This is disk 440 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. 3DPlot A 3D function plotting program that does hidden line, solid, or contour plots of equations of the form Z=F(X,Y). You can scale the plot, set plot limits, change rotation, etc. Can save and load the plots themselves, as well as the data. Version 2.0, includes source. Author: Randy Finch DMake Matt's version of the UNIX make utility. Features multiple dependancies, wildcard support, and more. This is version 1.0, an update to version 1.0 on disk 246, but now includes source. Author: Matt Dillion MegaD Yet another disk utility program for the Amiga. This one allows an unlimited number of directories to be accessed simultaneously. Version 1.01, shareware, binary only. Author: John L. Jones