:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: Jaguar Edition #2 ATARI EXPLORER ONLINE 27 May 1994 :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :: :: ATARI .............. News, reviews, & solutions ............ ATARI :: :: EXPLORER ............ for the online Atari .......... EXPLORER :: :: ONLINE ................. Community .............. ONLINE :: :: :: :: Published and Copyright (c) 1993-1994 by Subspace Publishers :: :: All Rights Reserved :: :: """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" :: :: Publisher ........................... Michael Lindsay EXPLORER :: :: Editor .................................. Travis Guy AEO.MAG :: :: Assistant Editor GEnie................ Ron Robinson EXPLORER.1 :: :: Assistant Editor CompuServe.......... Albert Dayes AEO.1 :: :: Assistant Editor Delphi......... Andreas Barbiero AEO.2 :: :: Assistant Editor Internet........ Timothy Wilson AEO.8 :: :: Atari Asylum ... [Closed] ...... Gregg Anderson AEO.7 :: :: Unabashed Atariophile ..... Michael R. Burkley AEO.4 :: :: Atari Artist ................... Peter Donoso EXPLORER.2 :: :: Jaguar Junkie ............... Tal Funke-Bilu EXPLORER.5 :: :: User Group Coordinator ........ Ron Whittam EXPLORER.4 :: :: :: :: :: :: Telecommunicated to you via: :: :: """""""""""""""""""""""""""" :: :: GEnie: AEO.MAG :: :: CompuServe: 70007,3615 :: :: Delphi: AEO_MAG :: :: Fnet: AEO Conference, Node 319 :: :: AtariNet: AEO Conference, Node 51:1/10 :: :: :: :: Internet mailing address: aeo.mag@genie.geis.com :: :: FTP recent AEO issues from: rahul.net:pub/wilsont/AEO :: :: Search gopherspace under "aeo" for back issues :: :: :: :: Internet subscription service: stzmagazine-request@virginia.edu :: :: (Internet subscription requests ONLY!) :: :: :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Table of Contents * From the Editors ................................... Just playing games. * Jaguar Tackboard ............................ Development list & quotes. * 64 Bits ................................... Jeff Minter & Jaguar CD-ROM Specs on Double Dragon 5 & Troy Aikman NFL Football General Jaguar News & Rumorville. * AEO at Summer CES Video Offer ............. Tal's flying into the Windy City to catch the silicon stars of Atari's newest Jaguar titles. Find out how -you- can watch. * CatNip .............................. Jaguar news items from Don Thomas. - Free Jaguar Bumper Stickers - Atari Jaguar Titles - NA Jaguar Dealers - Atari Lynx Titles - CATscan BBS --==--==--==--==-- ||| From the Editors ....... Atari Explorer Online: The Next Generation ||| Travis Guy / | \ GEnie: AEO.MAG Delphi: AEO_MAG Internet: aeo.mag@genie.geis.com ------------------------------------------------------------------- It's been a busy three weeks for me. Too busy in fact to effectively coordinate a regular issue of AEO that meets the standards you, our readers, have come to expect. Things are starting to look up now, so I can calmly state that next weekend will see a return to the normal AEO schedule. What we've been able to cook up for you game-starved Atarians this week is a hash of recent Jaguar and Lynx activity. A stew of news, press releases, and peeks at what lies ahead. There's good news, and some sad news as well. The good news is scattered throughout the issue. I'll leave it to you to determine what's best for you: Lynx games are at amazingly low prices (I bought several this past week, and "sold" some units to friends); details about some third party titles are emerging, including what I feel to be a "John Madden Football-killer"; AEO has received the official word that we're going to Summer CES (and bringing along cameras)... there's good news in here for all. The sad news is that after five years at Atari Corporation, the "voice of Atari", Director of Communications Bob Brodie has announced that he is resigning. Bob's effervecent presense will be sorely missed by Atarians around the world. I consider Bob to be a personal friend, and while I wish him well in his new endeavors, I will hold him to his promise to keep in touch with Atarians through the electronic pages of AEO. Bob will hold his last Dateline: Atari next Friday, June 3rd. The transcript will be included in AEO_0309, to be uploaded shortly thereafter. See you then. The following is Bob's public announcement. Reprinted here courtesy of Bob, and the ST RoundTable on GEnie. Category 14, Topic 24 Message 1 Mon May 23, 1994 BOB-BRODIE [Atari Corp.] at 17:51 EDT Dear Friends, For some time now, I have felt that I needed to spend more time with my family. I have been presented an opportunity that will not only allow me to work at home two to three days a week, but also includes a significant pay increase. I cannot in good conscience to my family refuse this opportunity. It is with great regret that I have sumbmitted my resignation effective June 3, 1994. For almost five years now, my job at Atari has had a very high priority in my life. During that time frame, my two sons have begun to turn in to men, and my little girl into a teenager. My sons have been a real handful the past two years in particular, and my being around them has had a very positive effect on them. Even though there have been, from time to time, other job offers, my preference has been to remain with Atari. I believe in our products, and they are my personal choice as a consumer as well. If my personal circumstances did not require me to be at home more often, I would gladly remain with the company. It's not often that someone has an opportunity to turn their hobby into their job. I am thankful that Atari allowed me to do just that!! I am grateful for the opportunity to serve Atari, and the Tramiel family. I have enjoyed my time at Atari, and have gained invaluable experience. I wish the company great success with all of it's products!! If fate should bring our paths together again, I would welcome the opportunity to work with Atari again. It has been a privilege to serve you. My thanks go out to all of you ( and there are far too many to mention here!) that have been such a special part of my life. I have made friendships with people via GEnie that I expect to be a part of the rest of my days!! Sincerely, Bob Brodie --==--==--==--==-- ||| Jaguar Tackboard ||| Confirmed information about Atari's Jaguar / | \ Compiled from online and official sources ----------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Independent Association of Jaguar Developers =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The IAJD (Independent Association of Jaguar Developers) has started accepting members on GEnie. The IAJD is a private group where confidential discussions can be freely held. (Category 64 of the ST RoundTable is the IAJD meeting place.) Consequently, membership in the IAJD is limited to Jaguar developers who are registered with Atari Corp. To apply for membership, send EMail to ENTRY$ on GEnie (or if you're not on GEnie). Regular EMail correspondence with the IAJD should be sent to IAJD$ (again, or if you're not on GEnie). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Internet Jaguar Mailing List =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Anyone with Internet EMail access can join the discussions on the Jaguar mailing list. To "subscribe" to the list, send an EMail to the following address: Leave the subject line blank. In the body of the EMail, include this line: subscribe jaguar-l FirstName LastName (Where "FirstName" is your first name and "LastName" is your last name.) To send mail to be read on the Jaguar list, address your letter to: . It will go to the list server and be sent to the over 200 readers of the list. IMPORTANT: If your mail server charges you by the character or by the letter, please be aware that the Jaguar list can generate dozens, and up to a hundred EMails in a day. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Developer / Game List 1.11 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Editor: The following developers, licensees and game titles have been confirmed to the best of AEO's ability as of May 23, 1994. Entries in the "S"tatus column reflects any "e"rrors, "u"pdates, "n"ew titles, new "d"evelopers, or "?"uestionable listings since the last AEO list. Titles in brackets (e.g. [Cybermorph]) have been completed and are available in the US. Expected dates are dates that have been provided by the developer. Expected Date or Titles S Developer/Licensee Rating under development " """""""""""""""""" """""" """"""""""""""""" u 21st Century Software 9/94 Pinball Dreams 3D Games - Rainbow Warrior - MORE Accent Media Productions - Varuna's Forces CD-ROM Accolade - Al Michaels Announces Hardball - Brett Hull Hockey - Charles Barkley Basketball - Jack Nicholas Golf Activision - Return to Zork CD-ROM All Systems Go Q1/95 Hosenose and Booger CD-ROM Q1/95 Jukebox (cart multiplexer) e - BIOS Fear CD-ROM American Laser Games - Mad Dog McCree Anco Software Ltd. - Kick Off 3 (for Imagineer) - World Cup Anthill Industries Argonaut Software - Creature Shock CD-ROM (For Virgin) Atari Corp. - Battlezone 2000 - Chaos Agenda CD-ROM - Club Drive *5* [Crescent Galaxy] - MPEG 1 and 2 carts - Star Raiders 2000 - Tiny Toons Adventures - VR Helmet MORE Atari Games Corp. - Arcade Games Using Jaguar Attention to Detail - Battlemorph: Cybermorph 2 CD-ROM - Blue Lightning CD-ROM *7* [Cybermorph] (For Atari) Audio-Visual Magic Bethesda Softworks Beyond Games Inc. 12/94 Battlewheels Q3/94 Ultra Vortex Black Scorpion Software Bjorn Joos/Kris Van Lier Borta & Associates Brainstorm - [x86 Jaguar Development System] Bullfrog Productions Ltd. Q3/94 Syndicate (For Ocean) Q3/94 Theme Park (For Ocean) Clearwater Software Computer Music Consulting Cybervision CyberWare Delta Music Systems Inc. Dimension Technologies Domark Group Ltd. - F1 Racer DTMC - Lester the Unlikely - Mountain Sports - (Miniature Golf) Eclipse - Iron Soldier Elite E-On Eurosoft EZ Score