishers of Virtual BookMaker in the German language. --==--==--==--==-- ||| ||| Shutdown ............................ Power off, EXIT, BYE, Logoff / | \ ------------------------------------------------------------------ I'm pleased to be able to offer the many readers of AEO who can only access us via the Internet a chance to obtain AEO through a subscription service. If you have an Internet connection, drop Greg Lindahl a request at . We welcome feedback from all of our readers; feedback both positive and negative. Whatever you think of our efforts, we sincerely would like to know. Our EMail addresses are sprinkled throughout each issue - with the new Internet gateway into GEnie, you can reach us through the Internet also. Append "@genie.geis.com" to any of our GEnie addresses. Until the next issue of AEO, I remain, Your Editor Travis Guy Internet: aeo.mag@genie.geis.com --==--==--==--==-- (This issue printed on recycled photons) --==--==--==--==-- DNFTEC --==--==--==--==-- #1 Wide_left > 2*(Wide_right) --==--==--==--==-- No Inflation Necessary --==--==--==--==-- Atari Explorer Online Magazine is a bi-weekly publication covering the entire Atari community. Reprint permission is granted, unless otherwise noted at the beginning of the article, to registered Atari user groups and not for profit publications under the following terms only: articles must remain unedited and include the issue number and author at the top of each article reprinted. Other reprints granted upon approval of request. Send requests to . Opinions presented herein are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the staff, or of the publishers. All material herein is believed accurate at the time of publishing. --==--==--==--==-- Atari, ST, Mega ST, STE, Mega STE, TT030, Atari Falcon030, TOS, MultiTOS, NewDesk, BLiTTER, Atari Lynx, ComLynx, Atari Jaguar, Atari Portfolio, and the Atari Fuji Symbol are all trademarks or registered trademarks of Atari Corporation. All other trademarks and identifying marks mentioned in this issue belong to their respective owners. --==--==--==--==-- Atari Explorer Online Magazine "Your Source for Atari News" Copyright 1993-1994, Subspace Publishers * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: A E O ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: Volume 3 - Issue 2 ATARI EXPLORER ONLINE 6 February 1994 :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::