MIDIWiz Version 1.0 =================== by Heiko Hartmann translated by Paul Purdom (C) 1993/94 ---------- MEMBERS OF GOOD TASTE ---------- Table of Contents: 1.1 Introduction 1.2 System Requirements 1.3 Shareware 1.4 Play Overview 1.5 Registration 2.1 Starting MIDIWiz 2.2 Organization of the MIDI-ring 2.3 Mouse actions 2.4 Keyboard actions 2.5 The map 2.6 Units 3.1 Game flow 3.2 Economy & trade 3.3 Production 3.4 Units 3.5 Movement 3.6 Attack and Defence 3.7 Transportation 3.8 Sentry and Fortification 3.9 Magic and Magic Spells 4.1 Tips & tricks 4.2 Keyboard-commands 4.3 Inventions 4.4 Options Menu 4.5 Tables 4.6 Maps 4.7 Computer-play and Control 5.1 End of stanza ... 5.2 Acknowledgements 5.3 Address of the Author ------------------------------------------------------------ 1.1 Introduction Once upon a time long ago, a kindly old king reigned over a planet, one not unlike the earth. The planet was distinguished by one item which was completely different from the earth: magic was possible. This was also the reason why the technology of this planet was somewhat behind the Earth's. Often things were simpler to do with magic. [Translator's note: starting with the next sentence the story begins deviating quite a bit from the actual game.] The kingdom thrived, the fine arts never experienced greater heights, food was abundant and everyone was satisfied with life. Then one day a fairy prophesized the fall of the empire. No one heeded her and the king and his six grown sons laughed scornfully at the good fairy. It was, however, not long until the king became very sick. The disease developed so quickly, that the king could not properly finish his business. Among other things he could not say which of his sons should govern after his death. The strange disease comsumed the king and few days afterwards the bells of the kingdom rang to announce the death of the sovereign... The six sons came together and considered how to rule the kingdom. But devil blinded the six princes and each want the biggest and best piece of the realm for himself. Anger divided the brothers and they pulled backed to their castles sulkily and full of nasty thoughts. [Translator's note: to be true to the game, the devil must have made everyone so angry that they forgot all knowledge they had of the kingdom, for they now know only about their castle and its immediate surroundings.] You are one of these six brothers. A little principality with a lone castle belongs you, but this won't remain the case for long: your brothers already surroud themselves with warriors and you sense: it will come to no good end... 1.2 System Operation To the play MIDIWiz you have the following. An Atari computer of the ST-line or higher (thus: ST, STE, Mega ST, Mega STE, STF, STFM, TT, Falcon, Stacy, ST-Book, Medusa 040, TT-Eagle etc..) In any case you must have a color monitor or TV. Please note: on all STM, STFM, STE and Falcon computers you can connect to a TV through the antenna connection. On all Atari computers you can connect to a TV with a Scart (Euro-AV) connector. MIDIWiz runs in the ST low resolution, i.e., 320x200 pixels with 16 colors. The special feature for MIDIWiz is that you can interconnect several Ataris together and consequently can play simultaneously with up to 6 players in a net. In addition the MIDI ring net can be used for the programs MidiMaze, MidiMaze II, Little Net, MidiCom, Midi-battle and Cold Revenge! In order to play with 6 computers you must also have 6 MIDI cords. With these cords you can build a MIDI-ring, i.e. you connect MIDI-Out of computer 1 to MIDI-In of computer 2, MIDI-Out of computer 2 to MIDI-In of computer 3 etc., until MIDI-Out of computer 6 is connected to MIDI-In of computer 1 (so that the ring is closed). Naturally, you can also build a ring with fewer computers. Example: 2 computers. Just connect MIDI-Out of the first computer with MIDI-In the second computer and MIDI-Out of the second computer with MIDI-In of the first computer. A MIDI-cord consists of a 4-conductor wire with shielding. You can easily produce it yourself if you know how to do wiring. The shielding must be connected with Pin 2 of the MIDI-plug. The MIDI-plug is a round 5-Pin DIN plug. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>Just released: a DOS-PC<< Keyboard not connected. Press F1 to resume. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.3 Shareware MIDIWiz is Shareware. This means: - It can be copied or distributed free of charge. - The public version can be freely spread by dealers, mail systems, networks etc. - The full-version may only be sold by the author, the private transmission is however permitted! Full-version play depends on having a valid code in the data file MWCODE.DAT describes. - The copyright and all rights on the code and the data lie with the author. - One is not permitted to change the program, the data or this text here without approval of the author. MIDIWiz registry uses the principle the Keycode, i.e. the recorded user receives a code-number with which he can transform any version of MIDIWiz into a recorded full version. That has the advantage that a person with access to a net simply get the most recent version and update it. In case you only have possession of the public version, you can also get the full version from the author. The registation fee is: >> 20 DM <<. If interested please send a 20 DM bank note or Verrechnungsscheck [some kind of check] to the address of the author. You will then immediately receive the full-version and your personal code-number. You can specify this code-number to newer versions to effect registration, the program will then automatically become the full-version! What is the advantage of a registrated full-version? - The full-version doesn't have any restrictions. You can kill the score in the solo-mode and you can play with up to 6 networked computers. - You will be able to save your maps with the World Editor. - You receive additional prefabricated maps (the number of maps which you receive is not yet determined) - You receive the update-service of the author. That is you can recieve an update by sending a diskette with 2 DM and a stamped self addressed envelope to the author. This Naturally this service is available only to recorded users! - Your registration fee also helps additional games for the Ataris be developed. THE DATA FILE "MWCODE.DAT" CONTAINS YOUR CODE NUMBER. THIS DATA FILE MAY NOT GIVEN TO ANY ONE ELSE! FROM THIS DATA FILE ONE MAY EASILY RETRACE THE ORIGIN ANY "PIRACY"! ALSO THE PASSING ON OF THE PERSONAL CODE NUMBER IS NOT PERMITTED! When you pass on MIDIWiz do it without this data file! The data file MWCODE.DAT does not remain valid with a newer version main-program! The public version is limited in following ways: - There is no score record and also no top score list. - A maximum of 3 computers can be connected by MIDI. - There is no Editor for generating new maps. - One can expect no service from the author. For encouragements, (easy) criticism, and registrations please write to following address: Heiko Hartmann Sonnenbergstr. 41 70825 Korntal Also you email to following Internet-addresses: higgi@yeti.faveve.uni-stuttgart.de zcam1121@rpool1.rus.uni-stuttgart.de ...to be continued...