OCULTAR READ ME FILE -------------------- September 10, 1993 CAUTION ------- o DO NOT set up OCULTACC.ACC until you are CERTAIN that you know how it works and how to disable it. See the appropriate section in OCULT301.TXT. VERSION 3.01a INFO ------------------ o ERASE your old copy of OCULT3_0.PRG and replace it with OCULT301.PRG. o ERASE your old copy of OCULT3_0.RSC and replace it with OCULT31A.RSC. o The CFG file has also been changed, but don't worry ! Ocultar will update registered copies as it is loading. When you save OCULTAR.CFG, a new version of the file will be created. ALL other files are still compatible and need NOT be updated or replaced. The "version history" at the end of OCULT31A.TXT lists any new features or changes. CPX QUERY --------- Until I get the FULL story on Atari's newest XCONTROL panel, CPXs will NOT be supported in a "rename sweep". Why..? o First, non-resident CPXs take up so little memory in the first place that it hardly makes sense to disable them. Atari even recommends that you keep all but the most used CPXs as "non-resident" (meaning that the bulk of the program is not loaded into RAM at bootup, only ID and icon information). The extra second or two it takes to load them into memory seems worth the savings in RAM. o Second, the newer versions of XCONTROL are now said to save CPX filenames to the CONTROL.INF file. CPXs listed in this file are loaded at bootup (I guess they got that idea from CodeHeads MultiDesk Deluxe). Therefore, you can keep all of your CPXs wherever you keep them and merely copy the CONTROL.INF file to the proper directory at bootup time. o Lastly, several "replacement" control panels now offer a similar CFG (configuration) file which allows you to specify setups by the CFG files contents. You need merely copy the appropriate CFG file to the proper directory at bootup and the specified CPXs are loaded. SO...it doesn't really make sense for me to add a feature which will become (or is already) unnecessary. In other words, why rename CPXs when the CFG file achieves the same end ? As mentioned in the first paragraph, I DON'T have the full story. Several people in Germany have told me of the newest XCONTROL, but I have yet to obtain a copy. As soon as I get one I'll update this file (let you know the name(s) and availability). IMPORTANT TOS INFORMATION ------------------------- Versions of TOS equal to, or later than, TOS 2.05, automatically reload desk accessories when a resolution switch is detected. If you have one of these later versions and attempt to switch resolutions from within the configuration part of Ocultar, the program will crash. Please see all sections concerning the TT & TOS 2.05+ if this is true. You can still use the feature it affects, but must do so under controlled conditions. DO NOT PACK THE EXECUTABLE FILES -------------------------------- o Do not squeeze, squish, pack (or similar) OCULTACC.ACC or OCULT301.PRG since these files need to write information to themselves. If you DO and then try to write to them, they will, in all likelihood, destroy themselves. HOW TO OVERRIDE ILL-BEHAVED AUTO PROGRAMS ----------------------------------------- o If Ocultar won't behave in your AUTO folder (highly unlikely and never reported, still...) have the floppy disk with your hard disk driver on it handy. Place that disk in drive A and reboot your system, holding down the key which over-rides your hard disk driver. When you get to the desktop you can remove OCULT3_0.PRG from your AUTO folder. Drop me a note and tell me the EXACT conditions which lead up to this and/or the programs with which it may have conflicted. NOTE that if you have OCULTACC.ACC installed that you will still need to enter a password, even when over-riding. It is therefore recommended that you do NOT install OCULTACC.ACC until you are certain that you have OCULT301.PRG working as desired. TT COMPUTERS, TOS 1.4, 1.6 & TOS 2.05+ -------------------------------------- o If you're using a TT, or have one of these versions of TOS, PLEASE be certain to read the appropriate sections in the main text file. NOTABLY: APPENDIX i MASTER DISK COPIES ------------------ o The copyright notices and current backdoor password will be removed from MASTER DISK copies (see the registration section). BACKDOOR PASSWORDS ------------------ o Since it is now possible to write the backdoors directly into the program and accessory yourself, it is NOT necessary to request this information on your registration/update. However, if you'd still like for me to add a PERMANENT backdoor, I will. Just fill out the appropriate line(s) on the registration/update form. o If you DON'T want one installed by me, leave that (those) line(s) blank. o NOTE that the backdoor which I will install can NEVER be removed or changed unless you request a new copy of the program or until you next update your copy. PROS: If you forget ALL of your passwords and can't get in, you can contact me and I'll tell you what the permanent backdoor is. CONS: If someone discovers the permanent backdoor you will NEVER be able to lock them out again. GETTING IN THE FIRST TIME ------------------------- o Enter the password Password to gain access. You can change this later.