This is disk 92 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. Note that none of these can be used from the workbench, thus they do not have any directory icons. You must use the CLI environment to use these materials. As6502 Contains a portable 6502 assembler, including source in C. Author: J. Van Ornum; Amiga port by Joel Swank Bawk Text processor inspired by the Unix awk utility. This is an update to the copy released on disk 65. Bawk searches files for specific patterns and performs actions for every occurance of these patterns. The patterns can be regular expressions. The actions are expressed using a subset of the C language. Includes source in C. Author: Bob Brodt; Amiga port by Johan Widen HunkPad HunkPad pads an object file out to where it is exactly a multiple of 128 bytes, thus making it immune to having garbage appended on to the end of it by xmodem type file transfer protocols. Version 2, includes source. Update to version released on disk 84. Author: J. Hamilton Less Like Unix "more", only better, with forward and backward scrolling, searching and positioning by percent of file and line number, etc. Very useful! This is Amiga version 1.2, an update to the version on disk number 74. Includes source. Author: Mark Nudelman, Amiga port by Bob Leivian Ndir Library that implements the 4BSD unix directory access routines (opendir, closedir, readdir, etc). Includes source in C. Author: Mike Meyer Parse A recursive descent expression parser that parses expressions, computes the expression value, and prints it. Includes support for some built in transcendental functions. Includes source in C. Author: John Olsen Shar Two programs to pack and unpack shell archives on the Amiga. Shell archives are the traditional Usenet method of bundling multiple text files for posting as a unit or for sending via electronic mail. Includes source in C. Author: Fabbian G. Dufoe SmallLib A replacement for amiga.lib that is about 8 times smaller. Binary only. Author: Bryce Nesbitt UUencode Programs to encode/decode binary files for transmittal via mail or other text-only methods. The binary file is expanded by approximately 35% for transmittal. This release is an update to the version on disk number 53, and includes a simple line-by-line checksum technique that can read and write files compatible with the older uuencode/uudecode, plus a file size test modification that is transparent to older uudecodes. Author: Mark Horton with mods by Alan Rosenthal and Bryce Nesbitt