Nothing shows off your system like a good animation. If you have downloaded several of my files, you have probably contributed more than a few bucks to the stockholders of GEnie or Compuserve. I have three sequences I am working on which are very memory intensive. Therefore, I am soliciting donations for a RAM upgrade. This is your chance to support public domain art on the ST. If you consider yourself a patron of the arts, just send in about what you would pay to GEnie or Compuserve to download these files, or whatever you think they are worth. I seem to be unable to stop putting thousands of dollars and hours in on these sequences. I need your advice. Please check one of the following boxes and send it, along with a contribution (if you feel like it) to.... John Krsek Cybermaniac R.R. 1 Box 24 Whitestown, IN 46075 ___ Seek professional help, these animations really aren't that good. ___ Way to go, I can't wait to see your next sequence. Keep up the good work. Please include any comments, you may have, and which animations you have seen. J.KRSEK on GEnie 70741,3633 on Compuserve