--DISCRETE.PRG La DiscrŠte v1.0 -- This is a simple corner clock for your Atari ST and monochrome monitor, it displays a discrete clock in the right-hand corner of the screen. It is using the standard european format (e.g. 17:30:20). It should normally work on any mono monitor, independently of its size. Should be placed in the AUTO folder. XBRA protocol (id="LaDi"). This is freeware and can be distributed freely (but not sold). This is *not* public domain. -- Et hop, une horloge pour le coin de votre ‚cran monochrome. Simple, discrŠte, affichage standard. A mettre dans le dossier AUTO. Ce logiciel est un freeware (graticiel?). Librement copiable … condition de ne pas ˆtre vendu. Il n'appartient pas du tout au domaine public. --Copyright (c)1990 Franck Arnaud, Paris, France. All Rights Reserved.