The Pits and the Pedestal by Stew Oswald Wad File: PNP13.WAD Episode: 1 Level: 3 Weapons Available: Pea Shooter, Machine Gun, Rocket Launcher, Plasma Gun, Hands Monsters Used: None Powerups Available: Soul Sphere, Invisibility, Blue Armor Description: Designed for Deathmatch. Each player starts off in the center section. Each platform in the center section opens a door. There is one warp that takes you to the tall pedestal in the center section. Deathmatch is much better WITHOUT monsters, so I didn't even include them. Secrets: None, what you see is what you get. Hints: The switch by the plasma gun lowers the center pedestal. The exit is unmarked and is the wall in front of the machine gun. You can avoid the pits if you run along the sides of them. Misc: WAD Created: 7/27/94 Other wads by the author: THE RACE: Designed for Deathmatch. Each player starts off in an identical wing of the main maze. The race is to be the first one to find the way out and to get the good stuff (rockets, weapons). Each corner warp will warp back to a different wing. The center warp will warp to the other section. Go up the stairs here and have a perfect shot at your opponents. Good luck finding the exit. FOUR CYLINDERS: Designed for Deathmatch. Each player starts off in a cylinder. There are is a switch off of each cylinder that opens one of the doors in the center section, that leads to the exit. There is also a warp off of each cylinder that warps into a different cylinder.