Software Inc. GameTek Inc. Genus Microprogramming Inc. Gremlin Graphics Ltd. 10/94 Zool 2 - UNKNOWN TITLE (racing) - MORE? H2O Design Corp. Hand Made Software Su/94 Kasumi Ninja (For Atari) High Voltage Software 10/94 White Men Can't Jump (for Trimark) Hisoft ICD Inc. - Cat Box (AV & comm expansion box) id Software - Doom: Evil Unleashed - Wolfenstein 3D Imagineer Company Ltd. Imagitec Design Inc. *6* [Evolution Dino-Dudes] *6* [Raiden] - Freelancer 2120 CD-ROM - Busby in Clawed Encounters of the Furried Kind (For Accolade) - Dino Dudes 2 Interplay - BattleChess CD-ROM - MORE? Jaleco - Cisco Heat - Bases Loaded - MORE CD-ROM Krisalis Software Ltd. 6/94 Soccer Kid Limelight Media Inc. LlamaSoft *10* [Tempest 2000] (For Atari) - MORE MINTER! Loricel S.A. Manley & Associates Inc. Maxis Software Microids 1995 Evidence 12/94 Commando Microprose - Gunship 2000 - MORE SIMULATIONS u MidNite Entertainment 10/94 Air Cars 10/94 Dungeon Depths u Q1/95 Assault u Millenium/Teque 7/94 Brutal Sports Football (For Telegames) NMS Software Ltd. Ocean Software Ltd. 12/94 Apeshi- (working title) 1995 Lobo CD-ROM d -unnamed- - -unnamed- u Phalanx - (Title not available) Photosurrealism - Galactic Gladiators Pixel Satori u PIXIS Interactive - Neurodancer CD-ROM Rage Software UK ReadySoft Incorporated - Dragon's Lair CD-ROM - Dragon's Lair II CD-ROM - Space Ace CD-ROM Rebellion Software Ltd. Su/94 Alien vs. Predator (For Atari) u Su/94 Checkered Flag (For Atari) - Legions of the Undead (For Atari) - Hammerhead Rest Energy Sculptured Software Inc. Sigma Designs Q4/94 "Jaguar on a PC" PC card Silmarils 9/94 Robinson's Requiem CD-ROM Sinister Developments Software Creations Team Infinity Team 17 Software Ltd. Tecnation Digital World Techtonics Telegames 10/94 Troy Aikman NFL Football (For Williams Entertainment) Q4/94 Double Dragon 5: The Shadow Falls (For Williams Entertainment) - Casino Royale - European Soccer Challenge 9/94 Ultimate Brain Games - Super Off-Road Teque London Ltd. Thrustmaster Tiertex Ltd. - Flashback (for U.S. Gold) Titus Trimark Interactive U.S. Gold Ltd. UBI Soft International - RayMan - MORE (American Football) V-Reel Productions - Arena Football - Horrorscope Virgin Interactive Entertainment Ltd. - Dragon - Demolition Man Virtual Xperience Q4/94 Indiana Jags (platform) Q4/94 Zzyorxx II (vertical shooter) Q1/95 Burn Out (m/c racing) Visual Concepts Williams Brothers u Williams Entertainment (was Tradewest) WMS Industries Zeppelin Games - Center Court Tennis Pts Stars AEO Ratings """ """"" """"""""""" 10 ***** GAMING NIRVANA!!! - You have left reality behind... for good. 9 ****+ Unbelieveable GAME!! - Your family notices you're often absent. 8 **** Fantastic Game!! - You can't get enough playtime in on this. 7 ***+ Great Game! - Something to show off to friends or 3DOers. 6 *** Good game - You find yourself playing this from time to time. 5 **+ Ho-hum - If there's nothing else to do, you play this. 4 ** Waste of time - Better to play this than play in traffic. 3 *+ Sucks - Playing in traffic sounds like more fun. 2 * Sucks Badly - You'd rather face an IRS audit than play this. 1 + Forget it - ... but you can't; it's so badly done, it haunts you. 0 - Burn it - Disallow programmer from ever writing games again. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Developer Quotes =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Pixel Satori's Duncan Brown tells us How Anyone Can Become A Jaguar Developer: [] Atari is *not* making the technical specs available to anyone that wants them. Only to "approved" developers. In this case, "approved" means you have convinced Atari you're serious about and able to do Jaguar development. (Id and WMS have an easy time of that; we garage shops need to work a little harder to convince them! But it is important to note that they don't discriminate in that regard.) The reasoning behind this (just guessing here) is that their resources are extremely scarce, and they commit a lot of resources to helping developers. People, time, and equipment, etc. So they don't want to waste those precious resources on someone who's just curious about how all this stuff works. Atari wants those resources to result in GAMES ON THE SHELVES. And then of course they'd prefer not to just hand the specs to this lovely hardware to their competition for a few bucks! So here's the path you need to follow: Call Bill Rehbock +1 (408) 745-2082 and tell him you want the information kit on becoming a developer. He *WILL* ask you to first send him information on your company, previous titles published on which systems, etc. If this doesn't apply to you (i.e. two guys in a garage), be prepared to send him *something* that convinces him that you have what it takes to develop Jaguar games. You aren't even going to get the application if you can't do this... Oh yeah, and be patient. It would be easy to believe Bill Rehbock is a fictitious person, since it is nearly impossible to actually get in touch with him. Keep trying. Send back the application form, along with signed Non Disclosure Agreement forms. If all you want is the technical specs at this point, it's something like $200. *IF* you are approved as a developer they will send you the specs, otherwise I guess they return your check. Note that at this point, being under NDA, you aren't allowed to share that info with *anyone*. So at least in a legal sense they have stopped their competitors from getting the technical info even by setting up a sham company. Complain all you want that "I don't want to go through the bother of being approved as a developer just to get the specs; I want to see them *before* I decide to apply"... They have the Jaguar specs, you don't, you have to play by their rules. It really isn't unreasonable if you're serious about this. At this point you can also buy a development system (roughly $7500 for the DOS-based one, you supply your own PC; roughly $9000 for the TT030-based one, which comes with a TT030). While you are in theory correct that anyone could design a debugging board for use in the Jag and then use readily available 68K tools I doubt you'd want to do that. They send you a slightly modified Jaguar (special boot ROMS, a few internal/external wiring tricks, etc.) and a very nice RAM-for-ROM emulator board. I guess you could use whatever 68000 assembler or C cross-compiler you wanted in any event, but then you also need to compile code for the GPU and DSP. Atari developers aren't suffering from a LACK of a good debugging board, and a generic board and tools doesn't give you enough functionality. (I've reverse-engineered and reprogrammed enough hardware in my life, using homemade debugging and emulator tools, that I can truly appreciate what comes with this development system!) Oh yeah, and one final plug: once you become a developer, by all means join the Independent Association of Jaguar Developers (IAJD), on GEnie. Great bunch of people there, all helping each other out. Hope this helps, and hope to see some of you pop up as fellow developers on the next press release, or in the IAJD conference on GEnie! --==--==--==--==-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --==--==-- CompuServe Sign-Up Information --==--==-- -- -- -- -- To sign up for CompuServe service, call (voice call) (800) 848-8199. -- -- Ask for operator #198. You will be sent a $15.00 value CIS membership -- -- kit for free. -- -- -- -- --==--==-- CompuServe Sign-Up Information --==--==-- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --==--==--==--==-- ||| 64 Bits - Jaguar News ||| By Tal Funke-Bilu / | \ GEnie: EXPLORER.5 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Hello all! It is I, the trusty Jaguar Junkie, back after another two weeks to bring you all the Jaguar news that is fit to print... and then some. Topping the charts this week is the absence of the rest of the AEO staff. Many people have suggested that they got lost somewhere in the Information Superhighway, but I think that Travis finally cracked and is holding them all hostage in his attic and will only release them after Atari releases another Jag game. Only time will tell. In the meantime, while various SysAdmins search for our lost reporters, I will use the space to my advantage to bring you double the amount of regularly scheduled JagNews (tm). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// From the Yak =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Let's start things off with some CD news direct from the Yak's mouth. As of thirty minutes ago Jeff Minter was currently trippin' to Pink Floyd on his T.V. That's right, his lightsynth is working. Now this means a couple of things: 1) The JagCD unit is nearing completion. 2) Jeff will be travelling to Atari HQ in Sunnyvale soon to coordinate his efforts with Atari in an effort to finalize the JagCD as soon as possible. 