HP 5260 Labeler ACC or PRG This baby is ShareWare and all rights as to name and "look & feel" are reserved. You may upload this or pass it around all you like, just keep this text file with it. Here's the gist: I needed a labeler. Here I was with about three grand worth of computer equipment at my finger tips, but I was constantly hand writing mailing labels to fill orders for IMAGE CAT. It went against the grain. I have an HPDJ. Just about the only labels you can use in it are Avery 5260's or clones (those are the ones on a cut sheet with three across, ten down and a neat little half inch built-in margin at the top). So, what did I need? I needed a way to access individual labels on the sheet since I rarely needed to print all 30 at once (I had collected a good stack of half used sheets and hated the waste). I also needed to access it within the data base itself so I could type the labels right from the record screen without the need to look up the addresses all the time. Hence, came the HP 5260 Labeler as an accessory. This is specific to HP DeskJets and Avery three across ten down 5260 cut sheet labels or clones. Other uses do not apply. It's really easy to use, but here's a few hints. THE LABEL BOX The content of the second line of each label is reflected in the corresponding box on the label screen. To print, hit the PRINT button (smart, huh?). It's a dumb print routine so if all your labels are blank, then they will print anyway (but the DJ is smart so if they're all blank, nothing will happen). The CLEAR button wipes all labels clean. Double clicking on a label will first clear the label before you edit it. SHIFT/Clicking on a label will simply clear it but won't take you to the editor so you can clear several selected labels swiftly in succession (did I really type that?). The IMPORT button will allow you to import a normal text file which allows you to use your data base to create a sorted (sordid?) list for printing. The file can have either five or six lines per label and should be in this form: CR/LF name line CR/LF adr line CR/LF 2nd adr line CR/LF city line CR/LF CR/LF (for six lines - this line skipped if five) If you have chosen five lines for import, the last line will be skipped so your file should start with a CR/LF sequence to make things right. You can, of course, use all six lines for text, but it's a squeeze. If there are more than 38 characters on a line, then the line will be truncated so the rest of the labels won't be spoiled. After you've selected the import file, you will be asked to click on the label with which to start the print run so you can utilize those partially used sheets you have lying around. Only the first sheet will start on a label other than the first label, so have full sheets set to feed after the first. THE EDITOR BOX Just click on the label you wish to edit and you will be taken to the edit screen. The cursor will be in the second line since the first line should be blank. Use the arrow keys or TAB key to move from field to field. You can enter up to six lines of text, but you should stick with four lines leaving a blank at the top and bottom since six lines just barely fit on a label. The top line can be blocked left by clicking on the "<-" arrow at the top line. This is for things like "Ship to:". All other lines can be blocked right by clicking the "->" arrow of the line. This is most useful for the bottom line with things like "ATT: Mr. Jim Smith" or maybe "Check Enclosed" (ho ho). If the arrow for a particular line is left light, then the line will be centered on the label (actually, the longest line on the label will be centered and all other lines will justify left with that line). Toggle the block left and right buttons as needed (no need to type a bunch of spaces to block right). The "COPY->" button copies the current label to the next label and moves there to edit. The "NEXT" button simply moves to the next label. The "F" button will fill all labels with the contents of the current one (to easily make a set of return address labels). The "PREV" button moves you to the previous label (really?) and the "<-COPY" button moves to the previous label while copying the contents of this label to it too. The OK button serves to save the contents of the label to memory and takes you to the label box. The "Now editing label #" button will do the same thing as the OK button if you're running as a program, but if you're running as an ACC then it will save this label and exit the accessory altogether. Don't worry, as an ACC, the labels are still in memory until you IMPORT or CLEAR. If you're running as a program, hitting the EXIT button will, of course, wipe the labels and quit the program so don't forget to save them or print them first. OTHER USES Well, there're 30 labels. You can use it as a calendar! There's six lines for each day. On those months besides February, September, April, June and November, take a day off! With the quick save and load feature, you can edit it and use it for an appointment calendar (if you're not a really busy person and have less than six appointments per day). You can print your mailing list on plain paper for a quick report sorted as you like. Keep a diary (a short one though). Open a window of a floppy drive on the desktop, move it to the side so's you can see it and type in the contents of a disk onto two labels. Print them and see that two Avery 5260 labels fit nicely on a floppy! Be creative! EXTRAS It runs as a program or accessory according to what the name is when it runs. Ummm, let's see, what else??? Oh, press the space bar to abort a print in progress (though the thing runs pretty fast so the buffer of the DJ will swallow up the print likely before you can abort). Of course, if you print 3000 labels from a text file, the abort feature might come in handy from time to time. Also, if you happen to hold the SHIFT key when you punch the PRINT button to dump labels you have typed in, they will be printed then all labels will be cleared leaving you with blanks to start anew... Any bug reports or suggestions lemme know.... Oh, and if your checkbook hasn't seen any use lately, write a check to me. If it has seen some use, then, hey, you're used to writing those things, and you won't miss five or ten bucks anyway. Included in this arc is a text label and also a regular label (with the LLB extender) with my name and address on it to ease the pain of sending in that check. Hey, I might even expand this to work with other printers or other labels. Look what happened to IMAGE CAT...... Chet Walters POB 45 Girard, OH 44420 GEnie: C.WALTERS1 BIX: Still waiting for them to call......