This is disk 166 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. AutoGraf Collects and graphically displays information on auto mileage. Features such as miles per gallon, cost per mile, miles driven, highs, lows, averages, etc. Includes sample data file, a couple utility programs and source. Version 1.0 Author: Joel Swank Cref A C cross referencer program. Prints out your code with line-numbers and complete key-word cross-referencing. Update from version on disk #103 which had a serious bug. Includes source. Author: Mike Edmonds; Amiga port by Joel Swank MultiCalc Yet another RPN type graphic calculator. This one generates answers with extreme precision (if 3000 digits is enough!) Features a 48-digit scrollable display, mouse driven with lots of keyboard shortcuts, and iconification during non-use. Binary only. Author: Kenneth Johnson Stevie A public domain clone of the UNIX 'vi' editor. Supports window-sizing, arrow keys, and the help key. Version 3.10a, includes source. Author: Various, Amiga port by Tony Andrews