NW Utility Library

The NW Utility Library is a collection of all existing freely distributable (Public Domain, freeware, shareware, etc.) utilities, patches, technote, etc. files for NetWare consultants, system administrators and power users. The collection is available on CD-ROM or a mountain of 1.44MB diskettes (by special order only). A directory database accompanying the library is a dBASE compatible .DBF file with search program. This database also lists all commercial NetWare add-ons. LAN Times called the library a "sweet deal for a sweet price" , "a bargain at twice the price" , and went on to say "programs themselves represent just about every conceivable kind of utility for NetWare" , "you are assured of getting the latest and greatest of shareware offerings" , "enough of a NetWare fix to last a long time" . The directory database and shareware library are updated at least every two months. Ordering information.

A text file listing descriptions, by product type, for all the PD/Shareware files in the library can be found on BBSes and FTP sites (including SimTel mirrors) as NWU19.ZIP. EMSalso produces a list of all NetWare tool producers, with address, phone, fax, 800, BBS, Email, web, etc. information.

The following are counts of Public Domain, Shareware and free products in the NW Utility Library:

Total PD/Shareware files in library: 2526
Total 1.44MB disks in Library: 280
Total bytes in library: 414985350