3) Jeff will soon need something else to keep him occupied.... Seeing Jeff needs to be "occupied," Atari has recently approached him with the offer to do a Major Havoc upgrade, thus yielding Major Havoc 2000 (or something to that effect). Hearing this news straight from the Yak's mouth (some of you might have instead read Jeff's post on Usenet) certainly got ye ole' Junkie excited, as The Major was one of my favorite games as a young lad. There was only one problem. Jeff informed me that he had never played Major Havoc. That's been taken care of, now we can sit back and wait for the final decision to be made deep in the confines of 1196 Borregas. Will Major Havoc appear on the Jag or not. Stay tuned.... Speaking of large, furry bovines, I managed to dig up this bit of JagNews from Mr. Minter dated 8/14/91. I thought you would enjoy it. "Of course Panther is now dead, and I'm waiting to get my mitts on Jaguar. Third time lucky this time? I'm determinded to do some console work one way or another, and if Jaguar is everything Atari are hinting then, in terms of hardware, it's going to nuke the Megadrive and Famicom into a glowing radioactive pile of melted silicon. Take the brain of a workstation, bolt it onto some kickin' graphix hardware and you've got one awesome games engine. So Atari have the ideal opportunity to reclaim their homeland from the invading Japanese. Nintendo and Sega have made their moves; Atari knows that their hardware is way better than both of the Japanese offerings. Ultimately, however, it is the quality of the software available which will decide the matter. In this respect Atari shouldn't set out just to emulate the Japanese. They should go all-out and bury them." Well put Jeff! Jeff will be talking Jaguar in a sure-to-be frenzied Real Time Conference on the GEnie ST RoundTable in mid-June. The tentitive date for the gabfest is Saturday, June 18, the weekend before Summer CES. If you have your GEnie account (and if you don't you should get one), drop by. Maybe Jeff will let slip some of the amazing things he's seen in Sunnyvale. On to some actual news... sitting in front of me are two faxes from Tradewest (ok, they tell me that they're now Williams Entertainment) that Jag owners might be interested in reading. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Description of Double Dragon V: The Shadow Falls =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Marketed as a "tournament-style fighting game," Double Dragon V: The Shadow Falls is being developed for the Genny, Sneeze and Jaguar. Features: 4 fighting modes-- Tournament, Vs. Battle Quest Mode, Battle Demo 4 levels of gameplay 12 unique characters-- Billy and Jimmy Lee, Blade, Bones, Countdown, Dominique, Ice Pick, Jawbreaker, Sekka, Sickle, Trigger Happy, and the Shadow Master 12 different battle locations and an overview map showing their positions within the game Both 1 and 2 player capability Cool Features: 4-6 special secret moves per character 4 turbo modes 15 different music scores (stereo) Options screen-- allows players to customize gameplay and game controls Full character dossiers Full character attributes-- allow players to increase or or decrease their favorite characters strength and defensive and special move capabilities Fight and battle stats-- lets players keep track of each character's number of wins, losses, draws, bonuses, health and hit percentage, and the time left in each match Look for DD5: The Shadow Falls on the Sneeze and Genny August 5th, and the Jag version sometime during the 4th Quarter. Now let's check out what I deem as the Jag's Madden killer: Troy Aikman NFL Football. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Description of Troy Aikman NFL Football =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Product Description ........... FULLY LICENSED NFL FOOTBALL GAME Features: All 28 NFL teams and their logos 5 play modes-- player, player coach, 2 player head to head, 2 player coach, demo 3 season modes-- pre-season games, '93-'94 season including full play-off schedule and Superbowl, custom season where players can design their own 16 game season 6 field options-- grass, mud, dirt, snow, rain, artificial turf Variable quarter lengths-- 2, 5, 10, or 15 minutes Rookie, pro, and veteran difficulty levels Internal battery that stores up to 7 pages of full game, pre-season, season, and career statistics for every player and team; plus overall standings for each conference & division Pre-game report 54 offensive and 27 defensive configurations to choose from. Instant replay including frame-by-frame Super Slo-Mo Offensive and defensive audibles Cool Features: Playbook includes several of Troy's favorite plays Special offensive and defensive moves including stiff arms, spin moves, jukes, speed bursts, hurdles, dives, jumps and corner presses Troy's analysis-- each team is ranked by strength and ability at each position, and is allotted reserve dollars that can be used to bolster or emphasize offensive and defensive ability allowing game- players to build the team they've always wanted Customized plays-- players can construct their own offensive and defensive plays including special plays and secret weapons Williams Entertainment says the Genny version will be ready 9/8/94, with the Jaguar version ready on 10/28/94 and the Sneeze on 11/4/94. Don't hold me to these dates, but they are direct from Williams Entertanment. Also, I can't confirm if the Jaguar's cart will include the "internal battery" option. As soon as I can find that out, you'll be the first to know. (Travis is drooling over the specs already, and promises to dig up info on TAF wherever he can find it.) One more thing... this was from a quote at the top of the fax: "And to make sure your customers know that Troy's waiting to hand the ball off to them, we've packed plenty of support behind Troy Aikman NFL Football. There's all sorts of advertising. In-Store displays. Counter cards. Posters. Plus some extra-special merchandising materials and consumer promotions. Troy Aikman. He's led the Cowboys to back-to-back Superbowl wins. And now, he's going to lead you to new heights in football game sales." One more thing still, Troy Aikman NFL Football will include the new two-point conversion rules! Sounds good to me! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Alien Adventures =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Let's switch gears here and talk about something that everyone knows about. No, I'm not talking about the Knicks beating the Bulls, but rather something that was on T.V. at the same time: Aliens. That's right, during the same time frame as the Knicks vs Bulls game, Fox was showing Aliens. Oooohh, that got my blood pumping. If Atari had been on the ball they should have thrown in an AvP add during one or two of the commerical breaks saying something like Aliens vs. Predator coming this summer to a Jaguar near you! But no, as much as I was hoping, no Jag commercials surfaced. Eager to find out something about Aliens vs Predator, I inflated my phone bill and discovered that Rebellion has temporarily slowed development of their next game, Legions of the Undead, in an effort to get AvP wrapped up as soon as possible. From what I understand, Rebellion's head programmer is stationed in Sunnyvale right now tying up loose ends at Atari's request. Looks like things are finally coming together! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Other Jaguar News =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Rebellion's Redline Racing (which was formerly named Checkered Flag) has been renamed... to Checkered Flag! //// Speaking of Rebellion, here's a very promising quote from Jason Kingsley in the May issue of Die Hard GameFan. (Re: Legions of the Undead) "...We're hoping to do a 24meg version AND also a CD version." "How would the CD version be different?" "Size, mainly. I want it to be absolutely huge - hundreds of levels, endless new graphics, and above all a massive, massive challenge. I think it's a con how so many CD games these days are just sonically enhanced, with some video bunged on the beginning. Game players want so much more than that, but it all takes time and money." //// What about Kasumi Ninja? AEO managaed to track down Ted Tahquichi, who was forced to divulge these facts: [] Three more characters have been added. Three more are being worked in at the current time. [] The Project target date to release to beta test is the end of June. Consider that to be the Word From Atari on KN's date. //// Here's another good one. When describing AvP in the October '93 issue, EGM testers stated that "The 3-D Wolfenstein-type game was OK but nothing that hasn't been done already on the Super NES." Yeah, sure. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Rumorville =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The following rumors are *ONLY RUMORS* and are in NO way official statements by Atari. [] Jeff Minter might include a hidden version of "Llamatron" or "Revenge of the Mutant Camels" in his next game (you'll know by next issue if this is true or not). [] The Lynx version of AvP might be ComLynxable similar to a network DOOM game. (Up to 3 people can fight against each other.) [] Juli Wade is tapping her fingers waiting for Wolf-3D, scheduled to go into production ASAP. (Look for an interview with Juli Wade in the next AEO) [] Kasumi Ninja is running at 60 fps! [] AEO will finally get some EPROMs . =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Into The Past =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= That's about all the news on the Jag front for the time being. I'd like to leave you with a parting quote once again from our pals at EGM - February 1991. ATARI SET TO ROAR WITH NEW "PANTHER" 16-BIT MACHINE "...Into this fray comes an unexpected player in the 16-Bit sweepstakes. A company that possesses the technical ability to create a system capable of taking super-guns Ninte--- and S*!