Audio Morphology Ltd. ===================== Re-Sample for Windows V1.2 -------------------------- Thank-you for purchasing Re-Sample for windows - We hope you find it useful. Introduction to Re-Sample ------------------------- Re-Sample for Windows gives you access to the widest possible range of sound sources for your Synth, Soundcard or Sampler. Re-Sample supports practically every soundfile format, sample translation and sample transfer mechanism. It is Midi-aware, and can transmit Midi Sample Dumps. Re-Sample provides you with a simple set of tools to enable the creation of clean looped intruments and grooves. Re-Sample can freely convert between many different sample formats, including: Windows RIFF Files (WAV), Ultrasound (.PAT), Kurzweil K2000 (KRZ), SoundBlaster (SBK & VOC), SampleVision (SMP), Apple / Amiga (AIFF), Atari (MOD), (SAM), (8SVX), Sample Dump (SDS), Sample Dump exchange (SDX), Roland S550 (.SYX), Sun / DEC / UNIX / NeXT (AU), (SND), Wired for Sound / SoundTools (SND) and Yamaha SY85 and TX16W wave files (W01), Audio Visual Research / Microdeal / 2-Bit Systems (AVR), AKAI S1000, 2800 and 3000. Two different MIDI note generators are included to aid the testing of samples downloaded to synths / sequencers. Re-Sample gives you all the normal editing functions, including Cut, Paste and Crop; On-screen graphical editing of sample loop points; Zooming; and has Sample Manipulation functions such as Re-Sampling, CrossFading, and Automatic Loop Detection. Samples and Waveforms can be easily and quickly dumped to your synth or sound card for use in patches or programs Samples can be auditioned on any PC equipped with a Windows 3.1 compatible sound card and appropriate audio drivers. Installing Re-Sample for Windows -------------------------------- To install Re-Sample, select File Run from Windows Program Manager, and in the box type a:setup and follow the instructions. The setup program will create a program manager group, and will create the icons for Re-Sample and the Re-Sample Help file. You will need the Visual Basic RunTime library file VBRUN300.DLL before you can run either Re-Sample for Windows or the Setup program. If you don't have it, or it's not included on your distribution disk, VBRUN300.DLL can be downloaded from most Bulletin Boards. On Compuserve for example, you can get it from several forums, including the Basic forum (GO MSBASIC) in library 1 (MSInfo and Index) where it's in a self-extracting archive (VBRUN3.EXE). Technical Support ----------------- For Technical support with Re-Sample, please contact the distributors: Et Cetera, Unit 15, Harmans Business Centre, Rawtenstall, Lancs. BB4 6HH England. Tel: (+44) (0)1706 228039