This is disk 132 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. Berserk This animation, unveiled at the September 87 meeting of the First Amiga Users Group, got Leo a standing ovation. It is a "must see" for every Amiga user, and ranks up there with "Juggler" as a premier demo for the Amiga. The difference between this distribution, and the one on disk 100, is that this one includes "source". I.E. it contains all the object descriptions necessary to recreate the animation. Thus you can, if you like, try modifying various objects to create slightly different animations, or use it as an example for creating your own animations. Seldom does a disk get devoted to a single program, however animation is one of the Amiga's greatest strengths, and I felt it was appropriate to have at least one animation that was available at the "source code" level. Author: Leo Schwab