&. While the fact that Atari Corp., who currently markets the most technologically advanced hand-held in the form of the Lynx, is planning a major push into the 16-Bit console area may surprise some, the hardware that they've engineered will surprise even more. Code-named "Panther" (apparently keeping in lines with Atari naming all their products after the feline family), the 16-Bit super system that the wizards at Atari have come up with is, by all accounts, a quite superior piece of gaming technology. With a main processor that's rumored to run at an astounding 16MHz (compared to the 8MHz or the Genesis and the 12 MHz or the home arcade machine-Neo Geo- and the rumored 14Mhz of the SNES) and the built-in brains to scale images (a truly powerful ability used quite effectively in the Lynx), the Panther may just surprise everyone and find a home in the hearts of the game playing public..." Your comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated. Please send them to EXPLORER.5 on GEnie, or explorer.5@genie.geis.com from the Internet. Long live the Fuji! Ahh, finally a column with no reports of AvP delays.... Tal Funke-Bilu, your infatuated Jaguar Junkie. --==--==--==--==-- ||| AEO at Summer CES! ||| Special Offer / | \ GEnie: AEO.MAG Delphi: AEO_MAG Internet: aeo.mag@genie.geis.com ------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-= SPECIAL OFFER =-= =-= =-= =-= AEO At CES - You Get to Watch! =-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I am writing this with a big smile on his face, for I have just learned that I will be travelling to Chicago in mid-June for none other than the Summer Consumer Electronics Show. AEO has been officially admitted! That is the good news for me, but what about you, the loyal reader? I have arranged for many Good Things. First and foremost, I will be recording everything that goes on during the 3 day fiesta on VHS video tape. This should result in a full 2-hour production available to the readers of AEO for less than US$20.00. Here is a short list of many of the exciting things that we plan on covering in our video. THE OBVIOUS: All the booths, many press releases, etc... all the regular "show" stuff. THE AEO EXCLUSIVES: [] Jeff Minter! [] LOOONNNGGG clips from upcoming Jag games! [] Personal interviews with many different Jag developers, and if they aren't too swamped, various Atari employees. WHAT WON'T BE ON THE TAPE: The CES Keynote Speech by Nintendo of America's Chairman, Howard Lincoln! Keep in mind that this is hot off the presses, and subject to random whims of Fate. We are currently trying to secure as many interviews, Good Things, and downright killer screenshots as possible. While I'm expecting more than 2-hours of cool video, I can't guarantee more than that. If all works well, you could easily end up with a 3 or 4 hour tape in your hands. There's no telling until I get there.... So here's the scoop. The cost of the VHS video will be $12.50 if you order before the SCES begins on June 23, and $17.50 if you order afterwards. (As our friend Jeff "Yak" Minter would say, "Postage & packing is extra.") We will be able to handle international orders, but we don't have all the info yet.... >>> So All Ordering Information Will Be In The Next Issue Of AEO <<< Also arriving within a week of the Big Show, will be a speacial AEO SCES report with all the latest information from Atari & its partners, big name press releases, Enemy Information, etc. So keep your eyes peeled for the next AEO. You won't be disappointed! --==--==--==--==-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --==--==-- GEnie Sign-Up Information --==--==-- -- -- -- -- 1. Set your communications software for half duplex (local echo) -- -- at 300, 1200, or 2400 baud. -- -- -- -- 2. Dial toll free: 1-800-638-8369 (or in Canada, 1-800-387-8330). -- -- Upon connection, enter HHH. -- -- -- -- 3. At the U# prompt, enter XTX99436,GENIE then press . -- -- -- -- 4. Have a major credit card ready. In the U.S., you may also use -- -- your checking account number. -- -- -- -- For more information in the United States or Canada, call 1-800- -- -- 638-9636 or write: GEnie, c/o GE Information Services, P.O. Box -- -- 6403, Rockville, MD 20850-1785. -- -- -- -- --==--==-- Atari's Official Online Resource! --==--==-- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --==--==--==--==-- ||| Catnips ||| Courtesy: Atari Customer Service / | \ GEnie: ATARI CIS: 75300,1267 Prodigy: EUKG11A ----------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Free Jaguar Bumper Stickers From Atari =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Atari has had some real CooL bumper stickers made up. They are black and feature the yellow Jaguar eyes as well as the blood-red Jaguar logo. I understand these are being shipped to the upcoming C.E.S. show, but I have managed to, well let's say, "put some aside for my friends" . So here's another freebie for everyone... (YEA!) Send me a self-addressed and pre-stamped envelope and I'll put one of these "hot-off-the-press" three-color eye-poppers in it right back to you. The dimensions are 3"x12" so keep that in mind. If you really do not want a gentle fold in it, send an envelope at least 12 inches long and make sure there's cardboard in it. If you are not sure how long 12 inches is, try a ruler. Send to: Don's Really Hot Jaguar Bumper Sticker Freebie Atari Corporation P.O. Box 61657 Sunnyvale, CA 94089-1657 The bumper stickers are FREE as long as you promise that you'll proudly display it where all your friends will see it. I recommend getting Mom and Dad's permission before slapping it on their furniture, appliances or automobiles. Maybe they'll let you tape it in the back window of the car (tape it so the logo faces out please). I hope everyone likes these. Consider it a "THANKS" for your patience as we work our "bumpers" off getting some more software into your hot hands as fast as we can! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Atari Corp's Jaguar Catalog =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= *********************************************************** * * * * ** * BRIEF DESCRIPTIONS OF * * * ** * ATARI JAGUAR GAMES v051394 * * * ** * * * * ** * COMPILED BY ATARI * * ** ** ** CUSTOMER SERVICE * * *** ** *** * * **** ** **** (C) 1994 BY ATARI CORPORATION * * * *********************************************************** * Products named are trademarks or registered trademarks * * or their owning companies. * * Product descriptions, availability and pricing subject * * to correction and/or change without notice. * *********************************************************** CYBERMORPH - FUTURISTIC FLIGHT BATTLE The evil Pernitia Empire has the ultimate weapon: robotic technologies that can rebuild themselves. The good news is your forces had new weapons designed. The bad news is your scientists were seized by the enemy and sealed into pods along with vital supplies and information. As pilot of the Cybermorph Transmogriffon, a prototype morphing attack craft, you must recover the pods so the resistance fighters can halt the Pernitia Empire's sinister march toward galactic domination. Cybermorph is currently included with every Jaguar 64-bit system and is packed with intense 3-D landscapes, CD-quality sound and real- time, real-world action that will allow you to explore 50 separate worlds of canyons, valleys, vortex towers, force fields, power stations and fast-flying hostile enemies aiming to blow you away. [1 player] $49.99 U.S. (Atari/J9000) EVOLUTION: DINO DUDES - PUZZLE/ACTION You're the proud leaders of the Dino Dudes, and it's up to you to guide a hairy gang of Cro-Magnons to the top of the food chain. On your prehistoric journey you'll discover fire, weapons, and The Wheel. You'll battle dinosaurs and rival tribesmen, and do everything you can to avoid becoming an endangered species. Evolve or die, dude. [1 player] $49.99 U.S. (Atari/J9006) RAIDEN - ARCADE SHOOTER Mother Earth has fallen to deranged, militant aliens. As pilot of the Raiden Supersonic Attack Fighter, it's up to you to mount a daring counter attack. Rip through enemy lines, torch Gatling units with your homing missles, blast ammo-laden cargo trains with nuclear-powered bombs, and teach these galactic pirates why nobody messes with your planet. With brilliant sound, exceptional speed and shoot 'em up motion, Raiden on the Jaguar is the ultimate arcade conversion. [1 or 2 players] $49.99 (Atari/J9005) TEMPEST 2000 - 3-D SHOOTER Jaguar takes the best of the 1981 arcade classic and adds award-winning 1994 64-bit intensity. You can choose from four modes: Traditional Tempest, the same ultra- challenging game that used to eat your quarters; Tempest Plus, an enhanced version of that game; Tempest 2000, a souped up 64-bit version with 3-D graphics, awesome power-ups, and hostile enemies; and Tempest Duel, where you can take on your best friend in head-to-head polygonal combat. [1 or 2 players] $59.99 (Atari/J9010) TREVOR McFUR IN THE CRESCENT GALAXY - SHOOTER The Crescent Galaxy has fallen and it's up to you, Corporal Trevor McFur, to return the planet Cosmolite to its citizens. With your trusty sidekick, Cutter, you'll blast through five worlds filled with monster asteroids, killer Starbots, deadly Gundinos, savage Cyber Cherubs, and bosses that confront you on the screen. Rapid 3-D renderings and a variety of special weapons will make this interpanetary struggle one of the most formidable space adventures this side of the universe. [1 player] $49.99 (Atari/J9001) *********************************************************** * ALSO AVAILABLE FOR THE ATARI JAGUAR... * *********************************************************** JAGUAR CONTROLLER Take a buddy into battle. A second controller will let you play games like Raiden and Tempest 2000 with two players simultaneously. Some games will allow you to play with your friend and some will allow you to play against him. Plan ahead! Keep a spare. $24.95 (Atari/J8901) VIDEO CABLE, COMPOSITE MONITOR/STEREO AUDIO CONNECTOR A direct connection to your television's RCA-type input jack will eliminate most video interference that can occur with standard RF connections. Left and right RCA-type audio plugs will provide great stereo sound through your stereo receiver or stereo television. $19.95 (Atari/J8904) VIDEO CABLE, S-VIDEO/STEREO AUDIO CONNECTOR The S-Video connector will provide even better color than the Composite Monitor connector (10-15%). Like the Composite Monitor Connector, the S-Video Connector also has left and right RCA-type stereo plugs for great stereo sound. $19.95 (Atari/J8905) *********************************************************** * COMING SOON TO THE ATARI JAGUAR... * *********************************************************** TROY AIKMAN NFL(tm) FOOTBALL - SPORTS He's the best player in football. And now, he's got the best game available. This is the only football game that captures Troy's