VP-Expert/SQL - Advanced Expert System Development Tool Copyright 1989 David Batterson Expert systems are quickly becoming a major software tool for various professions, such as medicine, engineering, law, agriculture and the military. The name, expert system, isn't derived from the observation that you have to be an EXPERT to use the system! However, expert systems are not for Sunday hackers; they are heavyweight programs. According to Jeffrey Hsu and Joseph Kusnan, writing in The Fifth Generation: The Future of Computer Technology: "in a sense, expert systems transfer the information found in a human expert into a computerized form, making it able to solve problems in a certain specialized area in much the same way that a trained professional would." An examples of an expert system is MYCIN, which contains knowledge about bacterial infections, and can diagnose and suggest treatments. Another is PROSPECTOR, used by geologists to find ore deposits. Adam Osborne's Paperback Software (publisher of VP-Planner, VP-Graphics, and Executive Writer) has created VP-Expert/SQL, which "makes intelligent expert system front ends to SQL databases available for the first time on standard microcomputers." SQL, standing for Structured Query Language, provides standard commands for accessing relational databases. IBM developed SQL for use in the mainframe database program called DB2. Paperback has added SQL database server support to its best-selling expert system development tool, VP-Expert, using Gupta Technology's SQLBase database server. Basically, what VP-Expert/SQL does is allow you to develop expert systems on your PC, and then access SQL databases on LANs, minis and mainframes. It also retrieves information and sends it to files compatible with Lotus 1-2-3, dBASE, VP-Planner Plus and VP-Info. The user doesn't have to have any knowledge of SQL. Instead you make requests via usual database commands, which are then translated into SQL automatically. One of the main purposes of VP-Expert/SQL is to gather specific and usable information from the huge amounts of data accumulated in various file formats, and deliver it fast! Paperback indicated how banks could use VP-Expert/SQL. They could do a quick search of many thousands of files containing loan information, analyze the demographics of deadbeats, and save a dollop of dollars! VP-Expert/SQL includes the enhanced version of VP-Expert 2.1. It also bundles, for a limited time, the Single User version of SQLBase. The suggested list price is $695. VP-Expert/SQL requires at least a 286 with 640K, 384K extended (not expanded) memory, DOS 3.1 or higher, and hard disk with 2 MB available. For information, contact Paperback Software International, 2830 Ninth St., Berkeley, CA 94710; 415-644-2116, orders: 800-255-3242, FAX: 415-644-8241. # David Batterson is no "expert" on any system, but writes articles and reviews on PC applications. Contact him via MCI Mail: DBATTERSON.