This is disk 159 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. Free A little command to put in your c directory that returns memory status and number of tasks currently served by EXEC. Includes source. Author: Joerg Anslik MidiTools A group of several different utility programs for those who run a Midi system. Binary only. Author: Jack Deckard StarChart Nicely done intuition based program to display and identify about 600 stars, galaxies and nebulae visible in the Northern hemisphere. Version 1.2, includes source. Author: Ray R. Larson TaskControl Nicely done task-handling program allowing you to put to sleep, kill or change priorities of the all the currently loaded tasks. Also potentially GURU-producing, so be careful what tasks you kill, change priorities of, etc. Handy window sizer will reduce it almost to an icon to hang around until you want to use it. Binary only. Author: J. Martin Hippele TUC "The Ultimate Clock". Another window title clock/memory minder. This one is in 132 columns! Also gives the free memory on drives DF0, DF1 & DF2. Includes source. Author: Joerg Anslik