We are working on a full fix for Audio CD Master and some of the older NEC CD rom drives. It appears that the time information from the CD is passed in a slightly non-standard way. In the mean time, the NEC_25.DAT in this archive will allow you to: Use Play Use Pause Use Resume Use Eject Use the tracks function to play from track N to track N Fast forward, rewind, and programmed track functions will not work until we can get access to the time information the drive should be sending. The time and track displays will also continue to display 00. If its any consolation, the NEC-25 has one of the best CD audio outputs of all the drives we have tested. I was very impressed with the quality oof the sound. If you have been trying to use Audio CD Master with the NEC-25, leave e-mail to GREG on GEnie or 70357,2312 on CIS to be put on the mailing list for the NEC-25 fix. Greg Kopchak It's All Relative, 2233 Keeven Lane, Florissant MO 63031. (314) 831-9482