This is disk 250 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. ASimplex An implementation of the Simplex algorithm for solving linear programs. It uses the standardized MPSX-format for input data files. This is version 1.5, an update to version 1.2 on disk 199. Changes include bug fixes, the ability to run from CLI, it's own window for I/O, and some new and improved commands. Includes source. Author: Stefan Forster Gravity-Well A celestial motion simulator that simulates the motion of up to twenty bodies in a Newtonian universe. The view of the simulation may be scaled, rotated in three dimensions or repositioned. Includes source. Author: Gary Teachout Paranoids An asylum escape game. Paranoids is a traditional board game played by drawing cards, rolling dice, and moving pieces around the board. Each player has six pieces, four patients and two doctors. The object of the game is to get all of your patients out of the asylum. This is version 1.0, binary only. Author: Richard Anderson and Gary Teachout RPSC A reverse polish scientific calculator. RPSC is a programmable RPN calculator in the Hewlett-Packard tradition. It supports operations with real numbers, complex numbers, matrices, and 3-D vectors, as well as storage and recall of labeled variables. Data and programs may be saved, loaded, or written as ASCII text, to AmigaDOS files. This is version 1.1, binary only. Author: Gary Teachout