============================== README.list54 ============================= This is disk 54 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Hanoi Classical demo program for recursion. Solves the towers of hanoi problem in a workbench window of its own. Author: Ali Ozer ISpell A quick and dirty port of a Unix version of a freely distributable screen oriented, interactive, spelling checker. I use the Unix version daily and it is very nice. You will need expansion ram to run this with the supplied dictionary, as it loads the entire 300K hashed dictionary into memory. A hard disk is also recommended. Author: Pace Willisson Ing The next step in the "boing wars". Turns a nice screen full of little windows into a screen of lots of bouncing little windows. Cute! Author: Leo 'Bols Ewhac' Schwab Lav A "title bar type" program that displays the number of tasks in the Amiga's run queue, averaged over the last minute, 5 minutes, and 15 minutes. Presumably inspired by, and named after, the BSD "load average" program. Author: William Rucklidge MidiTools Simple programs to play and record through the MIDI I/F. Untested (I have no MIDI hardware). Author: Fred Cassirer MoreRows A program to make the workbench screen larger than normal. The number of additional rows and columns are set via command line arguments. Author: Neil Katin and Jim Mackraz Tilt Another of Leo's cute little toys. This one makes your Amiga look like it didn't pass Commodore's vibration testing. Author: Leo 'Bols Ewhac' Schwab =========================================================================