Here are 41 more small monochrome IMGs, designed to be "tiled" and used as wallpaper in NeoDesk 4. Like the previous set I uploaded, MONOTILE.ZIP, these tiles were snatched from GIFs, BMPs and other picture formats using GEM-VIEW, then massaged with a program I wrote, ED-PAT. Most of the filenames are pretty weird. When you grab a piece of a picture and save it in GEM-VIEW, it defaults to the name of the whole picture, so, for example, the tile here called REAGAN.IMG was taken from a picture of Ron and Nancy - but the tile is of a window in the background of the picture. Maybe I should've changed the names but I find them kind of amusing. Hope you find these useful. myeck waters InterNet: FidoNet: myeck waters of 1:107/662.4 AtariNet: myeck waters of 51:4/4.4