This is a listing of Mouse-ka-mania single frames that have been packed into animation files. MOUSPAK1.MKM 1-Ant 9-Arrowrev 17-Boombomb 25-DFS 2-Apple 10-ArrowUD 18-Brush1 26-Dinplug 3-Arrow 11-BananaJr 19-Brush2 27-Enterpri2 4-Arrow1 12-Bee 20-Bunny 28-Enterpriz 5-Arrow2 13-Bell 21-CFJ 29-Exclama 6-Arrow3 14-Bird 22-Clock 30-Face_rom 7-Arrow4 15-Bird1 23-Comodore 31-Finger 8-Arrow5 16-Bird2 24-Crosfram 32-Flash MOUSPAK2.MKM 1-Floppy 9-Hybrid2 17-LowRider 25-Moushole 2-Fly 10-Inarrows 18-MagGlass 26-MousWind 3-Fuji 11-JacKnife 19-Man 27-Mushroom 4-Gem 12-JE 20-MoskTear2 28-NCC1701 5-Hand2 13-JE2 21-MoskTear 29-Note 6-Hand3 14-John 22-Mouse1 30-Note2 7-Hey 15-Klingon 23-Moushol2 31-Openhand 8-Hybrid 16-LeftBird 24-Moushol3 32-Outlinecursor MOUSPAK3.MKM 1-Paintcan 9-Quest2 17-Smirky 25-Thincros 2-Pencil 10-Question 18-Spraycan 26-Turtle 3-Piano 11-Rodent1 19-Starfle2 27-Tweezers 4-Piano2 12-Rounfram 20-Surak 28-XmasTree 5-Piano3 13-SC1224 21-Talkmous 29-Zot 6-Pliers 14-Scissors 22-Talky 30-Arrowhead 7-Pntrhi 15-Shadpoin 23-Text 31-FujiPoint 8-PVS 16-Slepydog 24-Thikcros 32-Flash1 MOUSPAK4.MKM 1-Flash2 9-Visor3 2-Indent 10-Visor4 3-Jump 11-Walk1 4-Lblock 12-Walk2 5-Pointer 6-Terminal 7-Visor 8-Visor2