TetriSide _________ From The Minds of SafeHold Program by Kenny Pratt This is version 2.0 of the game. Version 1.0 had many problems and therefore, was rewritten. TetriSide was originally written using Mark Williams C and in its final version (Hopefully) in Laser C by Megamax. (Both of these compilers are excellant) I'm a student at Old Dominion University studying (you guessed it) Computer Science & Engineering. NOTE: To all you 'C' hackers out there, this was my first experience with the C language so please don't laugh at my code. It works. ABOUT THE GAME: I've only played the Arcade version of Tetris once, therefore TetriSide differs in many ways. First of all you will notice 3 numbers to the sides of the play fields. The top number represents the number of line pieces you have at your disposal. The second, how many lines you have to complete in order to move on to the next level. The third number represents your current level. SCORING: I'll only say this; the more rows you complete with one piece, the higher your point bonus. (Herein lies the reason for the stowage of line pieces) Every completed level awards you with another line piece. GAME CONTROL: All pop up windows can be closed by hitting any key. While the game is at rest, pressing 'q' takes you back to the desktop, '1' starts a one player game using the keyboard, '2' starts a two player game, keyboard and joystick. Finally pressing 'h' shows the list of high scores. KEYBOARD CONTROLS: (left side player) 's' move left 'd' rotate piece 'f' move right '{SPACE BAR}' drop 'l' line piece JOYSTICK CONTROLS: (right side player) 'left' move left 'right' move right 'up' line piece 'down' drop OBJECT OF THE GAME: Rotate and place the falling pieces so that they form solid horizontal lines. NOTE ABOUT 2 PLAYER GAME: During a two player game both players receive the same pieces. BUGS: I haven't found any but Murphy still lives. If you happen to notice any please drop me a line. (Misfit on DELPHI) By the way, this game is FreeWare.