This is disk 279 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. Ash A ksh-like shell for the Amiga. Some of its features include command substitution, shell functions with parameters, aliases, local variables, local functions, local aliases, powerful control structures and tests, emacs style line editing and history functions, I/O redirection, pipes, large variety of built-in commands, Unix style wildcards, Unix style filename conventions, filename completion, and coexistence with scripts from other shells. Very well documented. Version 1.0, binary only. Author: Steve Koren MouseClock A clock and free memory display utility that generates a small display tied to your mouse, using two hardware sprites as the display area. Version 1.2, includes source. Author: Olaf Barthel MRBackUp A hard disk backup utility that does a file by file copy to standard AmigaDOS floppy disks. Includes an intuition interface and file compression. This is version 3.3e, an update to version 3.3d on disk 270, to fix a serious bug in that version. Binary only. Author: Mark Rinfret MRPrint A detabbing print utility that sends text files to either the printer device or the standard output. Besides expanding tabs, it will also generate page headers, line numbers, and new margins. Version 3.4, includes source. Author: Mark Rinfret