style of play. And, the only one that has Troy's favorite plays. This is a game that puts the player in control. You decide who to hand off to, who to throw to, and when. You decide whether to go up top for a quick score or to try and grind out a ball-control drive. And there are options like no other game. Like Troy's Picks, a special feature that lets the player allocate his team's budget - you decide if you want to beef up the offensive line, muscle up the defense or put more money into the kicking game. It's your call. [1 or 2 players] $??.?? (Telegames) Release: October 1994 DOUBLE DRAGON V: THE SHADOW FALLS - FIGHTER There are fighting games, then there is Double Dragon V; the ultimate tournament style fighting game. Choose from 4 fighting modes, 4 levels of gameplay, 12 unique characters and 12 different battle locations. Each player specializes in up to 6 "secret" moves that are as much fun to watch as they are deadly against fierce opponents. If you're here for the awesome music and sound effects or just for sport of blood, you will find this game taps Jaguar resources to the bone. [1 or 2 players] $??.?? (Telegames) Release: October 1994 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// North American Jaguar Dealer List =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= It is not thought that anyone should have any problems finding the Atari Jaguar 64-bit video entertainment system available near them for purchase. Just the same, we at Atari Corporation certainly would not want that to be an excuse not to get one. This list includes an abridged list of Atari Jaguar resellers across the country. Many dealers buy through distributors and Atari Corporation does not service them directly. Consequently, a comprehensive list of dealers is difficult to assemble. Please feel free to contact Don Thomas at Atari if you know of another fine reseller in your area that should be added to the list. This list does not include a verbose listing of chain store locations. The Jaguar is available for demonstration and sale at Toys R Us, Good Guys, Babbages, Nobody Beats The Wiz and many other national or regional chain store locations. Look for the Jaguar to rent at select BlockBuster locations too. If you are a store manager or store owner who is not included on this list, please fax your request to be included to: 408/745-2088. Many of the locations below are delighted to fulfill mail and phone orders. Many also accept preorders to assure express delivery when new titles are released. Please note that this is NOT an "official" list. It is being maintained informally for the benefit of Jaguar enthusiasts. Independent dealers are solely responsible for delivery and pricing advertised and/or promised by them. FAR NORTH COMPUTERS/ARARI FAIRBANKS AK 907-456-3700 FAR COMPUTERS BIRMINGHAM AL 205-785-4192 MIDCITIES COMP SOFT BELLFLOWER CA 213-867-0626 THE COMPUTER NETWORK GLENDALE CA 818-500-3900 COMPUTER PLUS CHULA VISTA CA 619-691-7844 DEMAND SYSTEMS CARMARILLO CA 805-389-0059 COMPUTER ROCK SAN FRANSISCO CA 415-751-8573 STUDIO RESOURCE CENTER EL CERRITO CA 510-559-8618 LEO'S AUDIO OAKLAND CA 510-653-1000 ATY COMPUTER OAKLAND CA 510-482-3775 TEDDY BEAR TOYS APTOS CA 408-688-6538 B & C COMPUTERVISIONS SANTA CLARA CA 408-749-1003 SAN JOSE STORE SAN JOSE CA 408-249-0455 COMPUTERTIME CITRUS HEIGHTS CA 916-969-4111 STEVES SOFTWARE SALES WOODLAND CA 916-661-3328 COTTONWOOD COMPUTERS COTTONWOOD CA 916-347-0416 HORIZON COMPUTERS DENVER CO 303-777-8080 RUN PC FORT COLLINS CO 303-356-2344 MORRISON COMPUTERS ORLANDO FL 407-649-8733 PALM BEACH MUSIC NORTH PALM BEACH FL 407-842-7451 A-ONLINE TAMPA FL 813-237-1656 NEUTRONICS HONOLULU HI 808-423-0122 IMPACT MARKETING HONOLULU HI 808-833-1893 DATA BASE DYERSVILLE IA 319-875-8711 COMPU-SELLER WEST SAINT CHARLES IL 708-513-5220 COMPUTER CORNER FT WAYNE IN 219-493-6505 COMPUTER ZONE N. ATTLEBORO MA 508-699-0430 TOAD COMPUTERS SEVERNA PARK MD 301-544-6944 SYSTEMS FOR TOMORROW INDEPENDENCE MO 816-252-4738 POWER COMPUTERS CLINTON TOWNSHIP MI 313-445-2983 SOFTHOUSE COMPUTER CENTER GARDEN CITY MI 313-422-6760 TWIN CITIES (339) ROSEVILLE MN 612-631-9420 COMPUTER STUDIO ASHEVILLE NC 704-251-0201 HOBBYTOWN USA LINCOLN NE 402-465-7500 SOFTWARE SPECTRUM NORTH PLAINFIELD NJ 201-561-8777 THE SOFTWARE-HOUSE FAIRPORT NY 716-223-7658 WISER ELECTRONICS LAS VEGAS NV 702-385-7782 ANTHILL COMPUTING MT VERNON OH 614-393-1524 THE COMPUTER SHOPP WADSWORTH OH 216-336-2215 BACK STAGE PASS STUDIOS WEST CARROLLTON OH 513-847-8364 SHELTON COMPUTERS TULSA OK 918-446-5941 VISION COMPUTERS EUGENE OR 503-485-1424 COMPUTER GARDEN EDWARDSVILLE PA 717-288-6140 MICRO-COMPUTER DEPOT SUMTER SC 803-775-5165 COMPUTER DISCOVERIES DALLAS TX 214-484-9104 BITS 'N BYTES COMPUTERS ST GEORGE UT 801-628-5755 XANTH BELLEVUE WA 206-643-9697 RALEIGH COMPUTERS LODI WI 901-377-9068 ELDEN COMPUTERS CHARLESTON WV 304-344-2335 CHAING COMPUTER SERVICES ONTARIO, CANADA 613-258-1497 FALCON SYSTEMS NEW W.MINISTER, BC 604-522-2915 EAGLE SYSTEMS KELOWNA, BC V1X 6A1 604-763-4032 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Atari Corp's Lynx Catalog =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= *********************************************************** * * * * ** * BRIEF DESCRIPTIONS OF * * * ** * ATARI LYNX GAMES v051394 * * * ** * * * * ** * COMPILED BY ATARI * * ** ** ** CUSTOMER SERVICE * * *** ** *** * * **** ** **** (C) 1994 BY ATARI CORPORATION * * * *********************************************************** * Products named are trademarks or registered trademarks * * or their owning companies. * * Product descriptions, availability and pricing subject * * to correction and/or change without notice. * * Most prices shown have been promotionally reduced for * * a limited time. * *********************************************************** A.P.B. - ARCADE ACTION Officer Bob is new on the force. His boss, the short- tempered Sergeant Mulrooney, is watching him very closely. Ride with the man in blue as he attempts to rid the city of litterbugs, drunk drivers, speeders, and other, even nastier offenders. Stop by the donut shop to receive extra time. [1 player] $19.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2042) AWESOME GOLF - SPORTS Bring home real golfing excitement on the Atari Lynx! This simulation lets you adjust your stance, choose your club, check the wind, and control your swing.The golfer animation is unbelievably smooth and the ball physics are realistic. Play in the USA, Japan, or England. [1 to 4 players] $29.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2049) BASEBALL HEROES - SPORTS Wild Joe winds his pitch and hurls a fireball across the plate. The Champ steps into it, head down, and brings his 38-ounce bat around as though it were a toothpick. Crack! The bat launches a rocket to the deepest part of the park. Yazoo Sherman races toward the fence to greet it, but he never stood a chance. You can kiss that one goodbye. [1 or 2 players] $14.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2050) BASKETBRAWL - SPORTS Nobody's a good sport on this court. Only the tough survive this free for all, where brute force is the name of the game. If dribbling, passing and shooting the ball are the only things on your play list, it will shock you when the other team uses knives and fists to reach the hoop. Get tough quick and you'll still stand a chance. Punch and kick the ball away from your opponent. Grab clubs, knives and whips along the way to make scoring a little easier for you and a lot harder for the other team. This game brings new meaning to the words "beat your opponent". [1 to 4 players] $14.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2034) BATMAN RETURNS - ACTION It's up to you, the Caped Crusader, to rid the city of the evil Penguin and his henchmen. Use your fists, your feet, and your wits to clean up the streets of Gotham. [1 player] $19.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2101) BILL AND TED'S EXCELLENT ADVENTURE - ADVENTURE The time-traveling dudes from San Dimas are off on another wacky adventure! Leave no time period untouched as you search for your bodacious historical babes. [1 or 2 players] $14.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2068) BLOCKOUT - ARCADE PUZZLE You are about to play one of the most absorbing video puzzle games ever devised. Drop as many 3-dimensional blocks of cubes into a deep pit without reaching the top. The better you do, the faster the blocks will fall. [1 player] $14.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2056) BLUE LIGHTNING - AIR BATTLE The allies are losing the air war in the East, and you've been assigned to fly the Blue Lightning prototype fighter jet. Watch out for missles and enemy fire. Wipe out ground supply depots and convoys. Complete nine crucial air missions. Experience the amazing graphics and sounds of Blue Lightning! This is the most popular Lynx title ever - voted the Best Video Game the year it came out. [1 player] $19.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2020) CALIFORNIA GAMES - SPORTS Surf's up! Compete in four of the coolest sports in California: BMX, surfing, halfpipe, and footbag. [1 or 2 players] $19.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2025) CHECKERED FLAG - CAR RACING This super radical racing game puts you behind the wheel of your own Formula One car. Choose from 18 different tracks, each with its own scenery and difficulty level. ComLynx with five of your friends and race against each other. Custom configure your car's transmission, color and other variables. You can almost smell the burning rubber! [1 to 6 players] $14.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2053) CHIP'S CHALLENGE - PUZZLE Chip will do anything for Melinda the Mental Marvel. More than anything, he wants to join Melinda's exclusive computer club, the Bit Busters. But before Chip can join the club, he will have to do some heavy interfacing with perplexing problems. Melinda will monitor Chip's progress through 144 levels of challenging maze-like paths and puzzles. Monsters, traps and the ticking of the clock all conspire to delete Chip before he is able to complete each level. [1 player] $14.