This is disk 415 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. CBBS A W0RLI-like BBS system for use in amateur radio. Originally written for IBM-PC compatibles, it was ported to the Amiga by Pete Hardie. This is version 6.71a, an update to Version 6.1c on disk 241. Binary only, source available from Pete Hardie. Authors: Hank Oredson, the CBBS group, Pete Hardie FileTypes This program can recognize different kinds of files in a directory. Currently recognized types are executable and IFF (all types, ILBM, 8SVX etc.). Includes listing the whole contents of a directory or only files of one or more types. This is version 2.1, and includes assembly source. Author: Sebastian Leske Uedit A nice shareware editor with learn mode, a command language, menu customization, hypertext, online help, a teach mode, split windows, copy and paste, undo, and other user configurability and customizability features. This is version 2.6c, an update to version 2.5d on disk 287. Binary only. Author: Rick Stiles