Fantasia Fixer -- By Ken Schafer 6-14-91 ---------------------------------------- Report any problems to me on: GEnie [KSCHAFER4] Delphi k.schafer Imagine the surprise on my face after I spent many hours (not to mention dollars!) downloading the fantasia demo, hoping to put my shiny new MegaSTE4 to the test, and having it tell me that I don't own an STE. Serious bumming. I couldn't very well stand for this now, could I? I got out my debuggers, and hunted through Fantasia until I found the problem... Fantasia checks explicitly for TOS version 1.6, which works okay for most 1040STE's, since 1.6 in in them. Alas, Atari shortly thereafter released TOS 1.62 to fix some bugs in the 1.6 ROMS (which reminds of a screen bug you 1.62'ers will be seeing, unless I go fix my source.... argh), and of course, Fantasia dutifully informs you that you don't have 1.6 ROMS... And the situation is even neater for us MegaSte owners who have 2.5 Cue Fantasia Fixer. This program just peeks at your ROMS for the current version number, and plugs it into the appropriate spots in Fantasia. Instructions for use: --------------------- Copy FANTASIA.PRG to a floppy disk. Run FANTFIX.PRG, Insert the Fantasia floppy when prompted, and if all goes well, you too will soon be jamming to the awesome soundtrack! Sorry I din't have it go hunting for the program, but I shudder to think what some of my beta versions would have done to my hard drive... (You really gotta remeber to pass LONGS to GEMDOS....) Enjoy the program, and if you bump into any unforseen problems, (imagine that!) drop me a line, and I'll see what I can do! Stuff lawyers like to see: -------------------------- The program isn't warranted to do anything, please use it at your own risk, as I can't be held liable for any problems arising from problems I missed... It works fine on my 'puter! 6-14-91 Ken Schafer