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2028) CRYSTAL MINES II - PUZZLE Hey! Watch your step! You almost blew it! Here in the Crystal Mines caverns, every step can have a downfall, every move a mistake, every leap a lesson. Move the rocks to find a way out or die trying. [1 or 2 players] $19.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2105) DINOLYMPICS - ROLE PLAYING/PUZZLE You and your Cro-Magnon tribe must work together to survive. Nothing makes dinosaurs happier than a Cro-Mag sandwich, so you and your people will have to use your primitive brains to survive. Roll and ride the wheels, use the spear, the rope and fire to defend yourselves. Look for help from the King and the Shamen. [1 player] $19.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2089) DIRTY LARRY, RENEGADE COP - ACTION They call you Dirty Larry because you're the only cop on the force with the guts to fight dirty. Rid the city of low-lifes, scam artists, and armed thugs. Find weapons and medical supplies along the way to keep going. If they can't understand a little gentle persuasion, slam 'em in the chops! [1 or 2 players] $19.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2077) DRACULA: THE UNDEAD - GRAPHIC ADVENTURE/PUZZLE You are Jonathan Hawker, attempting to escape from Dracula's castle. Search the castle for items and clues that can lead you to the Prince of Darkness. You will experience new graphic techniques as you conquer the blood-sucking ghoul and solve the mystery. Yikes! [1 player] $19.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2087) ELECTROCOP - ACTION/ADVENTURE You are Electrocop, the finest cyborg cop ever built. You have been assigned to infiltrate the Megacorp tower and carry out a rescue operation. It's a frantic battle against the clock and your nemesis, the evil criminal brain. [1 player] $14.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2021) GATES OF ZENDOCON - SPACE SHOOTER The droids of your old nemesis, the evil spider Zendocon, captured you. You are sentenced to wander its web of deadly universes which are connected by a network of transporter gates and alien bases. You must survive Zendocon's challenge. Your reward for success is a chance for sweet revenge-a duel with the evil spider itself! [1 player] $14.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2023) GAUNTLET: THE THIRD ENCOUNTER - ADVENTURE Will you be able to recover the enchanted Star Gem? Many adventurers have failed, but you know the power of magic! Forty levels teeming with evil creatures, ghosts, scorpions, spiders and sharks await you. [1 to 4 players] $14.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2024) GORDO 106 - ROLE PLAYING/ARCADE STYLE Deep in the cavernous sub-basement of N. Human, Inc., trapped in cage number 106, a poor, brutally exploited lab monkey named Gordo lives a life of lonely misery, until... An experiment nuclear potion gives Gordo the cunning intellect he needs to free his friends and escape. Now Gordo finds he must escape from the labs, freeing other animal friends and getting revenge on wicked scientists. [1 player] $19.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2106) HARD DRIVIN' - ARCADE DRIVING SIMULATION Here it is! The first true polygon technology driving simulation ever, complete with two race tracks: one designed for speed and one for stunt driving. After the first test run you'll feel the difference in handling and performance. Choose from either automatic or manual transmission to create the effect you desire. Watch those turns closely and keep an eye on the recommended speed limit - these things are the keys to success. Look out for the cow! [1 player] $14.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2044) HOCKEY - SPORTS How's your slapshot? Enjoy the excitement of 16-bit Lynx color graphics as you fly across the ice toward your opponent's net. Pass, shoot, and steal the puck away from the other team. You may even find yourself punching it out with an opponent. ComLynx with up to three friends and play against each other. [1 or 2 players] $19.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2052) HYDRA - ARCADE BOAT BATTLE You are the lifeline to the Resistance troops fighting far across the ocean. You must safely transport supplies and ammunition back and forth from headquarters to the front line in your hydro-plane. The enemy knows your mission and is waiting to stop you cold. Blast them out of the water and the sky to reach your final destination. Grab weapon icons to power up your guns for a more effective attack. Don't miss the final assault; it's worth the wait. [1 player] $14.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2073) ISHIDO - PUZZLE Play this game of the Orient on numerous play fields with varying shapes and colors. Try to match tiles with their corresponding color or shape in order to empty your bag of Ishido tiles. This unique puzzle game tests your visual skills and strategic abilities. You can't place a tile next to another unless they have either the same color or shape. [1 player] $14.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2065) JIMMY CONNORS TENNIS - SPORTS Serve and volley like never before. Ace your opponent with a blistering 90 mph serve. Place a cross-court lob right on the base line, then hammer him with your devastating net attack. Hear Jimmy call the shots with the Lynx digitized sound output. Tournament and league play. [1 or 2 players] $19.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2085) JOUST - ARCADE ACTION If you don't already know what this game is about, you have missed out on a really great game and an important piece of gaming history. Joust is based on the classic Williams coin-op in which one or two players can fly around on cyborg ostriches and fight the enemies, or each other, with lances. The game is easy to learn and a blast to play, especially if you use your ComLynx cable to play with a friend. You can play cooperatively or competitively in the regular mode or take each other on in the all new Gladiator Mode. [1 or 2 players] $39.99 U.S. (Atari/PT5005) KLAX - ARCADE PUZZLE It looks easy. Colored tiles playfully tumble down a passive ramp. All you have to do is capture them and flip them into bins to make colored rows in vertical, horizontal or diagonal lines. Earn the audio praise of digitized applause or disappointed awwwws. Either way, you'll find yourself addicted to the good klean fun! [1 player] $14.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2031) KUNG FOOD - ACTION Your kitchen is usually a safe, warm place. Not any more. The top secret chemical you stored in your freezer became active when the door was left open. Now the contents of your freezer have come to life, and the effects of this chemical have spread throughout the kitchen. Even you have been transformed. Reduced to a little green man, you must boldly go to your freezer and deystroy such transformed tidbits as ice demons and killer kung fu carrots. If you fail, your fearsome food will conquer your kitchen, then the world! [1 player] $14.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2076) LEMMINGS - ARCADE LIKE/PUZZLE They are cute, but they're about as smart as a box of toothpicks. Lemmings love to wander into places they do not belong-especially underground, but they need sunlight to survive. As the solo member of the Save the Lemmings Foundation, you are the only one who can rescue these silly creatures and save them from almost certain extinction. [1 player] $19.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2080) LYNX CASINO - CASINO GAMES Now you can have the Las Vegas experience wherever you go. If you feel like you have a hot hand, try your luck at the craps table. Or, if you've got an ace up your sleeve, the poker and blackjack tables are waiting. If you've got some spare change, stroll over to the slot machines to try for the jackpot. To win some really big bucks, master the roulette wheel. What have you got to lose? [1 or 2 players] $14.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2061) MALIBU BIKINI VOLLEYBALL - SPORTS Spike one home with this amazing multi-featured game. Choose the tunes you want to listen to using the built-in boom box. Select different landscapes, backgrounds, and players. A variety of different modes of play - from just goofing around to tournament action. [1 or 2 players] $19.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2086) MS. PAC-MAN - ARCADE ACTION With classic style and tradition, Ms. Pac-Man munches her way through maze after maze. Round and round, back and forth she races to gobble up dots, energizers, fruit and pretzels. Find out if she can escape the marauding ghosts that inhabit every maze. Play hard, then put your feet up and enjoy the entertaining "Pac-toons" between waves. [1 player] $14.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2057) NINJA GAIDEN - ARCADE ACTION Your training is nearly complete, Ninja. To earn the title of Ninja Gaiden, you must complete a daring quest. Many have gone before you, some more experienced, some less. The powers of darkness have turned the sacred silent city into the evil, noxious lair. You are brave in heart and spirit. Maybe you will free our holy city and our sacred land of evil. If you succeed you will be called a true hero. If you fail, even your memory will be lost. [1 player] $19.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2039) NINJA GAIDEN III - ACTION The sequel to the original arcade hit, Ninja Gaiden III presents the Ninja Ryu in an epic adventure of good against evil. Dominate the enemy with a flying kick or a devastating neck throw. The action is more intense than ever! [1 player] $29.