__ ÿÿ//\ //| // ////// ////// ////// // /\ // | // // // //¿ // \/\ // 9|0 // //// ////// // \\ * / // | // // // // \\ / _ // | // // // // \\/__ // |// ////// ////// // Info-Pack for NeST (Network ST) - The Free Network! (Issue 01 : 02/02/1995) ============================================================================= This is the NeST information pack which can be used by any user to obtain information on Network ST (NeST). Within the archive can be found complete documentation concerning the network, it's operation, and aims, as well as ST the machine readable nodelist (NeSTLiST) used for mailing within NeST. The archive should contain the following files: ECO_VOTE.xxx - Echo voting form for use within the N.ADM.ECHO when proposing a vote for a new message echo. NESTECHO.xxx - NeST Echomail List detailing the message echo's available within NeST. NESTEPLY.xxx - Nest Echomail Policy details the operation of NeST echomail and gives guidelines for it's use. NESTFILE.xxx - NeST File Echolist detailing the file echo's in operation within NeST. NESTLIST.xxx - The NeST 'NeSTList', that is the fido technology nodelist used by NeST for mailing purposes. NESTLOGO.xxx - The official NeST Logo (in GFA code). NESTPOLY.xxx - NeST Policy Document details the rules and guidelines appertaining to NeST. Prospective network Members *must* read this before joining NeST. NESTSOFT.xxx - NeST Software List detailing software under production within the network. NESTSTRC.xxx - NeST Structure Document containing data on the actual structure of NeST. NEST_APP.xxx - NeST Application form. To be used by any user who wishes