****** DOOMGOGL ****** Is Doom to dark on your monitor? Are you afraid of the dark? Well read on... This program will allow you to change the color scheme in Doom to suit your needs. Follow these easy steps. 1. Run doom with the -devparm parameter to enable the screen capture feature. 2. Press F1 to capture the screen. 3. Exit out of Doom and load up your favorite paint/ draw or graphics utility. We used HiJaak PRO for Windows (because we are Inset Systems) to change the gamma correction of the screen capture to -25. Use whatever software you like to change the colors around and lighten up the image. Make sure you save the PCX file in 256 colors. 4. The syntax for Doomgogl is: DOOMGOGL . 5. Now run Doom and see how the colors look. We have include some PCX files for you to try: BRIGHTER.PCX - Enables you to see in the dark. INVERTED.PCX - Inverted color palette for that psychedelic look. GRAY.PCX - Grayscale version for that silent film look. ORIGINAL.PCX - Use this file to restore the original colors to the game. Try Making the blood redder! Or even better make it green! Doomgogl was written by Bill Hanlon. This is freeware do with it as you will.