{ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTICE: THESE MATERIALS are UNSUPPORTED by OSS! If you do not understand how to use them do not contact OSS for help! We will not teach you how to program in Pascal. If you find an error in these materials, feel free to SEND US A LETTER explaining the error, and how to fix it. THE BOTTOM LINE: Use it, enjoy it, but you are on your own when using these materials! DISCLAIMER: OSS makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaim all warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. This document is subject to change without notice. OSS provides these materials for use with Personal Pascal. Use them in any way you wish. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- } Using IO_Check and IO_Result in Personal Pascal September 29, 1986 If you have tried using IO_Check and IO_Result (page 6-72 of Personal Pascal manual) you may have noticed that the compiler generates an error message #104 - Undeclared Identifier. This is the result of an oversight during the development of the compiler. IO_Check and IO_Result are in the PASLIB library; they can be used as described in the manual. You need only declare them as EXTERNAL routines before you reference them in your program. An example follows: { Declare IO_Check and IO_Result EXTERNAL... } PROCEDURE IO_Check( b : BOOLEAN ); EXTERNAL; FUNCTION IO_Result : Integer; EXTERNAL; { the rest of your program follows... } Once you have entered these lines into your program, you may use IO_Check and IO_Result anywhere in your program.