PWad Name: Sewerv10.wad Version: 1.0 Exit: None yet Players: 1-4 Game: Coop Only Editor: Deu 5.21 Author: Jay 74064,1403 Level: E1 M1 Note: This is the first version of my Sewer series. It'll be a long time before I finish the whole sewer series of 3 levels. I will have new music, if not, my favorite music from one of the levels. This one is not done yet, but I'm expecting some ideas from different people who try out this wad, so I can finish it faster. The monsters differ from skill level. At the beginning, I placed a few other green guys to greet you off into the dark sewer. I tried to make the light effects as interesting as possible in this level. I expect this level to be over 250 K when finished. Questions: How do I make a sidedef so that it is "bullet proof"? Do you see any bugs that I missed so far? please mail the answer to 74064,1403. Thanks