Ron Sanborn 120 High St. South Windsor CT 06074 Disk Chart Ver 3.3 03-09-90 Diskchart has been through several overhauls since it's first release in OCTOBER 1989. Although some revisions many not seem all that significant to the user they have all been time consuming for the author. Originally DISKCHART was written as a quick solution to display HARD DRIVE partition space for my own personal use. I always was interested in having an idea of how much space was being used on my machine. The show info option at the desktop did ok but it was slow as molasses and I really was only concerned with the space statistics. Without seeing all of the partition stat's at once it was difficult to make a decision of whether or not to back up files, move directories or just do some general housekeeping! I am always interested in how efficiently space is being used. Diskchart started as a very simple GFA BASIC program and it was originally named FREEBYTE2.PRG. I decided to rewrite FREEBYTE2.PRG after some of the members of our local users group STATUS mentioned that it would make a great PD or SHAREWARE program. Since then FREEBYTE2.PRG has gone through the following changes: Ver 1.0 Written in GFA BASIC with bar graph addition and report option. Renamed DSKCHART.PRG Ver 2.0 Totally re-written in C with a GEM interface bar graph and report. Ver 3.0 Revised to support MONOCHROME monitors as well as color MED rez. Ver 3.1 Fixed a bug in the total space percentage statistics. Ver 3.2A Includes the ability to print the report option. Bug fix to provide better graphing compatibility with TOS 1.4. Optimized for faster program execution. Ver 3.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Was originally going to be released only to registered users. However I have decided that since DISKCHART.PRG originally started as a SHAREWARE program it should remain SHAREWARE 100%. The past few months have shown an increase in registered users and I would like to thank everyone for their support! I would like to add that anyone who has registered any of the previous releases of DISKCHART is not obligated in any way to re-register. The registration is a one time registration that entitles the user to all program revisions free of charge! I have really enjoyed revising DISKCHART and even more the welcome compliments and suggestions that I have received from many of the users! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I have added a few new features to Ver 3.3 that I hope you will find usefull: The Graphics have been enhanced to give the program a more polished look! An option has been added to display and print extended Disk information that is contained in the Disk BPB! (To access this option select EXTENDED and then select a drive letter). The button below the bar graph which contains all the drive letters can be clicked to display all HD partitions at once. This eliminates the need to select each drive individually for a full report! A button has been provided for calling UNIVERSAL ITEM SELECTOR from within DISKCHART to handle some of the file organization. This allows you to monitor your progress as you reorganize your HD! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'd like to thank all of the members of STATUS for their suggestions for improving DISKCHART.PRG. If you find that DISKCHART is a welcome addition to your software collection than just click the DISK ICON and send a donation! Your support will determine the output of other SHAREWARE programs as well! Thanks Again!, Ron Sanborn