This is disk 133 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. Conman Extremely useful replacement for the standard console handler, that provides line editing and command line histories completely transparent to any application program that uses CON: windows. This program is shareware, and well worth a donation to the author. Version 1.1, binary only, update to version on disk 100. New features include additional editing keys, fast search keys, undo key, clear history command, and more. Author: William Hawes Crc Two programs that are very useful for generating 16-bit CRC listings of the contents of disks, and verifying that a given disk's files still compute to the same CRC's as listed. Version 1.0, binary only. Author: Don Kindred CrcLists Complete CRC check files for disks 1-128 of the library, using the Crc program also included on this disk. These were made directly from my master disks. Author: Fred Fish Overscan Patches the Intuition library so that sizable windows with MaxHeight of 200 (400 in interlace) and screens with Height of 200 (400 in interlace) will take advantage of the PAL overscan capability of Intuition V1.2. This seems to be useful only for European users that wish to run software written for the American market, without modifying the applications, but still using the additional space. Includes source. Author: Ari Freund