TINYTOOL V2 =========== This is a reworking of the old but excellent TINYTOOL desk accessory originally written by Alain Birtz. I've been using TINYTOOL for a couple of years now and it's saved my bacon on numerous occasions. It's always had a few niggling glitches, but as it does the job, and it is so small I've never given up on it. Tinytool V2 is essentially the same as the original but with the following fixes and additions... 1. Support for disks C-P (hard disks, RAM disks etc.) 2. Permits drives to specified by letter as well as number (0=a) 3. Memory editor no longer bombs when reading outside RAM/ROM 4. Window handling and refreshing cleaned up 5. File Selector now doesn't get confused 6. Uses a little LESS RAM N.B. When accessing drives C-P, TT2 only requests a sector number. RWABS is used to access these drives rather than FLOPRD/WR. Hope you find TINYTOOL V2 a useful improvement... David Jones 18th December 1988 BIX/CIXname : davjon CompuServe PPN : 73657,1237