============================== README.list15 ============================== This is disk 15 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Whenever possible, both Lattice C and Manx C executables are provided. The Lattice executables have the extension ".lattice" and the Manx executables have the extension ".manx". This greatly helps to isolate bugs. Blobs A simple graphics program, reminiscent of the unix "worms" program, but in color of course. Author: Peter Engelbrite Clock A simple digital clock program designed to be small and to live completely in the screen title bar, where it is out of the way. Author: Mike Meyer Dazzle An eight-fold symmetry dazzler program. Really pretty! Author: Peter Engelbrite Fish "A demo program which runs an AnimOb in a double buffered screen with sequence cycled animation". (Basically shows a fish "swimming" across the top of the screen). Author: Catherine Wagner (posted by Barry Whitebook) Monopoly A really nice monopoly game written in AbasiC. Follow the directions in the file "InstallationGuide" to produce a bootable games disk. Author: David Addison OkidataDump Okidata ML92 driver and WorkBench screen dump program. Does both alpha and graphics. Untested (I don't have the printer) Author: Raimund Gluecker Polydraw A drawing program written in AbasiC. Author: David Addison Polyfractals A fractal program written in AbasiC. Author: David Addison =========================================================================