MIRROR III - Version 2.0 Copyright 1990 David Batterson The long-awaited new version (2.0) of MIRROR III is finally here, after a several month delay. Apparently SoftKlone was spending extra time getting its new TAKEOVER remote access software to market. MIRROR III, for those who aren't familiar with it, is a clone of the popular CROSSTALK program from DCA, Inc. It has sold very well to corporate users, although many individuals prefer PROCOMM Plus and QMODEM. One reason for the latter is that MIRROR III didn't have a particularly easy command interface, although I personally am very comfortable with it. Version 2.0 now features pull-down menus with mouse support. Those users out there who prefer menu-based software will be pleased. MIRROR III, Ver. 2.0 is not shareware, and never has been. That also eliminates a lot of users who don't buy much commercial software. (Of course, PROCOMM PLUS is no longer shareware, like the older PROCOMM.) To avoid annoying their large user base of loyal MIRROR III users, SoftKlone provides menus as an option, while retaining the standard command structure, using GO, DO, XY, SEnd, DIr, CFile, TYpe and similar commands. I think that most new users of MIRROR III, Ver. 2.0 will opt for the menu interface, called the Dialing Directory. You'll get up-to-speed faster since you don't have to memorize commands; just point and shoot. While online, you also get pull-down menus. Using these, you can select your protocol choice, capture to disk, turn on your printer, enter Chat Mode, quit the session, and so on. MIRROR III, Ver. 2.0 retains all the other features of MIRROR III, including the "Password Maintenance Utility" (for security), a usage log, many emulations, an editor, several DOS commands (without exiting to DOS), background operation, and extensive help screens. Most BBS callers are familiar with ZMODEM, a fast external protocol. It can be used with PROCOMM PLUS, QMODEM, Telix and other communications software programs, although there are sometimes problems. Rather than implementing the ZMODEM protocol themselves, SoftKlone decided instead to include Chuck Forsberg's DSZ program. Installing ZMODEM is quite easy. You simply place the command, ADD-IN = ZMODEM.MAF, in your MIRROR.CFG file. Or you can use the command, ADDIN LOAD ZMODEM, from the Command? prompt. DSZ remains shareware, and buyers of MIRROR III, Ver. 2.0 are requested to send the $20 registration fee to Omen Technology. The registered version of DSZ comes with additional docs and some advanced features. Another new feature is the Backscroll addin. This lets you page through previous text. The number of pages displayed is determined by the retro-buffer size in the MIRROR.CFG file. The maximum is 63K. Besides mouse support in the Dialing Directory, you can also use a mouse with the standard interface. You can define the mouse cursor color, shape (using ASCII characters), and online buttons. The file transfer status screen has been update. Now you can watch a moving bar display, as the transfer moves from zero to 100% completion. It also displays the effective speed and relative performance. There are many other minor changes to MIRROR III, Ver. 2.0. One is the "no-editor" version of MIRROR.EXE, if you need to cut memory usage. It chops RAM use by about 21K. Another is support for F keys 11 and 12. MIRROR III, Ver. 2.0 now includes the MNP5 software addin, so owners of non-MNP modems can make use of MNP error correction and data compression. You load it the same way as with ZMODEM. When performing data transfers between your PC and another MNP user, optimum results are achieved by using YMODEM-G, with the no-acknowledgement option. The MNP add-in automatically selects that option for you. I give an overall grade of 'A' to MIRROR III, Ver. 2.0. SoftKlone still offers free technical support. There's also a SoftKlone Information Exchange BBS open 24 hours, for tech support, PRISM scripts, more emulations and latest announcements. MIRROR III, Ver. 2.0, lists for $149. Registered users of MIRROR III can upgrade for $49 (plus shipping and handling). For more information, contact SoftKlone Distributing Corp., 327 Office Plaza Drive, Suite 100, Tallahassee, FL 32301; 904-878-8564; 800-634-8670; FAX: 904-877-9763; BBS: 904-878-9884; MCI Mail: 289-0683; CompuServe: 76224,134; Telex: 6714280 KLON. # David Batterson writes about the online industry, communications software, and modems/fax boards. Contact him via MCI Mail: DBATTERSON.