{ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTICE: THESE MATERIALS are UNSUPPORTED by OSS! If you do not understand how to use them do not contact OSS for help! We will not teach you how to program in Pascal. If you find an error in these materials, feel free to SEND US A LETTER explaining the error, and how to fix it. THE BOTTOM LINE: Use it, enjoy it, but you are on your own when using these materials! DISCLAIMER: OSS makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaim all warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. This document is subject to change without notice. OSS provides these materials for use with Personal Pascal. Use them in any way you wish. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- } Introduction Page 1 Introduction to BIOS, XBIOS, and GEMDOS Calls Not all of the hardware and software utilities of the ST computer are directly supported by standard Pascal operations. Personal Pascal allows you to access such machine-specific operations by giving you access to the BIOS, the Xtended BIOS, and the GEMDOS systems. These three pieces of software allow you to control the ST hardware and perform disk operations not directly supported by standard Pascal. The Personal Pascal compiler is smart enough to generate the proper code to access these routines, providing you tell it what parameters those routines are expecting. This documentation will provide you with enough information to write Pascal programs that call the BIOS, XBIOS, or GEMDOS. Since there are so many calls available in those three subsystems, we are splitting the description of the calls into several sections. Not all of those sections will be available right away, but we will be steadily adding documentation so we can have a complete set as soon as possible. The sections of documentation that will be available are: Character oriented I/O Disk file I/O Hardware port configuration Time and date functions Sound generation Directories and paths Directory searching Graphics hardware Miscellaneous In addition, a numerical list of all BIOS, XBIOS, and GEMDOS calls, with their appropriate Pascal bindings, will be available at a later date. We also recommend purchasing the book "Atari ST Internals", from Abacus books. Not all of the information contained there is accurate, but most is, and much more information is available there than we can hope to provide.