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2092) N. F. L. FOOTBALL - SPORTS The crowd is silent with anticipation. The snap. The quarterback takes the ball and turns to the fullback. The defense reacts to the handoff. It's a fake! The quarterback rolls out and throws to the wide receiver in the corner. The receiver and the cornerback both jump for the ball as time runs out. They fall together in the end zone. The ref rushes over to declare... TOUCHDOWN! [1 or 2 polayers] $19.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2045) PACLAND - ARCADE ACTION Pac-Man makes his debut on the Atari Lynx in Pac-Land, a side-scrolling action game based on the popular coin-op game and cartoon series. Smooth graphics and gameplay make Pac-Land a hit for all ages. [1 player] $14.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2059) PAPERBOY - ARCADE ACTION The Circulation Manager of the world's most "throwable" newspaper explains your assignment. You must prove you are worthy to handle a tough paper route. To do this, you are to hit the streets, and successfully deliver papers to ten new customers on the west end of town. Sounds easy, eh?... Just 10? No one mentioned the obstacles that await you. So get on your bike and start pedaling. It's non-stop ink-on-the-hands and bugs-in-the teeth action as you set out to become the world's greatest news tosser. [1 player] $19.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2041) PINBALL JAM - PINBALL Two awesome pinball smashes: Elvira and the Party Monsters and Police Force. Titillate Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, with well-placed shots, and you'll hear her voice praising your skill. Police Force features the digitized voices of police dispatchers and beat cops in cars. [1 player] $14.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2055) PITFIGHTER - ARCADE FIGHTING Your karate, boxing and wrestling skills will be put to the test as you battle the roughest fighters ever to enter the pit. Your tag team must defeat a series of tireless opponents on the road to the championship. Make no bones about it, your challenger will hurt you. You must hurt your opponent even more. [1 or 2 players] $19.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2070) POWER FACTOR - ROLE PLAYING/SHOOTER/ARCADE STYLE On the famous Atarian Moon there is a video game experience like no other- the Virtual Reality Simulator. The VRS features a simulation of a true historical event: Redd Ace's heroic mission into the heart of the Ceegarian Power Station to recover the bomb components needed to defeat the evil invading Sinlendo techmods. Armed only with the TRANSMAT Multi-Ordnance Weapon, Redd went into the reactor. Few people can re-enact Redd's brave accomplishments in the simulator. Can you? [1 player] $19.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2109) RAMPAGE - ARCADE ACTION Choose from Lizzie the Lizard, George the Gorilla, Ralph the Werewolf, or the new character, Larry the Rat and go wild! Up to four players can ravage the city or beat each other up. Anything goes in this mad free-for-all. Eat soldiers, food, citizens, or your weakened rivals to regain your strength. This is a smashing game! [1 to 4 players] $14.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2022) RAMPART - ARCADE ACTION/PUZZLE The peace of the realm is over. Battles rage throughout the land. Enemy lords in nearby castles are shooting their mighty cannons at your walls. Powerful armadas from distant lands have joined the fray, blasting your ramparts and sending their best warriors ashore to deystroy your realm. You must defend your lands at all costs. If you succeed, you can capture neihboring castles. If you are very lucky, you can claim the entire land for yourself. [1 or 2 players] $14.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2102) ROADBLASTERS - ARCADE DRIVING BATTLE Armed with everything from laser cannons to atomic missles, you race to cross the finish line. Blast the enemy cars, motorcycles, and gun emplacements all the way. Catch new weapons from the supply jet on each level. A perfect translation of the coin-op, RoadBlasters offers 50 levels of high intensity driving in a roadway battle like no other. [1 player] $14.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2036) ROBO-SQUASH - ACTION Battle your way through this multi-colored 3-D racquet game. Hit exploding bricks and special items for power-ups. Miss and you'll be splattered with goo. [1 to 2 players] $14.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2035) ROBOTRON 2084 - ARCADE ACTION Technology and advancement are at a dangerous peak when man perfects the ultimate species in the year 2084. A species so advanced that it falls victim to his own creation; The Robotron. Guided by their infallible logic, the Robotrons conclude: the human race is inefficient and must be eliminated. Your mission: to stop the Robotrons and save the last of the Human Race. [1 player] $19.99 U.S. (Atari/PT5003) RYGAR - ARCADE ACTION You are Rygar, an ancient warrior who has been restored to life by the gods. Your mission is to rid the land of all evil lurking in the shadows. The quest will not be easy with over 23 levels to purify. The demon lord has learned of your plans and has sent his horde after you. [ 1 player] $14.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2043) SCRAPYARD DOG - ROLE PLAYING/ADVENTURE/PUZZLE Louie the scrapyard guy was eating his lunch when that dangerous gangster Mr. Big blasted his way into the yard and poochnapped Scraps, the scrapyard dog. Boy was Louie mad! Not only did Mr. Big purloin the puppy, he also knocked Louie's headcheese sandwich into the dirt. Armed with a bunch of old cans, Louie set out to rescue his dog and avenge his headcheese. Can Louie save his cruelly captured canine, or will Scraps end up as dogmeat? Find out by helping Louie rescue his scrapyard dog! [1 player] $19.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2048) SHADOW OF THE BEAST - ACTION/ADVENTURE One of the most popular games ever available, Shadow Of The Beast is an awesome display of the Lynx's 16-bit color graphics and stereo sound. Set in a fantsy land full of monsters and evil entities, the action and adventure in Beast will thrill gamers everywhere. [1 player] $19.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2081) SHANGHAI - PUZZLE Based on the ancient Chinese game of Majong, Shanghai is a veritable brain teaser of matching tiles and mysterious patterns. Try your skill against the Crab or the Hawk if you will, but can you beat the Dragon? [1 or 2 players] $14.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2063) STEEL TALONS - ARCADE AIR BATTLE You detect incoming missiles on sensors aboard your high-tech AT1196 Steel Talons combat helicopter. You lower your altitude to just above the ground to avoid disaster, but you become startled by an enemy tank approaching right in front of you. You press the trigger and pound the tank with a volley of machine gun rounds. BOOM! One less tank, but it is no time to rest easy. [1 player] $19.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2104) S.T.U.N. RUNNER - ARCADE DRIVING BATTLE If you thought racing games were enough, how about a game where you can drive upside-down? Imagine tunnels of winding, spinning colors snaking through cities and mountains of the future. Utilizing the amazing Stun Runner hyper-car, you can skim the edge of doom and race your way through hazards at lightning speeds. [1 player] $14.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2060) SUPER SKWEEK - ARCADE PUZZLE Skweek is on a mission. He must conquer five islands inhabited by evil monsters. Each island has 50 levels. Skweek has to paint most levels pink. This is no easy task! The monsters will stop at nothing to thwart Skweek's plans. They've even kidnapped some Skweezettes and imprisoned them on some of the islands. Skweek must destroy soldiers, free the prisoners, and paint like crazy before the monsters destroy him! [1 or 2 players] $14.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2100) SWITCHBLADE II - ACTION The action in this game is as dangerous as it sounds. You must battle against an evil entity in a futuristic world. Jump, kick, and slash your way through this rough environment. [1 player] $19.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2094) TODD'S ADVENTURES IN SLIME WORLD - ACTION/ADVENTURE You are Todd, a bold and nearly fearless galatic explorer. You may be by yourself or a part of up to an eight person crew. Regardless, you like nothing more than adventures on planets full of weird and dangerous creatures. Your new mission log describes Slime World, a planet teeming with slimy, gooey, disgusting life forms. Slip and slide your way through six complex solo adventures and, if you are Comlynxed, six challenging multi-player adventures. [1 to 8 players] $14.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2029) TOKI - ARCADE ACTION You are the good mutant, Toki, and you have been turned into a monkey by an evil wizard. You begin your quest to save your girl in the forest and work your way through caverns and mountains. The enemies you destroy leave behind power icons which can change or power up your attack. Toki for the Lynx brings you all the excitement of the arcade game. [1 player] $29.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2066) TOURNAMENT CYBERBALL - ARCADE FANTASY SPORTS It is the year 2072. The world has changed in many ways. But one thing is still the same; the citizens of the future still enjoy sports. In the city stadium, the Universal Champions are preparing to defend their title. This is the game that separates the Cyberbots from the Droids. [1 to 4 players] $14.