This is disk 262 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. Indent This is version 1.1 of GNU Indent, a C source code formatter/indenter. Especially useful for cleaning up inconsistently indented code. Includes source. Authors: Developed by the University of California, Berkeley, the University of Illinois, Urbana, and Sun Microsystems, Inc. GNU version by Jim Kingdon, Amiga port by Dan Riley. Jumble A quick "brute force" program for solving for anagrams. Not very elegant, but gets the job done. Includes source. Author: Mike Groshart Lotto Lotto is designed to replace your user group's old shoebox full of membership numbers and names and add some pizzaz to the process of drawing for doorprizes at club meetings. Includes source. Author: Mike Groshart QMouse A very small mouse accelerator (4K) written in assembly language, but with most of the features of its larger cousins. Not related to QMouse on disk 49. This is version 1.6, shareware, binary only. Author: Lyman Epp QView A very small file view program (only 3K) written in assembly language, but with most of the features of its larger cousins. Version 1.1, shareware, binary only. Author: Lyman Epp WorldDataBank A project using geographical data, declassified and made available by the CIA under the Freedom of Information Act, to draw a Mercator projection of any area of the Earth that you would like to inspect, in various degrees of magnification. Also includes a program that displays a "satellite view" of any region. Version 2.0, includes source. Author: The CIA, Mike Groshart, Bob Dufford