Disk No: 2654 Disk Title: LQMatrix PC-SIG Version: S1.0 Program Title: LQMatrix Author Version: 4.3 Author Registration: $19.50 ($24.00 overseas) Special Requirements: Epson LQ 24-pin dot-matrix printer or compatible. LQMATRIX is an editor for user-made characters known as "soft fonts" for Epson LQ 24-pin dot matrix printers and compatibles. It comes with the editor, a downloader, LQ.EXE, and over 40 complete fonts including a wide variety of common fonts, serif, script, etc., as well as old English, Gothic, two Cyrillic fonts, and classical Greek. LQMATRIX and fonts are designed to use the text mode for printing user-made fonts. In contrast to graphics, this mode is as fast as using the default letters and thus is useful for printing long texts. In the text mode, the printers accept a `soft' font into memory and use it rather than the built-in `hard' font. In fact, when so instructed, it can switch back and forth between the two. Thus, if you have written a paper in English but wish to cite examples in the Greek alphabet, you can `download' (send to the printer) the Greek font (greek.lqn on this package) and use it when necessary. For those who wish to use the various ready-made fonts for different purposes (or just for variety), all you need is the LQ.EXE program. With it, any of the premade fonts can be downloaded to the printer. For those users who wish to create their own fonts, modify those already supplied, or create a small number of special characters for a specific task, LQMATRIX.EXE provides just the environment you need. It's an easy-to-use matrix program with many features that permit the user to create characters, store them in a file, and download them to the Epson LQ family of 24-dot matrix printers. With it, you can design Draft, NLQ (10 cpi), and proportional characters. PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.