This is disk 438 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. GadgetED A program for creating and editing intuition gadgets. Includes a palette editor, generation of either C or assembly source, and binary saving for later loading and editing. Version 2.0, includes source. Author: Jan van den Baard MenuC A menu and gadget compiler. Takes a simple ascii file describing menues and gadgets and creates the appropriate IntuiText structures needed to actually create working menues and gadgets, in either C or assembly source. This is version 0.8, binary only. Author: Bruce Mackey ToolLib A shared library containing 45 useful functions for all kinds of programs. There are functions for ports, sorting, gadgets, memory, string, directory and file handling, etc. Version 7.6, includes source. Author: Jan van den Baard