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2038) TURBO SUB - AIR & SEA BATTLE You are the pilot of the Turbo Sub, a prototype vehicle designed to fly in the air and dive under the sea. Your mission is to single-handedly clear the world of the invading alien armada. Your ship is equipped with numerous weapons and defense shields. You also have a pair of handy dandy windshield wipers for the return trip to the skies! Beware of the aliens who also have a wide variety of weapons in their arsenal. They know how to use them! [1 or 2 player] $19.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2047) ULTIMATE CHESS CHALLENGE - BOARD GAME SIMULATION Take possession of one of the most powerful portable chess game variations available. Based on the proven chess-playing technology from the manufacturers of Fidelity Electronics. With 17 skill levels, selectable 2-D or 3-D modes, you will find The Fidelity Ultimate Chess Challenge to provide hours of enjoyment. [1 or 2 players] $49.99 U.S. (Telegames) VIKING CHILD - ROLE PLAYING/ADVENTURE/PUZZLE For years it was prophesied that a hero would be born in the cold, dark North, a hero who would restore peace and joy to the Earth. This hero, known as Brian, has finally been born. But the evil god Loki, learning of the child's birth, captured his family one day while he was away. Loki is using Brian's family as bait to draw the young hero to his wicked realm, where Loki's forces can crush Brian and cause eternal chaos. Now Brian must accept his quest. He must travel through dangerous dangerous lands and confront Loki himself. [1 player] $19.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2064) WARBIRDS - AIR BATTLE Take off with be best biplane game ever! Warbirds is a World War I fighter pilot simulation. You can customize the action with a fantastic options menu. You can even fly a mission against the Red Baron for realistic one-on-one dog fighting action. For even more fun, grab five of your friends and have them join in to hunt down those bogeys! [1 to 4 players] $29.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2032) WORLD CLASS SOCCER - SPORTS Do you have what it takes to be a world champion in the world's most popualr sport? The action is fierce and the competition intense as you try to capture the title for your country. [1 or 2 players] $14.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2037) XENOPHOBE - ARCADE ACTION Kill or be killed! Up to 4 players can join in the excitement of the Lynx translation of the arcade hit. Exterminate the aliens infesting multi-layer star ships and planets. Pick your character, find a weapon, and kick some space alien tail. [1 to 4 players] $14.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2026) XYBOTS - ARCADE ACTION A vital space station has been taken over by wicked Xybot warriors. It is up to you to work alone or with a friend to destroy the Xybots and reclaim the space station. If you fail, the Federation must abandon irts plans to colonize space. If this happens, all civilazation will die. Only you can save the human race. But can you also save yourself? [1 or 2 players] $14.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2062) ZARLOR MERCENARY - SPACE SHOOTER As a Zarlor Mercenary you kill for cash. Use this cash to equip your ship with powerful weapons as you blast through the military and industrial centers on the surface of Mendicant. The mercenary exchange supplies you with lasers, extra ships, and megabombs to make your job easier and more fun. If it moves, shoot it. If it doesn't move, shoot it anyway. [1 to 4 players] $14.99 U.S. (Atari/PA2030) *********************************************************** **** FOR INFORMATION ON GREAT THIRD PARTY GAMES, CALL: **** *** *** ** Telegames - (214) 227-7694 ** *** Beyond Games -- (801) 531-8500 *** **** **** *********************************************************** =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// CATscan BBS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The CATscan BBS is up and running. Although I realize that this BBS may not be practical for most of you to utilize regularly, it is being set up as a data source of news and information regarding Jaguar and Lynx products. Here are some of the features: [] An ongoing list of Jaguar/Lynx dealers which may be captured by state. [] Product descriptions selectable by title. [] Press releases from Atari and related third party sources. [] Gaming hints and tips. [] Game reviews. [] Questions and answers. [] Orders accepted for Atari products. (Processed by Atari as an extension to Atari's Customer Service Policies. All items sold at MSRP and billed by Atari. NO funds collected benefit the BBS or the SysOp. This is for the convenience of modem users who may not have access to online services to leave orders in E-Mail. [] Competitive knock offs. My first goal is to force myself into a practice to assemble pertinent and accurate data in one central area. By doing this, I will also be building a resource for the online press, SYSOPS of independent BBSs and a resource for retailers to help them answer customer questions in the store. It can also be used to preview editor's stories, if desired for accuracy. There is an extensive dealer referral system; listable by state. There are product descriptions and other features that telecommuters may enjoy obtaing about the Atari Jaguar and/or Lynx. The system provides the rare opportunity to be invited directly into the home office of Atari management to capture up-to-date information, pass on ideas or even place an order. There are downsides right now. A lot of energy and time is going to create this resource, BUT I still have obstacles to overcome. 1) Currently, access is limited to 2400 baud and lower. That should be upgraded in the future. 2) A lot of info is already on the system, but it will take time to bring it up to speed. Many of the data banks are menu driven and time consuming scripts files must be written to accommodate them. at present product description and log on files are all taken care of. I expect dealer lists will be formatted and up today. 3) Total storage is presently restricted to 20 MEG. I hope this may be expanded as needed. 4) The system only supports one line at this time. In any case, feel free to log on quickly and establish your accounts. TRUSTED remopte SYSOP positions are available. The number to CATscan is: +1 (209) 239-1552 It is open to the public, but certain areas are diasabled for initial callers. There is NO fee to use the system. The system WILL BE CENSORED. Only data that is positive toward the image of Atari and companies supporting Atari will be permitted. Please pass this number on to dealers and developers who want to be included. I will be happy to be set up to accept 3rd party orders IF they are registered and licensed by Atari. If a dealer wants to be listed, all he has to do is post a request to the SYSOP. Information may also be added to the system by contacting me at the following addresses: CIS: 75300,1267 GENIE: ATARI PRODIGY: EUKG11A Again, don't expect too much initially and please be persistent if you get a busy. I am conducting frequent tests that might tie up the line, but I will not disconnect anyone on the system. Thanks! Don Thomas --==--==--==--==-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --==--==-- Delphi Sign-Up Information --==--==-- -- -- -- -- To enroll as a Delphi subscriber, modem call 1-800-365-4636. Press -- -- [Return] until you see "Password:", then type IP26 [Return] -- -- -- -- Answer all of the questions, and you'll be cleared for Delphi -- -- access in a few days. If you have questions about Delphi services, -- -- give a voice call to Delphi Member Services at 1-800-544-4005. -- -- -- -- --==--==-- Delphi Sign-Up Information --==--==-- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --==--==--==--==-- ||| ||| Shutdown ............................ Power off, EXIT, BYE, Logoff / | \ ------------------------------------------------------------------ We welcome feedback from all of our readers; feedback both positive and negative. Whatever you think of our efforts, we sincerely would like to know. Our EMail addresses are sprinkled throughout each issue - with the new Internet gateway into GEnie, you can reach us through the Internet also. Append "@genie.geis.com" to any of our GEnie addresses. You can now send EMail to the entire AEO staff - use our new group address: . Until the next issue of AEO, I remain, Your Editor Travis Guy Internet: aeo.mag@genie.geis.com --==--==--==--==-- (This issue printed on recycled photons) --==--==--==--==-- DNFTEC --==--==--==--==-- #1 Wide_left > 2*(Wide_right) --==--==--==--==-- No Inflation Necessary --==--==--==--==-- Atari Explorer Online Magazine is a bi-weekly publication covering the entire Atari community. Reprint permission is granted, unless otherwise noted at the beginning of the article, to registered Atari user groups and not for profit publications under the following terms only: articles must remain unedited and include the issue number and author at the top of each article reprinted. Other reprints granted upon approval of request. Send requests to . Opinions presented herein are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the staff, or of the publishers. All material herein is believed accurate at the time of publishing. --==--==--==--==-- Atari, ST, Mega ST, STE, Mega STE, TT030, Atari Falcon030, TOS, MultiTOS, NewDesk, BLiTTER, Atari Lynx, ComLynx, Atari Jaguar, Atari Portfolio, and the Atari Fuji Symbol are all trademarks or registered trademarks of Atari Corporation. All other trademarks and identifying marks mentioned in this issue belong to their respective owners. --==--==--==--==-- Atari Explorer Online Magazine "Your Source for Atari News" Copyright (c) 1993-1994, Subspace Publishers * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: A E O ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: Jaguar Edition #2 ATARI EXPLORER ONLINE 27 May 1994 :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::