_ _ ((___)) [ x x ] cDc communications \ / Global Domination Update (' ') #9 - October 31, 1991 (U) New gNu NEW gnU new GnU nEW gNu neW gnu nEw releases for October, 1991: 194: "SatanTrek" by Necrovore. Follow us now on a journey to rid Cyberspace of evil virus writers. Yeah. This is an edited version of Necrovore's (formerly "The Raver") 1988 file. It seemed an appropriate time for this re-release, what with the date and the demise of Gene Roddenberry (RIP). 195: "Earth Goo" by Lady Carolin. On a cheerier note, LC the Social Worker gives her impressions of real-life child abuse she faced in her work. I don't know what else to say, it's pretty intense. 196: "Interesting Things to Do With a Scanner" by The Mad Hatter. Realize your scanner's full potential as an entertainment and information-snatching device. Loaded to the gills with advice and frequencies. Packed with peanuts. Barrel full o' monkeys. 197: "Ruth" by Obscure Images. True-to-life account of one man's flustered love affliction. Pain, agony, puking... this one really captures the whole emotional experience. Major angst. 198: "Some General Observations" by THE NIGHTSTALKER. Like the title says; this one covers stereotyping in the service economy, white trash, telephone polling, how to listen to other people having sex through a radio, and secrets of the pornography industry. Yes, cDc IS variety. 199: "Presumed Guilty" by Andrew Schneider and Mary Pat Flaherty. Yes, we've got trouble, right here in River City... that starts with "t" and ends with "e" and it stands for "seizure and forfeiture laws." (Thank you, thank you... you're so kind.) Your very own protectin' and servin' U.S. police force can take possession of everything you own without even charging you with a crime, much less finding you guilty of anything. Why? Read the file and find out. In more civilized times this was called "theft," or "looting," or perhaps "raping and pillaging of the townsfolk," but now it's just called a byproduct of the "War on Drugs." ______________________________________________________________________________ Other telecom gnuz: Coming for December release will be cDc's 200th file. It will be another "Bam Bam" issue similar to #100 and we're looking for submissions. We need short articles and things to do with telecom and/or cDc and quotes from you gh0dz-0f-telec0m (ie: how cDc saved your life and aligned the planets, etc.) If you'd like to contribute, please whip something up and deposit it to me preferably on The Polka AE or DRU. Remember, "More glory for cDc!" cDc files available on disk: yeah, and about time too. All of the cDc t-files are now available on 3.5" disks by mail, cheap. Please specify Apple II, Amiga, or MS-DOS and mail $3.00 cash to the cDc P.O. box given at the end of this Update. That's well-hidden cash, not check or money order. Cash. Disks will be mailed out promptly. The money is to cover the disks, postage, and hassle; obviously not to make any real dollars. Xmascon is occuring again this year in Houston! Check out the info file and attend. Meet some cDc bona fide teen idols and many other ELYTE! types. Die fulfilled. NEW Official cDc Global Domination Factory Direct Outlets: Condemned Reality 618/397-7702 pw:SMASHED Daydream Nation 301/365-9249 Solsbury Hill 301/428-3268 22, Acacia Avenue 208/327-0717 The Lost Dimension 804/531-0459 See ya in December, S. Ratte' "We're into t-files for the girlies and money." Write to: cDc communications, P.O. Box 53011, Lubbock, TX 79453. _____________________________________________________________________________ cDc Global Domination Update #9 - by Swamp Rat - "Hyperbole is our business"