RUN LOW Version 1.0 By Anthony Watson ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN LOW is FREEWARE from Mountain Software. The only payment I am asking for is a little correspondence. If you find this utility useful, I would appreciate if you would leave me E-mail, or send me a letter through 'Snail-Mail', and just tell me what you liked and disliked about it. Share your ideas for new software, improvements for my existing software, etc. Small price to pay! Ha. Ha. Mountain Software 6911 NE Livingston Road Camas, Washington 98607 GEnie: A.WATSON6 Delphi: MOUNTAINSOFT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Run Low is such a simple concept that I'm surprised no one has done it previously. Put simply, Run Low lets you run low resolution programs directly from the medium resolution desktop! At one time I had a program by Double Click (DCRUNREZ) which attempted to do this, but on my MegaSTE it just bombed or generally did not work. When it did it was very difficult to use. I finally just deleted it... But, I just couldn't get the idea out of my mind. Every so often I'd think about writing such a utility but never bothered until now. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Run Low will run approximately 70% to 80% of your low resolution programs. Many others will run, but those that use the AES (GEM Dialogs, Fileselector, etc.) generally don't work too well. Any program which avoids the AES will probably do well with Run Low. Run Low saves your current desktop colors, switches to low rez, and runs your program. When you leave your program, Run Low switches back to medium and restores your desktop colors. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are three different methods of using Run Low: 1. Rename your low resolution program with a .PR1 extension. Next install Run Low as an application for .PR1 extensions. Save the Desktop. Then just click on the low resolution program name and it will load and run as if you had launched it from low resolution. 2. Launch Run Low from a shell program. Pass the name of the low resolution program you wish to run as the command line. Again, the low rez program must have a .PR1 extension! 3. MOST POWERFUL FEATURE!!! Run Low will allow you to click on a file, and will run the program that uses that file in low resolution. This feature (And the entire program in fact) were written to allow the use of the Speed Of Light GIF viewer (By Stuart Denman) from medium resolution. Run the Run Low utility directly from the desktop. A file selector will appear. Locate the low rez file you want to have run. (Speed of Light in my case). Click on OK, and a data file will be written to the disk. Next, install Run Low as an application for the desired file type. (.GIF in my case). Be sure to specify that the default directory is the applications directory or else Run Low will not be able to find it's data file. Then save the desktop. Now when you click on your file type (GIF in my case) it will switch to low resolution, and run your application (Speed of Light in my case), and will send the file name to your application. When you leave your application Run Low will return you to the medium resolution desktop. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hope you find this program useful... Anthony Watson