Copyright This version of the MOST viewer for Atari computers is the property of Brian J. Grier. You may freely distribute this software so long as all the files in this archive remain together. This archive may be distibuted in an uncompressed form as long as all files of this archive are in the same folder. All files on Compton's New Media Cd-Roms are the property of Compton's New Media. M.O.S.T. is a trademark of Compton's New Media Introduction: This is the teaser version of the SHAREWARE program to read Compton's New Media M.O.S.T. CD-Roms. Pictures and sound are not supported at this time. Shareware: Your shareware fee (requested minimum $15) will get you the version that will display pictures, play sounds, and use the dictionary shipped on every M.O.S.T. CD-rom. Sound support is for the STE/TT/FALCON only. Because most pictures are 4 or 8 bit GIFs so use GEMView to help you decide if you want/need to have you pictures as an integral part of this package. Though I encourage you to register anyways :) System Requirements: Atari ST/STE/TT/FALCON with at least 1/2 meg of free ram CD-Rom drive CD-Rom driver Compton's New Media M.O.S.T. CD-roms Installation: To use this program create a new folder on your disk drive. Place the files "MOST.PRG" and "MOST.RSC" in this folder. To run the program double click on the MOST.PRG icon. If you are running in anything less than TT-medium (640x480) a warning message will appear. Click on "Ok". Next a file selector will appear. Choose the EXEME.INI file from the "\DOS" directory on the CD-Rom. *NOTE You may want to use the desktop's install application feature. The program will now examine the M.O.S.T. database and present you with a table of contents window on the right hand side of the screen. Next to most titles will be down arrows you may click on these to see the titles of the different sections within a chapter. To open a Chapter/Section of the database double-click in the first 10 characters of the entry in the table of contents window. The selected section will appear in a new new window. If you select a chapter title the window will contain all the section of the chapter. If a CD-rom has multiple volumes the title windows will appear on top of each other. Move the title window that is on top to see the table of contents for the other volumes. Searching for Text: If you want to search for a word press the 'alternate' and 's' keys at the same time. A search text entry window will appear. Enter the word you want to search for and either press return or click on Ok. If the search is successfull a window will appear listing all the sections that contain the word you entered. You may display any of these articles by double clicking on the desired section. *NOTE: Your search words will not be highlighted in this version of the program. You can enter multiple words in the text entry window, and the resulting window will contain only those sections that contain ALL the specified words. The entry buffer can hold up to 127 characters. Special Features: * Fully Multi-TOS/Multi-AES compatible * Unlimited number of open windows on systems with Multi-AES Recap of Features in registered version: * Use of the dictionary shipped on every M.O.S.T. CD-Rom. * Sound on STE, TT, and Falcon (for CD-roms that support it) * Pictures If you have access to early versions of some of Compton's Cd-Roms that are now M.O.S.T. capable you may still be able to use them with this program. Included are two SDF files (CIA.SDF and KGB.SDF) that you can use as templates. You will need to replace the "O:" in these files with the drive letter you have chosen for your CD-Rom. Caveats: I have written this program mainly for my own use. I am in the process of writing a viewer for Compton's New Media Multi-Media encyclopedia. Whether I release that program depends entirely upon how many people send in their share ware fees. This version supports limitted debugging. To enable the debugging create a file with the name "MOST.DBG" in the same directory as the program MOST.PRG. When you exit a session this file will have a history of what the program did to find the articles you requested. Since the debugging file can get quite large remember to disable debugging by removing, or renaming, the MOST.DBG file. *********************** IMPORTANT *********************** *********************** IMPORTANT *********************** If you have enabled debugging and the program for some reason crashes the file MOST.DBG may appear empty. Disk space has actually been allocated, but not linked to the file name. If this happens make sure that you run a disk clean up utility, such as DIAMOND EDGE, or CLEANUP to recover the allocated clusters on that partition. Brian J. Grier 6500 Dresden Ln Raleigh NC 27612 Support: GEnie : B.GRIER Internet : (preferred)