Disk No: 2316 Disk Title: LZE, LZESHELL, & COMTOEXE PC-SIG Version: S1 Program Title: LZE Author Version: 0.91 Author Registration: None. Special Requirements: None. Can you imagine the space you could reclaim from your hard drive by compressing all the .EXE files? Well, LZE, a public domain program, compresses an .EXE file to almost half its size! This isn't compression that must be decompressed to use the file; this is compression of the code, so the program can be used as is. LZE works with companion program COMTOEXEC (which converts COM files to EXE files) to make a powerful compression package. Program Title: LZESHELL Author Version: 1.0 Author Registration: None Special Requirements: None LZESHELL interacts with LZE and COMTOEXE (all three public domain programs) to make those programs even better. LZESHELL changes .COM files to .EXE files with one command. LZE then compresses the code of .EXE files to regain space on your hard drive. Program Title: COMTOEXE Author Version: 1.00 Author Registration: None Special Requirements: None A companion program to LZE, COMTOEXE converts a .COM file into an .EXE file that can then be compressed by LZE (LZE compresses the code of .EXE files). With the combination of the two files, you now have the ability to reclaim a sizable amount of space from both .COM and .EXE files. PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.