This is disk 298 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. BBChampion This is BootBlockChampionIII, a very nicely done program that allows you to load, save, and analyze any bootblock. This is version 3.21, an update to version 3.1 on disk 244. New features include checks for five different LAMER viruses and some other enhancements. Binary only. Author: Roger Fischlin DClock A "Dumb Clock" utility that displays the date and time in the Workbench screen title bar. Uses only about 2 percent of the CPU time and about 10Kb of memory. Also has an alarm clock feature and audible beep for programs that call DisplayBeep. Version 1.5, includes source. Author: Olaf Barthel Fenster A program which can operate on windows owned by another program, to close them, change their size, refresh gadgets, move the window to the background, etc. This is version 2.0, an update to version 1.0 on disk 245. Includes source. Author: Roger Fischlin FileMaster A file editor like NewZap or FedUp, which allows you to manipulate bytes of a file. You may also change the file size or execute a patch. Version 1.11, includes source. Author: Roger Fischlin