NW Utility Library
The NW Utility Library is a collection of all existing freely
distributable (Public Domain, freeware, shareware, etc.) utilities,
patches, technote, etc. files for NetWare consultants, system
administrators and power users. The collection is available on
CD-ROM or a mountain of 1.44MB diskettes (by special order only).
A directory database accompanying the
library is a dBASE compatible .DBF file with search program. This
database also lists all commercial NetWare add-ons. LAN Times
called the library a "sweet deal for a sweet price"
, "a bargain at twice the price" , and went
on to say "programs themselves represent just about every
conceivable kind of utility for NetWare" , "you
are assured of getting the latest and greatest of shareware offerings"
, "enough of a NetWare fix to last a long time"
. The directory database and shareware library are updated
at least every two months. Ordering information.
A text file listing descriptions, by product type, for all the
PD/Shareware files in the library can be found on BBSes and FTP
sites (including SimTel mirrors) as NWU19.ZIP.
EMSalso produces a list of all NetWare tool producers,
with address, phone, fax, 800, BBS, Email, web, etc. information.
The following are counts of Public Domain, Shareware and free
products in the NW Utility Library:
- 3270 - 12
- Apple - 6
- AppWare for Mac - 1
- AppWare for Win1.2 - 1
- ArcServe 5.X - 8
- AS400 - 7
- Auditing - 3
- Backup - 45
- Batch - 10
- BBS - 1
- Bindery - 28
- Boot - 4
- Broadcast - 1
- Btrieve - 58
- Btrieve Unixware - 1
- Bug Fix - 87
- Bug Fix-Drives - 11
- Bug Fix-NW3.11 OS - 2
- Bulletin Boards - 1
- Capture - 3
- CD-Rom - 5
- Certified Training - 34
- Chat - 14
- Client - 22
- Communication - 10
- Compaq - 7
- Compaq-Lan Drivers - 14
- Compaq-Tape - 1
- Compsurf - 3
- Connection - 5
- Console Alerts - 1
- Data Recovery - 1
- Database - 2
- Demo - 4
- Diagnostic - 39
- Disk Drivers NW - 10
- Disk Monitoring - 4
- Distr. Processing - 2
- Documentation - 73
- DOS - 6
- Dos Support - 4
- Driver - 137
- Fax Servers - 6
- File - 41
- File Console - 3
- File Managers - 3
- File Ownership - 1
- File Transfer - 2
- General - 9
- Goof-Off - 11
- Groupware - 20
- Hard Disks Server - 3
- Help - 2
- IMSP - 11
- Install - 9
- IP - 12
- LAN Schedulers - 3
- LAN Workshop - 1
- LANalyzer - 11
- Login - 68
- Logout - 14
- Mail - 78
- Management - 36
- Map - 23
- Memory - 6
- Menu - 36
- Messaging - 17
- Mirror - 2
- Misc. - 48
- MS Windows - 3
- Multimedia - 5
- NACS - 4
- NetView Support - 8
- NetWare 2.0a - 9
- NetWare 2.2 - 1
- NetWare 3.10 - 2
- NetWare 3.12 - 14
- NetWare 4.0 - 13
- NetWare 4.0 Fixes - 2
- NetWare 4.01 - 1
- NetWare 4.02 - 1
- NetWare 4.X - 46
- NetWare AppWare - 9
- NetWare CD-ROM - 1
- NetWare Client - 1
- NetWare Client SDK - 77
- NetWare Client-VLM - 6
- NetWare Connect - 33
- NetWare for Mac - 26
- NetWare HostPrint - 12
- NetWare HostPt/400 - 1
- NetWare Hub - 1
- NetWare IPX - 4
- NetWare Lan Wgrp - 6
- NetWare LANtern - 1
- NetWare LAT - 1
- NetWare Link Serv. - 1
- NetWare Lite - 1
- NetWare LWP - 5
- Netware Mgmt Svcs - 14
- NetWare MHS - 57
- NetWare MPR - 14
- NetWare Name Svcs. - 1
- NetWare Navigator - 5
- NetWare NDS - 4
- NetWare NFS 1.2 - 4
- Netware NLM-4.X - 6
- NetWare NWPA - 2
- NetWare Printing - 2
- NetWare SAA - 49
- NetWare SAP - 2
- NetWare SFT III - 4
- NetWare Simulation - 2
- NetWare SMS - 2
- NetWare Speech - 1
- NetWare SQL - 8
- NetWare Telephony - 6
- NetWare Wan Ext - 1
- NetWare WorkPlace - 12
- Network Analyzer - 2
- Network Benchmarks - 2
- Network Diagraming - 6
- Network Inventory - 1
- Network Schedule - 5
- Network Versions - 2
- News Display - 7
- NIC Drivers - 38
- NLM - 17
- NLM SDK for NW4.0 - 30
- Novell 3.11 NLM - 6
- Novell AppBuilder - 1
- Novell Dos 7 - 27
- Novell FirstMail - 1
- Novell GroupWise - 11
- Novell ManageWise - 5
- Novell NetExplorer - 1
- Novell NLM SDK - 1
- Novell SFT - 2
- Novell UnixWare - 1
- NSM - 6
- NW Protocol SDK - 1
- NWlite - 19
- OS/2 - 17
- Paging Monitors - 2
- Pegasus Mail - 3
- Performance - 1
- Personal NetWare - 3
- Personal NW 1.0 - 10
- Print - 90
- Print Servers - 7
- Program Schedulers - 1
- Programming - 62
- Protocol Analyzer - 1
- Remote - 10
- Security - 37
- Server Control - 2
- Server Memory - 1
- Server Time - 12
- Shell - 15
- Software Metering - 5
- Software Mgmt - 12
- Software Upgrading - 3
- Storage Management - 7
- Supervisor - 50
- Syscon - 2
- System Accounting - 2
- System Logging - 1
- System Mgmt-Win - 2
- System Monitoring - 47
- System Passwords - 1
- System Reporting - 10
- Talk - 6
- Tape Software - 4
- Task Servers - 3
- TCP/IP - 5
- Third Party Utils - 1
- Trustee - 5
- Tutor - 9
- Tuxedo System - 5
- Unix - 2
- Unix Connection - 2
- Unix Printing - 1
- Unixware - 7
- Upgrade - 5
- Usage - 40
- User - 22
- User Management - 18
- User Notification - 1
- Virus - 43
- Visual AppBuilder - 25
- VLM - 3
- Vrepair - 9
- Windows - 33
- Windows Attach - 1
- Windows Management - 2
- Windows NT - 9
- Workstation Config - 2
Total PD/Shareware files in library: 2526
Total 1.44MB disks in Library: 280
Total bytes in library: 414985350